
16-01-01 比如,问对方是做什么工作的,你也许会说,What is your job?语法正确,但正常人不这么说话,他们会说,What do you do?所以下面这些细节,要重视起来,努力改正...


16-01-01 indeed a pleasure to acquire knowledge and, as you go on acquiring, to put into practice what you have...


15-12-29 ,总会碰上不熟悉的食材,你可以用What does ... taste like? 这个句型询问店家。比如说,Excuse me, what does brown mustard taste like...

2015年谷歌热搜词发布 全球关心议题是这些

15-12-18 ,是在事件发生后几分钟之内上Google搜索〝何谓为巴黎祈祷?〞(what is Pray for Paris)、〝什么是ISIS?〞(what is ISIS?),还有〝哪个乐队正在巴黎演奏...


15-12-11 。)2. (拨电话方)说明目的Hello, this is Robert calling for Steve.(喂,我是Robert,我找Tom)3. (接电话方)询问身分May I ask what...

欺天讹人 应誓偿还 One's Oath Dictates His Own Retribution

15-12-04 family. It turned out that what she dreamed was true. The ox knelt in front of her, apparently begging her...

感人至深:When you say nothing at all(一切尽在不言中)(视频)

15-11-25 我千方百计 竟也道不出这种魔力what I hear when you don't say a thing就算静谧无言 我也能听到的天籁之语the smile on your face lets...


15-08-25 interesting” 还是“I am sorry to hear that”。OooO,心中有座小火山打电话问apple店里有木有货:Hi, do you have iPhone liu plus?那边:what...

【英文对照赏析】 积德改命

15-08-22 else to go, he went with the housekeeper.After General Zheng heard what had happened, he was very...

【英文对照赏析】Good and Evil Retribution from a Single Thought  善恶一念之间 报应毫厘不差

15-08-15 him. Heaven is just in punishing people for what they have done. Yet Yuan earned the good fortune of...


15-08-10 marriage certificate. (回答:是的,结婚了。这是结婚证明。)签证官: What does your husband do? Is he treating you well? (签证官:丈夫...


15-08-07 多少人生。林肯没有活到五十几岁吧,短短的人生,有多精彩呀。还有一句话是Johns Hopkins大学校长在一次毕业演讲里说的.Ask yourself, not what I will do, but...

Filial Piety Fosters Kindness  以孝养善

15-08-07 sympathetic, Li Gao asked her what was the matter. The elderly woman said, "I am of the Li family. My...

为什么打喷嚏时老外总说“BLESS YOU”?

15-08-01 ? What do those phrases actually mean, anyway?当有人打喷嚏时,很多人习惯说“bless you”或“gesundheit”。但当有人咳嗽、擤鼻涕或打嗝时...

【英文对照赏析】深明大义 严谨治家 Strict Teachings on Integrity

15-07-31 City in what is now China's Henan Province. His father died young, and his mother, Zheng Shi...


15-07-27 了一位不速之客,不只拦路挡车 ,还露出一副要“钉钩支”的样子!治安官走下车,并没有把牠赶走,反而是蹲下来说:Hi, what’s up.漫游者觉得这个“蹲下来跟动物说话”的举动好温馨啊,换做是我应该会...


15-07-23 Uber、用透支资本的团购刷着《小时代》的票房,带着星辰大海的梦想将世界拖向深渊。You are what you buy,这一定,是体制问题。...

为什么打喷嚏时老外总说“Bless you”?

15-07-09 get special treatment? What do those phrases actually mean, anyway?当有人打喷嚏时,很多人习惯说“bless you...


15-07-03 。 单位有个大哥半开玩笑转述,他媳妇儿看到微信上我的照片说,这女的长得挺文艺。他当时就对媳妇说:“你没见本人,她哪儿哪儿都好,就是有点……”So what?who care? 我又不是犯了滔天大罪...


15-06-25 2016年7月1日。What:新的I-20表格有什么特点呢?新版I-20表格将会更加方便学生朋友们阅读与更新。以下几个特点,聪明的你们会在新的I-20表格中发现:•SEVIS ID号码,学校名称,以及学生...


15-06-15 ;Not understanding him Zengshi asked, "What do you mean?" Zixiao replied, "One day I was...


15-05-17 ,绝大部分举债者不知道,他们能怎样获得收入来证明贷款的必要性。新经济部分由股市提振经济的希望是让有前途的新行业吸引资金。申银万国证券资讯,中国最大券商之一所属研究机构,在近期名为《What’s Driving...


15-04-23 about these curves, their shape, and what they mean. In brain-cancer research, for example, while the...


15-03-15 建立自己的自信心和下决心要的事情和直面挑战的能力。6. Do what you love.做你想做的事情。Since we spend over one-third of our adult life...


15-03-13 there is one."  “目前,全球尚无有关安全锻炼的上限建议,但或许应该有一个。”  Scientists are not yet sure what is behind this...


15-03-06 world is not interested in what you dislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your...

禁止裸睡、倒着走违法 美国各州爆笑法律大全

15-02-27 to sleep naked。禁止裸睡  24 Mississippi 密西西比州It is illegal to teach others what polygamy is. 禁止告诉别人什么是...

The Most Learned Emperor in Chinese History - Emperor Kangxi

15-02-22 slightest knowledge about it. Kangxi thought to himself, "If I do not know this, how can I judge what...

苏荷区SOHO 时尚购物天堂

15-02-17 。 地址:478 Broadway, New York, NY (位于Broome 和Grand St.之间) What Goes Around Comes Around 这家店的创意总监如同淘金的好手...

外国猫说中文 只要鱼和牛肉面 视频

15-02-09 猫咪喵喵叫、小狗汪汪叫,但国外这只可爱的小猫咪恐怕是饿昏了,到底在叫些什么?竟然还语无伦次地说起中文来,让阿多仔屋主可是听得雾煞煞,直喊“What?”(什么)   网路近日流传一段可爱的外国猫咪影片...

三生有幸The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

15-01-26 him as soon as he saw him. Li Yuanshan had to believe what Monk Yuanze had said was true.On the...


15-01-25 ,把3D费列罗金箔全洒在了观众的脸上,那个帅那个美啊,就是比较浪费金子!对旧爱得而复失心灵受重创的花生比尔博瘫软在山门前的破石头上,望着挚爱的基友绝决远去的背影,绝望的说“ what have we...

外国猫说中文 只要鱼和牛肉面 视频

15-01-25 猫咪喵喵叫、小狗汪汪叫,但国外这只可爱的小猫咪恐怕是饿昏了,到底在叫些什么?竟然还语无伦次地说起中文来,让阿多仔屋主可是听得雾煞煞,直喊“What?”(什么)   网路近日流传一段可爱的外国猫咪影片...


15-01-14 :“特价(sale)是最危险的四字单词。”《该是你的就是你的:一位基督徒的理财指南》(Get What Belongs to You: A Christian Guide to Managing Your...

联合国发布“全球幸福指数”报告  156个国家中国超越奴隶制社会位居第112位

14-12-30 国家和地区人民的幸福程度,丹麦成为全球最幸福国家,在10分满分中获得近8分,香港排名67,得分约5.5,中国内地则超越处于奴隶制社会的非洲毛里塔尼亚而位居第112位。What?毛里塔尼亚还是奴隶制...

香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students' Union聲明

14-12-01 the citizens’ request has been done by the government. What we saw in Admiralty was the police in full...


14-10-02 hundred years, and nobody who had been given the first-place honor had ever tried to give it away. What...


14-09-29 greedy is indeed a virtue. Only when you learn how to be content with what you have can you be innately...