
23-05-01 。调查结果显示,价格高和充电桩太少,成为电动车普及的主要阻碍因素。根据凯利蓝皮书(Kelley Blue Book)的数据,现在电动汽车的平均价格超过5.8万美元,这个价格超出了许多美国家庭的承受能力...


23-01-06 )》、《女巫前傳( Wicked )》、《摩門經( The Book of Mormon )》等等這些耳熟能詳甚至一票難求的戲劇,都將一一上演,讓您重溫經典。特別注意: 1月10日(週二)開始售票,大家千萬...


22-09-23 Opera )》,以及《阿拉丁( Aladdin )》、《女巫前傳( Wicked )》、《摩門經( The Book of Mormon )》等等這些耳熟能詳甚至一票難求的戲劇,都將一一上演,讓您重溫經典...


22-01-07 ,如:《摩尔门经(The Book of Mormon)》、《阿拉丁(Aladdin)》、《狮子王(The Lion King)》、《歌剧魅影(The Phantom of the Opera)》等。  时间...

折扣超市Grocery Outlet即将来到新泽西

21-07-08 获得。但他们可以保证提供这些商品在该地区的最低价格。这样,消费者就可以非常方便地在一个地方完成所有的购物需求。Consumer's Check Book网站曾做过的一项调查数据显示,如果消费者一整年都在...

康熙教子读、背书120遍/Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Eduction

20-06-30   Emperor's  heirs  attending  school  are  described  in  the  book,  "Record  of  Kangxi’s  Daily...

全球经济陷萧条 中国受创前所未见

20-06-14 咨询机构中国褐皮书(China Beige Book)国际公司调查显示,疫情对中国经济造成的重创前所未见,报告用瞠目结舌来形容疫情造成的对经济的冲击。中国褐皮书总裁米勒(Leland Miller)告诉...

A good horse met a good rider: Di Qing was elevated from a military deserter to a great general

19-01-29 enough”.  He then presented Di Qing with a copy of the Zuo Zhuang (a book that focused on political...

开学季 美国儿童书包、学习用品推荐

17-08-10 XXL Jumbo Super Stretchy Book Covers这是一款耐磨且有弹力的布料包书皮,美国的教科书一般都是32开,所以买包书布也得买这种大号的。Amazon购买链接:http...

China Clamps Down on ‘Barbaric’ Insurance Sector

16-12-27 this year of Baoneng as “barbarian,” a reference to the book “Barbarians at the Gate” about the 1988...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (3 of 3)

16-12-17 Ming, The Complete Book of Tang Poetry, and the Kangxi Dictionary. He left behind precious cultural...


16-12-16 的 PewDiePie 出版了个人语录 This Book Loves You,卖出了 11.2 万本。但根据和出版社合作方式的不同,无法直接估算这些网红从出版中直接获得的收益。从 PewDiePie 的收入...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (1 of 2)

16-12-04 life and work. His book Caotang Review Notes (literal translation “Notes on a Minutely Observed...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 Commission’s annual report—a 550 page book—was released, and several commissioners discussed their key...


16-11-21 。根据希罗多德在公元四世纪前所写的:「迷宫位于莫里斯湖上面一点,几乎在被称为鳄鱼城的对面。」(「历史」,第二卷,第148页)('Histories ,' Book, II, 148)。这个古老...

功能炫 价格高 专家支招: MacBook Pro这样买

16-11-15 )或微软Surface Book会便宜的多。苹果MacBook Pro该买不该买?听听专家的说法吧。图为10月27日,苹果全球市场高级副总裁介绍这款全新笔记本。(JOSH EDELSON/AFP/Getty...

Wife Urges Husband to Elevate Moral Character through Studies

16-10-31 upon her the title, "Woman of Loyalty and Propriety." In the book Historical Records of the...

Mi Zijian Knew Precisely What to Accept or Reject

16-10-26 – 445 BC). In the book, Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals, volume "Observe the Sage," it was...

