政庇绿卡重审 影响数千人

20-01-12 需要达到“优势证据”(preponderance of evidence)的标准。“优势证据”是指证据所试图证明的事实,其存在的可能性大于不存在的可能性,则采信具有优势一方的证据。因此,当国土安全局若想撤回当事人的...

政治庇护绿卡被勒令重审 数千华人受影响

20-01-06 ,但想撤回已经定下的绿卡决定,那就需要达到“优势证据”(preponderance of evidence)的标准。“优势证据”是指证据所试图证明的事实,其存在的可能性大于不存在的可能性,则采信具有优势...

Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary, Lawyers and Engineers Question Official Story

19-09-10 uncomfortable as this line of inquiry may be, a group of activists have been gathering evidence that seem to...


19-05-21 方法的论文中也提到:“We did not identify any high-level evidence for garlic or probiotics in the treatment of...

On the Ancient  Amazon River Civilization

19-04-17 primeval forests in the west of Brazil. However, now there is growing evidence showing that there were...

Ford’s Friend Monica McLean, Ex-FBI Agent, Could Face Charges for Tampering With Witness

18-11-09 allegations against him.Ford’s account had no evidence and all witnesses she named denied being present when...


18-10-17 , ANOC)。D部分用户也应该已收到完整的受保药物表(Evidence of Coverage, EOC)。CMS规定,保险公司必须在9月底前寄出这些文件给客户。从10月1日期...

South Korea and EU Raise Alarm on Alleged Chinese Cyber Espionage

18-10-11 finding clear evidence,” Lim said. “But if Korea continues to use Chinese products, the nation would lose...


18-10-09 的员工来说,这些零售业巨头都是更好的选择。 BTIG分析师萨利赫表示,随著就业市场劳动力越来越紧张,更多的人不会去应聘快餐业等最低薪资起步或所谓“低端”的工作职位。 根据瑞银集团(UBS)Evidence...

Sources: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

18-09-06 FBI spent thousands of hours investigating, and found no evidence of intrusion. That’s a fact.”“But in...

Emperor Tang Taizong’s Leniency Based Principles

18-08-28 handling of the case. All evidence showed that the pardoned prisoners were indeed innocent. After reading...


18-08-05 。5月,移民局书面要求Sophie补材料(Request for Evidence,简称RFE)。Sophie说:“移民局要求我补交毕业证复印件,公司的职位描述,还有老板的推荐信。”但Sophie称...

Marriage Is Predetermined – Husband and Wife Should Treat Each Other with Respect (Part 2)

18-07-29 governor of Xiangzhou, who was an old friend of Wei’s late father. Wei was in charge of collecting evidence...


18-07-23 所要求的证明文件,或提交的证明文件不具备申请资格,移民官有权直接拒绝申请,而不需先寄发提交补充材料(Request for Evidence,RFE)或拒绝的意向通知(Notice of Intent to...

无需先寄通知 移民官可直接拒案 美移民申请出新政

18-07-22 。 根据新的政策,一些移民案件的申请者如果没有提交所要求的证明文件或提交的证明文件不具备申请资格,移民官有权直接拒绝申请,而不需先寄发提交补充材料(Request for Evidence,RFE)或拒绝的意向...

Evidence of Water on the Moon Discovered Here on Earth

18-06-29 only found the evidence of water around the poles simply because we can’t see under the surface below...

More Evidence WeChat Is Recording Private Messages for Beijing to Spy on Users

18-05-07 More evidence has emerged to support the widely held suspicion that China’s most popular messaging...

Bitcoin Is a Bubble, and It’s Not

18-04-18 argument, that bitcoin is the most volatile asset class, also is not evidence that investors should avoid...

Beijing Will Launch ‘Short, Sharp War’ To Take Senkaku Islands from Japan, Report Says

18-04-15 officials and military officers are cited as evidence that aggression will come between the years of 2020 to...

