Three Stories Illustrate How A Sin is Committed With Even One Thought of Lust (Part 2)

Third Story
Even though the person’s name is omitted, this is also a true story.
During the last years of the Qing Dynasty, a candidate was going to Beijing for the provincial civil service examination. The manager of the inn where he was staying was a recently widowed woman. Due to heavy snow blocking the road, he was forced to stay at the inn for a few consecutive days. After a few days of staring at each other, feelings for each other emerged and they started to have lustful thoughts. The candidate went to the widow's room and was about to knock on the door when he suddenly thought: “No, I can't do this. I'm going to take the provincial civil service examination. If I step inside and have an affair with her, I will be deprived of any fortunate outcome in the exam by heaven. I have to go back!” While he went back to his room, the widow started thinking about him. She stepped out the door and thought: “No! I am a widow and should hold chastity for my husband. How could I forget about this after seeing a young man? No, I have to go back!” (It is held in Chinese customs that if a widow holds chastity for her husband and remains clean, she will go to heaven after death; but if a widow is guilty of adultery, the sin is enough to make her go to hell.) So, the widow returned to her room.
After the man returned to his room, he could not contain his burning desire, so he went back to the widow's door and knocked. Before she could open the door, he quickly dashed away, realizing that he should not do this. He was afraid of being deprived of fame and fortune because of adultery. There is an ancient saying that, even if you have very good knowledge and are destined to win first place at the provincial civil examination, if you are guilty of adultery or have committed evil deeds, your first place status will be removed by heaven. So he went back to his room before the widow opened the door. However, the widow already knew he was there, so she went to knock on his door. She also struggled, telling herself that she should not be disloyal. Therefore, she went back. They went back and forth like this two or three times. The last time, the man opened the door, but they stood there hesitating, wanting to do it, but also feeling afraid.
At that moment, they heard a voice in the air: “You rascals! You both wanted to do it, and then were afraid to do it, over and over. My notebook is all messed up!” They heard something thrown down. The man and the widow both trembled. They quickly picked up the notebook that appeared at their feet. It turned out to be a “Merits and Demerits Book”. Their names were in the book: a first-place winner in the provincial civil service examination, whose name was crossed out after being guilty of adultery; a widow who was supposed to go to heaven after being loyal, and the name was crossed out after committing adultery. Looking more closely, there were the words “not committed”, and the names were checked back. Then below that, the word “guilty” was written, and the names crossed out. Then below that was the word “not committed”, and names checked back. Then “guilty” with the names crossed out. The notebook was all messed up with crosses and checks. After seeing this, the two quickly returned to their rooms and would not dare to have lustful thoughts again.
Each thought arising in one's heart is known by heaven and earth. I mistakenly thought that it's alright to have lustful thoughts as long as one does not commit the deeds. Without actual deeds, there would be no sin, or the sin is light. It seems I was wrong.
When Lu Qing from the Ming Dynasty came back from the dead, he heard an official in hell telling him that it was a serious sin to have lustful thoughts. If the deities did not record the thoughts truthfully, this was also a big sin for the gods who are in charge of these matters.
Therefore, if one wants good fortune, one needs to get rid of evil and lustful thoughts immediately. Because once a thought of lust arises, it is a big sin and it will bring nothing good. One's life is changed forever and one will lose what good fortune one had, followed by bad fortune, or one's life may even be shortened. It can be said to be one's own fault.
It is even more serious for a practitioner, as one's precious opportunity to cultivate might be ruined by one thought of lust!
色欲心起,即为大过 ()
    来源: 看中国 责编: Kitt

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