Confessions of a Chinese Youth

20-04-27 put me in deep fear. The books described what had already happened and will continue to happen. I was...


20-03-09 : A Deep Dive Presented By Let's Talk Democracy(Wiki/Public Domain)加入“大家谈民主”节目,看看每十年进行一次的美国人口普查,统计全国每位...

12 Chinese Zodiac Signs and their auspicious colors to bring luck

19-02-27 that brings prosperity and wealth but the color should not be too deep and colorful.  Light yellow is...

地下微生物 知多少

19-01-22 文︱兰心最近,“深碳观测”(Deep Carbon Observatory)组织的科学家们,在美国地质联盟会议上宣布,生活在地下深处的微生物及其他生物的总重量,是人类总重量的数百倍。该组织由40个...

Stories of the Ancients Honoring Their Teachers

17-08-12 his deep understanding of Confucius’ teachings. He realizes that defending truth and virtue are...


17-08-04 ~8/14与美中实验学校启明星校区去露营时间:8月12-14日(周六至周一)。活动:camping, fun fun fun。地点:Deep Creek Lake State Park。GPS...

Learning Requires Consistency and Perseverance

17-07-08 a time. I still have not enlightened to many principles and deep meanings in those books. Therefore I need...

  A Noble Person is Principled with Lofty Goals

17-07-06 followed the fragrance and found a field of orchids in a deep valley. They were beautiful and elegant. They...

Confucian Wisdom on the Ways of Treating Others

17-06-18 honesty, forbearance and kindness. It still has deep meaning in today's society. Sincerity is the...

Music, the Blossoming of Virtue

17-06-11 time of Emperor Yu (2200 – 2101 BC), and so on. Those rhythms are regular and solemn and have deep...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found (Part II)

17-06-10 Trump the ability to enact his agenda.Deep StateThe “deep state” is the permanent government of the...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 his agenda.Deep StateThe “deep state” is the permanent government of the United States—unelected...

  Abiding by Heavenly Principles Leads to Peace and Harmony

17-05-06 heavenly principles. They cultivated virtue, lived devout lives, and held the thought of heaven deep in...

Fidel’s Cuba Leaves Indelible Scars

17-05-01 a deep cut to his soul after years of indoctrination and violence that slowly warped his thinking and...

外媒:揭密者称火星上已有人类! 我们早就与外星人合作(组图/多视频)

17-01-09 承认或被撤回的SAP,更常听到的名字是“绝密黑色计划(deep black programs)”,这些计划并没有公诸于众,但它确实存在,1997年美国参议院的一份报告这样形容它们:“太过敏感,以致于...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)

17-01-07 groups to cast aside dissidents, and framed good people. Although he was good at flattery, deep down, he...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (3 of 3)

16-12-17 the scholars admired him for his deep knowledge. Kangxi directed scholars to compile The History of...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (2 of 3)

16-12-12 and prohibited officials from offering or accepting bribes. Thus, he won the deep support of the...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 help Tu Hai to guard and protect Central China. Wang Fuchen felt deep shame and regret for his actions....

苍宇无穷极 人能识几何

16-11-01Deep Field)影像,尝试估计宇宙中的星系数量。要计算整个宇宙中的星系数量是不容易的,因为用现在的望远镜,看不到绝大多数遥远又微弱的星系,而且哈勃空间望远镜的深领域影像,只能覆蓋宇宙天体百万分之一...

Wife Urges Husband to Elevate Moral Character through Studies

16-10-31 with enthusiasm. But his wife frowned as if deep in thought, and without even glancing at the gold...

Beauty and Divinity Found in  Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

16-10-10 instruments,” said Finn, who plays trumpet and drums himself.Louise Mueller found deep emotion in the...

Even Thieves Have Principles 盗亦有道

16-08-30 luck." He sighed with deep regret, and ordered the boatman to take off. Three days later, the boat had...


15-12-08 pain 浅表的痛; deep seated 深部的痛;等等......你不记得正确的用词也没关系,只要你描述的越详细越具体就行。如:It feels like an electric shock or...


15-11-16 ,“幽灵安保集团”则专注于恐怖分子在网站、论坛和“深网”(Deep Web, 互联网上不能被标准搜索引擎索引的内容)上的蛛丝马迹。“齐心协力,我们可以将整个互联网上的恐怖主义势力一网打尽。”截至目前...


15-09-27 freshness of the deep spring of life.Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of...


15-09-16 种被停售的香烟分别是“Camel Crush Bold”、“Pall Mall Deep Set Recessed Filter ”、“Pall Mall Deep Set Recessed Filter...


15-09-13 奥杜邦协会(Audubon Society)指定的重要鸟类保护区。去水边远足和露营在这些国家公园白天可以步行探索水道,晚上露营过夜的地方有:斯万顿(Swanton)的深溪湖国家公园(Deep...


15-07-24 啦,省去了平时要切抹奶酪的麻烦,携带也很方便。7、Deep Fried Butter(油炸黄油)炸黄油在多个州的博览会上供应过,还曾获得过“最具创意食物奖”。8、SPAM(斯帕姆午餐肉)SPAM是一个罐装...


15-07-11 ,表明牙齿受细菌感染越严重,牙齿越容易脱落,10就代表一碰就掉了。6、洗牙洗牙一般分成两种。Deep Clean 深度清洗和 Regular Clean一般清洗。Deep Clean一般做的比较少...

独立日 盘点能代表美国的九种食物

15-07-04 炸黄油(Deep Fried Butter)油炸黄油是一种休闲食品,即在黄油外面涂上面糊或面包屑,然后油炸。(维基百科)油炸黄油是一种休闲食品,即在黄油外面涂上面糊或面包屑,然后油炸。这道料理已经在...


15-05-02 的年轻人失去的梦想和未来。  历史是严厉的。已铸之事无法抹去。  带着深深的忏悔(deep repentance),我站在那里,静默地祈祷了一会儿。  我亲爱的朋友,我谨代表代表日本和日本人民,向二战期间...


15-04-23 authenticity each must find on her own. Getting too deep into statistics is like trying to quench a thirst with...

IBM超级电脑真聪明 会煮美味佳肴

15-04-14 的IBM超级电脑“深蓝 (Deep Blue)”曾在1997年击败俄罗斯世界西洋棋棋王Garry Kasparov,强调能比棋王所看棋路多出两步而声名大噪。而在之后诞生的“华生”则是持续累积IBM旗下...

北京多处公园英文标识出错 厕所译成tollet(图)

15-03-25 单词?把“水深危险”翻译成“Cautionl Deep Water”是怎么回事?昨日,新京报记者走访发现,龙潭公园、朝阳公园和团结湖公园内的标识牌存在着英文单词拼写错误等“硬伤”。对此,各公园管理方...

The Most Learned Emperor in Chinese History - Emperor Kangxi

15-02-22 endeavors were mainly influenced by Western culture. Emperor Kangxi was imparted with the deep and profound...


15-02-07 how(怎样),去问now(现在)。一座town(镇),不停down(下沉),快要drown(埋没)。一只bee(蜜蜂),躲进tree(树),没人see(看见)。悬崖deep(深),开着jeep(吉普...

加国首都神韵再爆满 市议员驱车4小时观秀

15-01-05 ,令人叹为观止的神韵艺术已经成就生命记忆中的精华。冰雨天驱车四小时观演出 市议员赞美神韵1月4日,来自距渥太华2小时车程Deep river的市议员Robert McLaren和夫人Carolin Mclaren...