
20-07-30 从事研究工作,被当局查到他依然是军人身份;宋琛(Chen Song)在美国斯坦福大学从事与大脑疾病有关的科研工作,当局发现宋与第四军医大学、北京空军总医院有关系;赵凯凯(Kaikai Zhao,音译)则隐瞒...


20-07-24 ,将有更多相关消息陆续流出。解体中共“战争计划”分两步在休斯顿中领馆遭驱逐前,美国已对北京做出了一系列打击动作。7月20日,中共女军医宋琛(Song Chen)因隐瞒其军人身份,被控涉嫌签证欺诈罪。21日...

Can the Wisdom of the Ancients Guide Us Today? 张天师治瘟疫的妙法

20-03-31 Taizong of the Tang, Emperor Lizong of the Song, Emperor Xizong of the Ming, and Emperor Yongzheng of the...

援助作秀被看穿 意国女议员:中共骗不了我

20-03-24 的民众站在阳台上唱国歌的情景,且明确表示,他们所唱的是自己国家的国歌(A song for Italy)(《意大利人之歌》)。另外,美国之音也曾经报导,3月13日傍晚,从那不勒斯至罗马,再到都灵,居家隔离...


20-03-18 。另外,美国图片交易公司Getty Images在3月15日拍下意大利罗马民众在阳台上唱国歌的情景,并明确表示,他们唱的是自己国家的国歌 (A song for Italy) (《意大利人之歌》)。推友...


19-09-23 〉(Song of Love)、〈全音符〉(Whole Notes)、郎朗演奏的〈巴格尼尼主题的大变奏曲〉、珍贵的一八八九年勃拉姆斯个人讲话及其与友人分别演奏的〈匈牙利舞曲〉原版录音、马友友和爱撒史...


19-06-27 Rock》。越南影片:《二凤Furie》、《双郎Song Lang》。……时间:6月28日(周五)~7月14日(周日)。地点:林肯中心( Lincoln Center SVA Theatre)。费用:成人...

The Cultural Ambassador Princess Wencheng (Part 1)

19-06-19 around the capital Luoxie.In the 12th year of Emperor Taizong's reign, Song Zanganbu led the Tubo...

Predicting the fate of a person through musical vibrations

19-05-09 rhythm of music. This story took place during Emperor Dezong time of the Chinese Tang Dynasty.  Song Yan...

Two Magpies Seek justice

19-03-06 sang a loud song of anger and sadness. Qiao tried to shoo the birds away but they refused to leave....

A Rich Woman of the Song Dynasty Helps her People and the Kingdom

19-02-13 The Song Dynasty Empire ordered its people to pay more taxes in order to cover its military...

A Story of Filial Piety

19-01-25 Zhang Xiaoji was a scholar of Xuchang in the Song Dynasty. When he grew up, a rich man in the...

A good horse met a good rider: Di Qing was elevated from a military deserter to a great general

19-01-29 Song era.  Through his own effort and given the chance to defend his State, he won a lot of battles and...

Founder of Tai Chi: Zhang Sanfeng

19-01-15 the story of its founder, Zhang Sanfeng.Zhang was a legendary Taoist monk whose life spanned the Song...

Stories of the Ancients Honoring Their Teachers

17-08-12 the Song Dynasty. He was born into a poor family, and his father died when he was young. As a child...

  When the Occasion Calls For Doing Good, Do Not Hesitate

17-07-24 example, Northern Song Dynasty's Han Qi (1008 – 1075 AD), a person of noble character and high...

朝鲜涌现脱北潮 原因引人关注

17-07-13 ,这些脱北者对金正恩统治下的朝鲜感到失望,他们前往元山购买了一艘渔船并逃跑。非政府组织“制止朝鲜大屠杀全球联盟”成员Song Young-chae说,脱北者增加有几个原因,但是在这么短的时间内看到这么多人逃往...

Helping Others in Need Demonstrates Compassionate

17-07-12 his deeds and banished him to a remote area. Zheng Qingchen of the Song Dynasty (960 – 1279 AD) was...

Two Stories of Virtue from Chinese History

17-06-24 Sou, by Pang Yuanying of Song dynastyEmperor Jinggong Extends His LifeIn the Spring and Autumn Period...

