Confessions of a Chinese Youth

20-04-27 put me in deep fear. The books described what had already happened and will continue to happen. I was...

Can the Wisdom of the Ancients Guide Us Today? 张天师治瘟疫的妙法

20-03-31 hit and reflected on what they had done wrong that might have invited plagues or other misfortune....

Monkey King at Fire Mountain 《西游记》故事:火焰山

20-03-16 somersault, he flies back to Plantain Cave and makes an explosive entrance. What began as a tense and...

【川普】对抗病毒 吁国会立即减免美国人工资税(全文翻译)

20-03-12 Europe to the United States is what we are discussing.  These restrictions will also not apply to the...


19-12-23 candidates and his eyes widened as he recalled what happened on a stormy night many years ago.That particular...

A General Cleans a Soldier’s Shoes

19-10-31 His sight suddenly fixated on the shoes of a soldier:  “Step forward!  What’s your name?”  The soldier...

‘American Factory’ Sheds Light On Chinese-Style Management at a US Plant  

19-09-26 , pushing back against what they felt were exploitative tasks, overly long hours, and bad pay.“In the end...

Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary, Lawyers and Engineers Question Official Story

19-09-10 lead to try and get some truth and integrity to the investigation to what happened on 9/11.”Speaking at...

Chinese Official: China Headed Back to Planned Economy

19-09-05 jobs. These people all have to pay their mortgages. What kind of problem do you think this creates for...

川普再掀推文风暴:这些议员是共产党人 恨美国 就离开

19-07-21 』⋯⋯” ....What does it mean for America to have free Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants, no criminalization of...

  Laozi's servant

19-06-05 a Master.’ Yin Xi knelt down to beg, “Could you let Xu Jia have his life back and I’ll pay for what you owe...

The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

19-06-05 Yuanshan had to believe what Monk Yuanze had said was true.On the thirteenth Mid-Fall Festival (the lunar...

Repaying Others Who Have Helped Us and Being Honest and Trustworthy

19-05-09 promise. I just did what I should do. Please do not thank me. My only concern is that I have been away from...

Predicting the fate of a person through musical vibrations

19-05-09 of music.  At the end of the performance, the emperor asked Song Yan; “What are the strengths and...

Retribution for Destroying a Buddha Statue

19-05-06 what he had done today, and then knew that his son was punished because of his disrespect to the...

How to Handle People who Upset  you

19-05-06 : "Han Xin could let go of that great humiliation; comparatively mine is little. What happened has...

What is Fengshui?

19-04-22 energy and atmosphere; the latter to mobility and changes. What are the principles of Fengshui then...

On the Ancient  Amazon River Civilization

19-04-17 the ancient Silk Road in what is today part of China’s Xinjiang Province, now completely buried by...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 right now, we should not let up our military preparation. What is so bad about my going out hunting...


19-03-11 expedition desperately in search of a crime, when in fact the real crime is what the Dems are doing, and have...

Two Magpies Seek justice

19-03-06 knowing what Qiao was thinking.So Qiao said to the two birds, “If you have a grievance, please fly around...

Loyal Hound Gets justice for its Murdered Owner

19-02-27 understand what he had said and began to take the lead on the road. The imperial censor then ordered his...

12 Chinese Zodiac Signs and their auspicious colors to bring luck

19-02-27 In the Lunar New Year, what are the colours to wear for the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs  of the Rat, Ox...

A Rich Woman of the Song Dynasty Helps her People and the Kingdom

19-02-13 other thoughts about what to do with this bounty?" Thus, she gave all the wealth from the Ma family...

The wonder power of filial piety

19-02-07 myself without thinking about my mother.  She is still sick in bed.  What should I do now?”The priest...

The Small Donor and The Big Donor

19-02-06 ;Where have you been, and what happened to the oil I gave you?" Zhang replied peacefully:"I...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 1 of 2)

17-08-05 , gently, and firmly. His mannerism is firm and respectful. He listens quietly until he understands what...

The Wisdom of Shi Kuang

17-08-04 despair upon the citizens should be replaced. King Dao admired Shi Kuang's views and asked him what...


17-08-02 three.”老外一听傻了,问:“What are you sorry for?”那人无奈的说:“I'm sorry five.”4.有个人到河边钓鱼先穿了个树叶,半天没鱼上钩,他又换了块面包...

A Person's Future Changes with One’s Thoughts and Actions

17-07-27 how he could live a comfortable life with what he had found. Then it occurred to him that an...


15-11-24 看到那些习惯喜欢炫和拽的人,你会心底里说句:THEN,SO WHAT?因为你深深明白,你也可以做到!出国的真正价值,不是日后的职位高低,年薪几何;也不是别人口中的:噢,这是哪国回来的高才生;更不是觉得自己在社会...

流浪汉 VS 无家可归小孩,你会帮哪个呢?(视频)

15-11-24 的。”(People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you...

Can't Stop Love——又一首超赞、超好听的爱之歌(视频)

15-10-06 what they say I love you无论旁人说什么,我依旧爱你...

30万镜头4300人监控 “天眼”全面覆蓋北京

15-10-04 的感觉呢?这又像Banksy另一街头涂鸦作品︰一个监控摄像镜头对着一面墙,写着“你正在看什么”(What are you looking at?)。...

【英文对照赏析】 “仁君”风范:纳言克己 The Demeanor of a Benevolent Emperor: Open-Minded and Displaying Self-Restrain

15-10-04 was holding a document and asked what it was about. The Emperor told him that it was from his...


15-09-27 , the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of...


15-09-28 forever爱是答案爱是永恒Love is what makes us going on 爱让我们走下去(music)instead of wondering just why 不再好奇为什么your love...

【英文对照赏析】 朋友相交 以义为重  True Friendship Requires Righteousness

15-09-20 faced with imminent danger; Zhang did what he could to help. Wen was escorted to Jizhou City, and Zhang...