必达与白安律师事务所“9.11 医疗赔偿 咨询讲座”

19-10-31 Baione, Esq.)、白安马律师(Matthew J. Baione, Esq),并携同邝艳莲律师(Yan Lian Kuang-Maoga, Esq)和资深理赔经理罗亦纯法务硕士(Yichun Luo...

Predicting the fate of a person through musical vibrations

19-05-09 rhythm of music. This story took place during Emperor Dezong time of the Chinese Tang Dynasty.  Song Yan...

学区教育理事会委员选举  华裔家长踊跃参选

19-04-18 教育决策中疏忽的华裔问题,并让学区理事会增加透明度,因为优质教育是社区素质的一个重要体现。在皇后区生活了18年的圣若望大学教授Yan Yu(于艳,音)女士表示,她要出来发声,维护公平——因为之前市长废除...

Yan Zi’s Wisdom

19-02-27 In the Spring and Autumn Period, Yan Zi was a high official in the Qi State. Yan Zi was well known...

Six Selections from Ren Jing (Scripture of Forbearance)

18-11-07 - Don't show hatred to those who insult you Du Yan (978 – 1057 AD) said, “Nowadays those who are in...


18-09-03yan xia,音译),在2012年10月于列治文医院(Richmond Hospital)生下一婴儿。孩子出生后状况不太好,在婴儿的保温箱里生活了很久。因为夏燕不是常住居民,不能享受普通医保,所以出院时...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 1)

18-07-25 and cared for the deposed crown prince, Liu Jiang, and Guo's youngest son Liu Yan, the Prince of...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 2)

18-06-26 His writing of regular script in small characters followed Yan Zhenqing's (709 – 785 AD...

The Wonder of Music Lies in Its Virtue

18-06-04 by musician Shi Yan for King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty. When King Wu launched an attack against King...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 3)

18-05-27 Confucius and Yan Hui were content with and why they were happy.” They believed that assimilation to the Tao...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 2)

18-05-18 Confucius and Yan Hui were his models as he governed his region with benevolence. In his senior years, he...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 1)

18-05-12 examples. What Confucius and Yan Hui were Content with Confucius said, “With coarse rice to eat, with plain...

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 2)

18-04-25  Yan Zhitui and The Principles of Yan’s Family Yan Zhitui (531 – 591 AD) was a scholar and educator...

美国首都华盛顿 迎来樱花季节

18-04-08 领域)  【看中国讯】32岁的中国公民严飞(Fei Yan,音译)是MIT博士后,他来美已十年。因股票内线交易,他获刑15个月监禁和两年在家监视居住。其妻王梦露(Menglu Wang,音译...

China's First "Monk Emperor": Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty

18-03-31 China's First "Monk Emperor": Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty  Xiao Yan...

  Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part1)

18-03-11 Confucius. A Gentleman Speaks with His Actions On one occasion, Yan Hui asked his teacher Confucius, "...


18-02-23 (Taylor Wang)、严安丽(Elyse Yan) 、严安梅(Emily Yan) 、潘文意(Vanessa Pan) 、刘艳楣(Connie Liu)、张琨(Andy) 、游乐怡(Angela Yu...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 committing themselves to honorable causes as the highest purpose. His student Yan Hui was "content to...

In China, Investigation of 8 Banking Executives Exposes Widespread Corruption

17-12-05 Yan Cheng was expelled from the Party in April, after the CCDI’s investigation found that he had...

Yan Shu: A Faithful and Sincere Person

17-11-21  There is a story about Yan Shu (991 – 1055 AD) in The Dream Pool Essays. When Yan Shu was young...

在美制造芬太尼 中国毒贩被起诉

17-10-19 Yan,音译)和38岁的张建(Jian Zhang,音译)因阴谋将大量的芬太尼和芬太尼类似物分销到美国。两人周一在密西西比州和北达科他州分别被起诉。...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 1)

17-10-12 calligraphers among all of the dynasties. For example, Ouyang Xun, Yu Shinan, Yan Zhenqing, and Liu Gongquan...

情报机构:这两个中国亿万富商 或是中共代理人

17-06-09 (John Ashe)受贿案,被美国联邦调查局调查,并未被起诉。与他一起涉案的澳籍华裔女子严雪瑞(Sheri Yan)则在去年被判囚。严雪瑞的丈夫余杰罗(Roger Uren)曾任澳大利亚驻美国大使馆外交官...

