Notify NYC - Media Production


通知纽约 - 媒体制作

 9/27/2016 4:45:56 PM

通知日期:9/27/16 at 4:45 PM。

A media production with a simulated vehicle explosion is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, September 28th in the vicinity of 37th Avenue between 43rd Street and 48th Street in Queens. The simulated explosion will have a 25' high fireball. The stunt will occur once between the hours of 1:00 PM and 6:00 PM. NYPD and FDNY will be on site. To view this message in American Sign Language (ASL), Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Urdu, or Yiddish, please visit:


一个媒体制作与模拟汽车爆炸定于本周三举行,9月28日在第37大道的43街和48街之间的皇后区附近。模拟爆炸将有一个25英尺高的火球。特技会下午1点到下午6:00之间的时间出现一次。纽约警察局和纽约消防队将在现场。要查看美国手语(ASL)此消息,阿拉伯语,孟加拉语,中国,法国,海地克里奥尔语,意大利语,韩语,波兰语,俄语,西班牙语,乌尔都语,或意第绪语,请访问: / 1OjsGjk