All Eyes on Peter Navarro to Reshape U.S. Trade Relations With China

18-03-18 very little evidence that … they intend to abandon their present approach.”For his part, Navarro does...

Researcher Reports Soviets Created Child-Trafficking Rings in the West for Blackmail

18-02-23 maintaining evidence to blackmail the targets if they have qualms about cooperating.The tactic is still widely...

China Is Having Its Own #MeToo Moment

18-01-21 the school found evidence of Chen sexually harassing students, and therefore would relieve him of his...

加油站连接无线 小心利用蓝牙的新骗局

17-12-16 ,黑客正在利用它来欺骗司机,以接入他们的手机。特区司法部科学数字证据部(Department of Forensic Science Digital Evidence Unit) 的韩恩(Brianna...

James O’Keefe: A Truth Seeker in an Age of Media Bias

17-11-20 that could have been crucial evidence was destroyed by a federal judge. When this happened, he said...

As FBI Chief, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Watched and Allowed Clinton Deals With Russia

17-10-27 a $500,000 check.”An unnamed source familiar with the FBI evidence told The Hill that “There is not one...

US-China Trade Policies Need to be Revamped

17-08-19 no evidence that prosperity provides the impetus for the Chinese Communist Party to loosen its...

Facebook Shut Down AI After It Invented Its Own Language

17-08-04 never been taught. The new language the AI silently wrote was a surprise.There is not enough evidence to...

Russian Lawyer Tied to Democrats, Lynch, and DNC-Linked Trump Dossier Company

17-07-24 intentions were really to provide the Trump team with evidence against Clinton.Veselnitskaya also has ties to...

Unraveling Hong Kong’s Stock Market ‘Enigma Network’        A June small-cap stock crash confounds market watchers

17-07-12 speculative and not grounded in economic fundamentals.There’s evidence authorities are about to take action....

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 [intelligence officials] were discovering evidence that Russia was trying to disrupt the presidential election...


17-04-27 审理H-1B签证申请案,并提出更多〝补件请求〞(Request for Evidence, RFE),要求申请人提出更多证明文件。移民律师勒范(Kramer Levin)说,川普签署的这个行政令...

学者集体造假 国际期刊撤107篇论文

17-04-28 ,他们调查掌握了确凿证据(clear evidence)。 近年斯普林格曾因类似原因,多次撤销旗下刊出论文。2016年,《肿瘤生物学》撤稿25篇论文;2015年,撤销旗下10家期刊所发表的64篇论文,这些论文...

Selflessly Serve the Public, Respect Virtue and Love the People

17-04-24 the principles of ruling a country and hiring officials, to list evidence of Chen's corruption...

Congressional Hearing: Reforming China Through Increased Trade  a ‘Bipartisan Fantasy’

17-03-10 wishful thinking rather than evidence or a genuine understanding of the Chinese Communist Party’s goals...

Behind Xi Jinping’s Risky Grab of Chinese Billionaire Xiao Jianhua

17-02-17 man-made islands in the South China Sea.  If Xiao releases enough incriminating evidence, or calls out...


17-01-21 ,除非申请人有“强有力的理由”(clear and convincing evidence)什么才是“强有力的理由”呢?国土资源部的规定(DHS regulations)中并没有界定这个概念。但是一个法庭...

A Treacherous Imperial Court Official Condemned by History (2/2)

16-07-01 and yet he didn't have any evidence to convict him. Wang, Qin's wife, who had been urging...

A Treacherous Imperial Court Official Condemned by History (1/2)

16-06-26 investigator, interrogated Yue Fei, but he was unable to find any evidence against him. Mo Qixie couldn't...

“死后有生”研究斐然有成 报告经历者众

16-03-31 (Dinesh D’Souza )在《死后有生命:证据》(Life After Death: The Evidence)一书中写道。对阿尔茨海默氏症的研究提示灵魂存在如果没有灵魂存在、思想意念...