Chinese Dissent in an Age of Social Media

16-10-26 at stores, book taxis, send money to friends, split restaurant bills, read news, and book a karaoke...

Saving Others Is Saving Ourselves救人实是自救

16-10-21 author in the Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1912 AD). He recorded and narrated a story in his book, Yuewei Hut...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society " 《袁氏世范》选译

16-09-26 behave in society. Later the book was renamed Shifan (meaning "model conduct in society") and...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26  The following shares pearls of wisdom from the East and the West: It says in The Book of Later Han...

Two Stories about Tolerance and Forgiveness

16-09-13 , but also openly faced his own flaws. What a noble attitude! (From Book on Northern Qi) 包容故事二则 古语说...


16-09-08 ?utm_term=BOOK%20NOW%21&utm_campaign=%27Leaf%27%20the%20City%20Behind%20This%20Fall%21&utm_content...


16-09-03 Airfare on Sale - Super Cheap Rates. Book Now with CheapOair.com.http://www.orbitz.comOrbitz是一个老牌的在线机票,酒店...

Provide Frank Advice, Be Loyal to Friends, and Repay Kindness

16-08-30 personal belongings." The emperor also gave him the book Han Ji (History of Han Dyansty) as well. Li...


16-08-29 褐皮书国际公司(China Beige Book International)主席总裁米勒(Leland Miller)曾表示,中国的GDP数据是一种政治论述。旅美中国经济专家何清涟曾在2012年撰文...

Karmic Retribution is Always Fair

16-01-08 ordered the official of judgment to check the record book that listed all of Gong Qingyou's deeds in...


16-01-07 一个很拽的文案,比产品重要得多。只要靶向人群选得准确,故事讲得妙,正常人也能买拐。这本“可以喝的书”(The Drinkable Book),也是这样的故事之一。一般来说,能忽悠风投的故事,往往利用...

纽约“小黄帽”小型免费图书馆 Little Free Library

15-04-23 馆里窃窃私语丶大嚼薯片的捣蛋鬼们挤不进来。小型免费图书馆的口号是“Take a book, Return a book”,带走一本,也请留下一本。这个可就是个人素质和对读书人的考验了。据悉,这个工程...


15-04-23 myself to my wife, my parents, my brothers, my friends, my adorable niece? Writing the book I had always...


15-04-02 Kelley Blue Book的高级市场分析师亚力克·古蒂雷斯(Alec Gutierrez)预测,今年美国汽车销量大致增长2.5%。古蒂雷斯认为通常三月是销量最好的一个月,税收返还、日系厂家降价、低利率、低...


15-02-09 have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。(3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。例:Don?蒺t worry!I'll pay for you....


15-02-07 )。是否join(加入),抛起coin(硬币)。带上hook(钩),来到brook(溪),水面look(看)。手拿book(书),一边look(看),开始cook(做饭)。炎热noon(中午),跳上spoon(勺子...

母仪天下 马明德(上)

15-01-31 could recite the Book of Changes in its entirety. She also was very familiar with many classical...


15-01-29 Natural Histories  受博物馆历史图书馆藏书《Natural Histories: Extraordinary Rare Book Selections 》启发,向观众展示20多份珍贵科研报告中的...


15-01-16 initial check book,里面一般有10张支票。由于是预先印制好的,支票上面没有印你的姓名与地址,只能用于朋友间算帐还钱或者柜台取现(美国没有存摺,到柜台取现记 得带支票)。商店、超市、跟你不熟的人...


14-09-29 in the book Zuo Zhuan and it is cause for reflection. I hope that everyone agrees that not being...


14-09-22 1. 布碌侖圖書節Brooklyn Book Festival 時間:9月15日至21日早10點到晚6點。地點:布碌侖區政廳(Brooklyn Borough Hall),209 Joralemon...


14-09-19 紐約近期活動看板1. 布碌侖圖書節Brooklyn Book Festival 時間:9月15日至21日早10點到晚6點。地點:布碌侖區政廳(Brooklyn Borough Hall),209...