The Value in Being Broad-Minded

17-06-24 melons.The Liang soldiers found out what had happened, and asked Song Jiu to allow them to go to Chu's...

中国年轻人选择事业 推迟谈婚论嫁

16-09-24 )25岁结婚,婚后为生活而忙碌奔波。如今她的女儿宋宗佩(音译,Song Zongpei)已经28岁,选择了与母亲不同的生活方式。她不急于结婚,而是希望在自己的事业和经济方面更稳定后,再谈婚论嫁。目前,宋宗佩...

克制贪欲 Virtue and Luxury

16-09-19 historian during the Song Dynasty, and was well known for his high standing in society. Despite his...

Nothing Gained and Nothing Lost

16-09-13 that was in charge of writing imperial edicts) in the Song Dynasty (960 – 1279AD). He was once sent to...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 Song Jingang, a rebel leader, Li Shimin had not eaten for two days and he had not removed his armor for...

【英文对照赏析】Control Oneself and Suppress Anger 克己制怒

15-11-23 Control Oneself and Suppress AngerHu Anguo was a famous theorist and writer in the Song Dynasty. He...

【英文对照赏析】心诚敬畏 可感苍天 Sincerity and Reverence Can Touch Heaven

15-10-11 Emperor Song Renzong’s rule, there was a terrible drought in the capital. Admonishing Official Wang Su...


15-10-06 的风险。因此,来自宋氏联合律师事务所的宋律师(Dongho Song, Esq)建议,庇护成功后通过I-730申请家属,进而获得绿卡,这样更为保险周全。在提交申请时,移民局会要求申请人提交证据以证明...

【英文对照赏析】 “仁君”风范:纳言克己 The Demeanor of a Benevolent Emperor: Open-Minded and Displaying Self-Restrain

15-10-04 ," and Emperor Song Renzong (1022-1063 AD) of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1126 AD) was a person...

【英文对照赏析】 朋友相交 以义为重  True Friendship Requires Righteousness

15-09-20 , during the South Song Dynasty (1127 – 1279 AD). In ancient China, a person often had a nickname used in...

视频:英文版《传奇》 耳朵都要醉了

15-09-07 and this song只有回忆和这歌声陪伴When will I see you again何时能再见你When will the sky start to rain天空何时会落雨When will...


15-07-10 ;Song Hee Lee舞蹈工作坊舞蹈家Song Hee Lee将就亲身经验,分享她从韩国釜山大都会舞团辗转移民至纽约成立个人舞团的心路历程。她也会在现场教授韩国传统民俗手鼓舞sogo chum。8月6日...

超励志 120公斤胖妞成为时尚博主

15-06-08 目前已经有近100万的粉丝。年初时尚网站Fashionista列了二十名最有影响力的个人穿搭博客,她就是其中之一,和她同时上榜的,是我们很熟悉的博主Chiara Ferragni、Aimee Song...

15中国学生涉考试和移民诈欺 美司法部起诉

15-05-29 、Yudong Zhang、Yue Zou、Biyuan Li(Jack Li)、Jia Song、Ning Wei、Gong Zhang、Songling Peng、Siyuan Zhao以及Yunlin...

美国毕业季临近 中国留学生面临去留举棋不定

15-04-15 Union 创始人洛加大毕业生Edison Song介绍,他对在美华裔学生的毕业压力感同身受,所以他在毕业后选择了自主创业,并成立ICON Union这个平台,希望可以为华裔学生提供职业发展的信息,以及与中美...




15-02-07 ),装上bank(银行,储库),老天thank(感谢)。一首song(歌),歌词long(长),总唱wrong(错)。山路along(顺着,沿着),跑步long(过长),身体strong(强壮)。像个...

母仪天下 马明德(上)

15-01-31 the land of China under Emperor Liu Xiu, but because he offended Liang Song (the favorite son-in-law...


15-01-31 渐近线电影工作室,专事独立纪录电影创作。作品一贯关注中国高速发展下的个体尊严与生存境遇。主要作品:纪录长片《天降》(Falling From the Sky,2009)、《恋曲》(A Song of...


14-10-02 during the Song Dynasty (960 – 1279 A.D.). He was from a very poor family. His father had passed away...


14-09-29 Autumn period (771 to 476 BC) in the nation of Song, a man obtained a gem and presented it as a gift to...