Notify NYC - Wind Advisory


通知纽约 - 风报告

 10/22/2016 8:03:09 AM

通知日期:10/22/16 at 8:00 AM。

The National Weather Service has issued a Wind Advisory for NYC which is in effect from 2:00 PM today, 10/22 until 6:00 AM on Sunday, 10/23. The advisory has been issued for sustained winds of 20-30 MPH with gusts up to 50 MPH possible. During periods of high winds, residents should use caution when walking or driving high profile vehicles. Winds at these speeds can cause flying debris, turn unsecured objects into projectiles, and cause power outages. To prepare, charge cell phone batteries, gather supplies, and turn refrigerators and freezers to a colder setting. Always stay clear of downed power lines. If you are affected by an outage, turn off all appliances and keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed to prevent food spoilage. Do not use generators indoors. If you lose power and have a disability or access needs, or use Life Sustaining Equipment (LSE) and need immediate assistance, please dial 9-1-1. More Info? Visit


国家气象局已经发布了风报告的NYC今天实际上是从下午2:00至10/22上午6:00周日10/23。该公告已经发布用于阵风可达50英里可能20-30 MPH的持续风速。在大风期间,居民应行走或驾驶高调车辆时要小心。在这些速度的风会导致飞溅的碎片,把不安全的物体进入弹,并造成停电。要准备,充手机电池,收集物资,并把冰箱和冰柜到较冷的设置。始终保持清晰倒塌的电力线路。如果你被中断影响时,关掉所有电器,并保持冰箱和冰柜门关闭,以防止食品腐败变质。不要在室内使用发电机。如果你失去了动力和有残疾或访问需求,或使用生命维持设备(LSE),并且需要立即援助,请拨打911。更多信息?访问。