
21-06-17 过山车示意图(Adobe Stock)【看中国讯】随著新泽西州及全美疫情趋缓,推迟了一年之久的六旗大冒险游乐园(Six Flags Great Adventure)的创纪录新过山车——泽西魔鬼...

护身辟邪 玉保平安

21-02-01 time giving off heat to the surrounding environment, making it great for use in a sauna, since it can...


21-01-11 great ability to forbear.In those days, people practicing martial arts, like Han Xin, would often carry...

富翁乐善好施却九子夭亡 菩萨解惑方知原由/Rich Man to Poor Man: An Inspiring Story From the Qing Dynasty

20-12-31 done great evil deeds that were hidden and unknown to others; Heaven sent the nine sons to ruin your...

Signals in the Fog of War

20-11-27 soon. The chips will fall where they may, and we will defend the foundations of this great Republic....

Election Coup: Fraud Across the Country(已校对)

20-11-27 American people, and that the original developer, Dennis Montgomery, had taken a great risk to become...

【社论】美国上演正邪大战  川普是天选之子

20-11-12 大流行,进行“大重构 ”(The Great Reset)的全球议程,以健康危机的名义,封锁世界,要求人民交出自由与财产,建立起全球暴政。同时,他也告诉世人“全能的神,正在排兵布阵,帮助川普这位守护者...

神通乞丐扫帚一扫 水墨龙成

20-10-06 my feet. I don’t know how to repay your great kindness. Now I can only draw a dragon in wash ink for...

杀生造业亲人减寿/Retribution for Killing and Breaking a Vow

20-10-05 was less than forty years old and had a great presence. On seeing the monk, Zhang's son stepped...

善恶定生死 ——红眼石狮的故事 /Good and Evil Determines Life and Death  The story of the red-eyed stone lions

20-08-13 ;When you see the eyes of these lions turn red, there will be a great flood. You should run up the...


20-08-10 (Apus)。这堵南极墙的体积接近目前为止发现的第六大宇宙墙——史隆长城(Sloan Great Wall)。宇宙中有各种尺寸的结构,从行星、恒星、星系、星系团到超星系团 (supercluster...

干细胞疗法-医疗的未来 Stem Cell Therapy  "The Future of Medicine"

17-01-07 cells holds great promise in the treatment of orthopedic conditions, blood vessel and muscle conditions...

Neither Arrogant nor Boastful – the Great General Xu Da

16-12-31 Neither Arrogant nor Boastful – the Great General Xu Da Xu Da, courtesy name Xu Tiande (1332 – 1385...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (1 of 2)

16-12-31 named Li Longji at birth, had great ideas and lofty aspirations when he was young. He was elected crown...

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 ) had great talent in military strategy and martial arts, but he once fished idly at the Wei River. Yan...

Be an Official for the People; Noble and Pure in Character

16-12-27 knew the common people's lives were in great danger. He would assume all responsibility for any...

Benevolence and Virtue Can Change People

16-12-17 became the magistrate of Zhongmou County. At the beginning of his term, he demonstrated his great virtue...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (3 of 3)

16-12-17 the Four Books: the Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, the Analects of Confucius, and the Mencius...

冷气团发威 美取消逾1600航班 本周更冷

16-12-12 的明尼苏达州往东北部前进,为五大湖区(Lower Great Lakes)及东北部内陆地区带来5至8英寸(12.7到20.32公分)的降雪。截至周日下午稍早,这场风暴已在爱荷华州、密歇根州、明尼苏达州...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (2 of 2)

16-12-12 this story in great detail." Ji Xiaolan further comments, "Wang Xisheng's kind act...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (2 of 3)

16-12-12 and suffering brought by flooding. At one time, a part of the Great Wall in the area of Gubeikou...

居家生活好帮手 2017 Honda CR-V

16-12-12 Honda CR-VPerformanceA 2.4-liter, direct-injection engine makes for great fuel efficiency. Can sense...


16-12-07 :tinyurl.com/zgndptb。    9、浓浓起司香:纽约东北芝士大展 The Great Northeast Cheese Fest  美国为全球最大的芝士生产国,一向致力于在传统工艺上的推陈出新,研制出过...

川普施政 专家面面谈

16-12-06 。他认为,如果站在美国本身的立场来看,他对川普的执政是持积极和乐观的态度的。即便他未能做到重振美国(make American great again),也会是竭尽全力并且推出大量积极措施的一任总统。川普...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 was a noble, generous, and compassionate ruler. He was determined to build a great nation. During his...

布局政治改革 习近平至少做四种安排

16-11-29 (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People on March 5, 2014 in Beijing, China. China plans to raise defense...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 7)

16-11-28 those people of great achievements in the past and contemporary times, we will find that most of them...

A Qing Dynasty Official's Sacrifice Earns Him Good Fortune

16-11-20 Yong, and great grandson Liu Huanzhi all became high-ranking government ministers. His grandson Liu...

十九大前官场深度洗牌 习近平循六原则布局

16-11-10 Minister Sergey Lavrov at the Great Hall of the People on April 28, 2016 in Beijing, China. (Photo by Damir...


16-11-10 guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country. As I’ve said from the...

The Story of Li Mi

16-11-08 young. You entrusted me with great responsibilities and trusted me completely. It is because of these...

2017最新版| 美国公民入籍试题100条中英对照大全!

16-11-03 是什么?Announced our  independence (from Great Britain)宣布美国(脱离英国而)独立Declared our  independence (from...

Wife Urges Husband to Elevate Moral Character through Studies

16-10-31 start afresh. With great determination, he went away to study again. For seven years, he went in search...

A Taoist Talks About Destiny 神奇道人论命理

16-10-31 doomed to drown, and there was nothing I could do. But you have a great future, and despite today's...

Mi Zijian Knew Precisely What to Accept or Reject

16-10-26 hall, preferring to play his lute inside. Consequently, the county was administered with great order...

Righteous Historiographers Would Rather Die Than Distort the Truth

16-10-18 Cui Zhu had power as the prime minister, he was frightened by the three brothers' great courage...

Doing One's Duty Without Claiming Credit 尽责而不言功

16-10-18 (206 BC – 220 AD), was very forgiving and morally respectable. He did a lot of great things in...


16-10-13 St站。        票价:免费,需上网登记索票。        网站:www.flushingtownhall.org。 6、南瓜灯展 The Great Jack O'Lantern...

Beauty and Divinity Found in  Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

16-10-10 vivid,” he said.Radio host Tom Quick, a great advocate of classical music, said he felt privileged to...

Suffering Insults Modestly and Attaching Importance to the Bigger Picture

16-10-10 , "Both Kou Xun and I are generals of the nation. As a great man, isn't it strange if I do not...