A Man of Virtue Treasures Time Like Gold

17-04-12 the imperial civil service examination. Yan Shu (991 – 1055 AD), the prime minister at the time, was...

The Significance of the Color Yellow in Traditional Chinese Culture

17-04-10 ," and descendants of the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor have "yellow skin." Since...

Why ‘Ghostwriting’ in Chinese Reads as ‘Holding a Scimitar’?

17-01-28 subordinate Cui Yan to take his place during the reception. Cui Yan was tall and handsome and wore a long...

To Rule a Country, One Needs to Get Rid of Societal Mice and Fierce Dogs

16-08-14 To Rule a Country, One Needs to Get Rid of Societal Mice and Fierce Dogs Yan Zi (578 – 500 BC...

Honest Words for the King

16-08-07 Yan Ying (578 – 500 BC) was an official of the Qi State during the Spring and Autumn Period (722...

"Flowers Bloom at the Pen Tip" and "Jiang's Talent Has Run Out"(中文字920)

16-07-30 often used to describe the deterioration of a person's writing skills. Jiang refers to Jiang Yan...

Convincing People with Virtue (2/2)

16-07-24 passed away in 234 AD. Emperor Wudi of Jin dynasty, Sima Yan (236 – 290 AD), unified the three nations....


16-06-15 齐白石画虾不同平常,颇有神似意境。(翻摄:Sitong Yan/湖南省博物馆、宝尔博物馆)著名的国画艺术大师齐白石,五十七岁时,有一次题画写道:“余作画数十年.未称己意。从此决心大变,不欲人知...


16-04-20 胜的助手Jeff Yin、Shiwei Yan(严雪瑞)和Heidi Piao。起诉书指控,曾在2013年出任第68届联大主席的原任中美洲岛国安提瓜和巴布达驻联合国大使阿什,从包括吴立胜在内的多名中国籍...

自主学习能力 社会核心的竞争力

16-04-01 理财提供全面大学助学金规划方案,免费咨询。如果您在大学助学金申请当中有任何疑问,请联系安盈理财的理财顾问陈白燕小姐(Yan Chen),电话415-939-5936...

The Story of Honest Yan Shu

16-03-20 The Story of Honest Yan Shu Yan Shu, who lived in the Song Dynasty, was kind and honest from the...

协助中国富商贿赂 前驻联合国高官纽约认罪

16-03-16 发展基金会”首席执行官严施微(Shiwei Yan,音译,又名Sheri Yan)和该基金会财务总监朴虹(Heidi Hong Piao)经手安排,交给阿什。这两名女子在今年1月份认罪。现年52岁、已归化为...

纽约公校中国新年放假 唐人街热闹非凡

16-02-09 ,曼哈顿华埠在华人社区中历史最悠久,过年的味道最浓厚,这里热闹而有亲和力,每年她都带孩子来感受唐人街过年的气氛,让他们体验华人过年的文化,她的女儿Carmen Yan手上也拿着个小狮子,蹦蹦跳跳的玩。华人丁...

联合国高官受贿案 行贿者华裔女商人认罪

16-01-15 的贿赂、隐瞒收入进行税务欺诈,去年10月6日受到美国联邦检方起诉。澳门地产商人、中共政协委员吴立胜、其助理尹川(Yin Chuan音译,又称Jeff Yin)以及严施微(Shiwei Yan,音译,又名...


15-06-28 感和对善良的坚守来到一起,一路上要克服许多想不到的困难。比如,有的队员曾突然失去平衡从车上摔倒在地而受伤;晚上需要在野外宿营,洗澡困难等等。据团队成员Flora Yan说,他们周六下午没有像以往...

中国股市连续暴跌 官媒“静悄悄”

15-06-27 是一个部级政府部门,它的声音难以忽略。官媒的报导和评论撼动着股民的心理,可以将溃败扭转为上涨,也可以将涨势反转为下滑。长江证券公司首席投资官Nelson Yan说:“投资中国股票意味着你必须追逐官媒...


14-11-28 經理 Jose Prat,、社區關係經理莎莉娜Krystal Serrano、 社區關係代表Patsy Tiu、聯邦醫療銷售代表李筠輝Yan li-Vitale等 拜訪紐約中華總商會,商討有關華人社區...