
20-01-07 、上海古玩协会秘书长徐晓伶等。 活动赞助商有:美国顶尖整容眼科医生、Castle Connolly Top Doctor: James R. Gordon, MD, FACS, Oculoplastic...

China’s Growing Influence on Hollywood

18-10-17 movies were changed.The comic book that formed the basis for “Doctor Strange” (2016) originally featured...

有使用快删除 苹果防毒软体用户资料传中国

18-09-09 苹果商店中的热门付费应用程序Adware Doctor,近日惊爆是间谍软体,会将苹果用户数据和浏览记录传给中国伺服器。目前已被苹果紧急下架。Adware Doctor在应用商店的排名中相当靠前...

Throughout the Ages, Good is Rewarded While Evil Provokes Karmic Retribution (Part 2)

18-08-13 pain. The doctor said that there was hope for recovery because the ulcers had not festered. One night...

Scientists Find the Most Effective Way to Remove Pesticides From Apples

18-05-07 An apple a day keeps the doctor away… until the pesticides get you.According to the Environmental...

Obama White House Holdover Smeared Trump Veteran Affairs Pick: Report

18-05-07 a long-standing feud with doctor Jackson…she’s very jealous that he’s been consistently promoted. This isn’t about...

Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Cultivation Practice

18-04-06 treatment focuses on only a portion of the body and is quite mechanical. For example, a doctor simply gives...

China's Tea Culture (Part 1)

18-01-28 herbs, he used the green leaves for detoxification. Since the green leaves played the role of a doctor...

  Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory on Health (Part 2)

17-12-23 Doctors), he wrote, "When a great doctor treats a patient, he must focus, calm down, and be free of...

  Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory Related to Health (Part 1)

17-12-17 Medicine” and “Heavenly Doctor Sun,” was a famous doctor in Chinese history. He was also a qigong...

Former Clinton Foundation Executive Tied to Chinese Kindergartens Investigated for Child Abuse

17-12-02 , one parent said her child told her that a naked man, or men, called “uncle doctor” and “grandpa doctor...

Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 1)

17-11-03 was a doctor at a government hospital and he emptied the family wealth to help victims of natural...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 2)

17-10-20 a beauty harmonious with nature. The renowned Chinese Medicine doctor Sun Simiao was a Taoist cultivator...

Ousted Chinese Military Boss Guo Boxiong Attempts Suicide in Prison, Says Hong Kong Magazine

17-10-16 requested painkillers from his guards, saying that he was in pain. While guards went to consult the doctor...

  The Selfless Realm of Fan Zhongyan (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-03 the public," and that “If he couldn’t be a good official then he will be a good doctor instead....

Man Searches for Dead Brother’s Body at Controversial Exhibition

17-07-27 presenting the exhibition in Prague, told Nevada Public Radio that he worked with a doctor in China who...


17-07-07 Ave., Brooklyn。        电话:(718) 965-8942。        网站:tinyurl.com/wzs6lk3。●《奇异博士(Doctor Strange)》(2016...


17-02-24 后,保险公司才会按照保险条款承担其后医疗费用的80%~100%不等。 医生和诊所的选择在美国,大部分病人不能直接看专科医生(与大陆情况不同)。大家要先选择自己的私人医生或家庭医生(family doctor...

The Story of Li Shizhen (1 of 2)

17-02-17 doctors. His father did not want Li Shizhen to become a doctor, rather he hoped that Li would take the...

Hua Tuo, a Miraculous Healer in Ancient China

17-02-06 from Peiguojiao County, known today as Hao County, Anhui Province. He was such an outstanding doctor in...

Take Virtue Seriously and Let Go of Past Resentments

17-01-07 follow business ethics, a doctor should follow medical ethics, a politician should follow his/her...

健康达人亲自做美食  dadam 韩餐: 独一无二新滋味 全天然食材 滋补有秘方

16-12-06 to eat kelp root. Gradually these blisters went away. My doctor told me that I had built up immunity....


16-11-13 近年日剧收视疲弱,但本季似乎有回升趋势,米仓凉子主演的《Doctor X 4》,不但破20%收视,由《掟上今日子的备忘录》新垣结衣与男歌手星野源主演的《月薪娇妻》,自开播以来亦叫好叫座。日前《月薪...


16-11-03 1、本周新片速递:《奇异博士》Doctor Strange这是一部2016年美国超级英雄电影,改编自漫威漫画旗下的同名漫画人物。由漫威影业制作、沃特•迪士尼工作室电影发行, 斯科特•德瑞克森执导...


16-10-21 等等。苹果也慢慢成为西方文化中的一部分,所以英语世界里也有很多与苹果有关的成语或者惯用语。流传最广的可能就是An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away:一天一苹果,医生远离我...

又届苹果黄金季节 多食有益健康

16-09-26 美国人常说:「一天吃一颗苹果,医生远离我(An apple a day keeps the doctor away.)」事实真的如此吗?Lean Plate Club™博客的版主斯夸尔斯(Sally...


16-05-02 ,方可获得。在美国,文科的最高学位是哲学博士(Doctor of Philosophy—Ph. D. )。...


16-03-30 “the Internet” like?爷爷,互联网是什么样的?"Amputation complete!" "Um…Doctor…wrong leg." “截肢...

A Story about Retribution 善恶迟早有报 怨天尤人害己

16-03-13 does not want me to be good." He began doing evil as he did before, and found a doctor who cured...

2016年大片盘点 || 欧美大片集结,钱包准备好了吗?

16-01-17 的脑洞不是一般的开。No.10 《奇异博士》(Doctor Strange)上映时间:2016年11月4日类型:奇幻冒险片主演:本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇、切瓦特•埃加福特、蒂尔达•斯文顿、瑞秋•麦克亚当斯卷...


15-12-01 @PeaTarty: 这要看你怎么定义活着了。太恐怖了。@Tikiman: 世界上只有一个大气层。他们的污染最后不可避免地会变成我们的污染。致命的污染。@doctor pangloss: 中国很快会需要数百万的心脏病...


15-12-01 @PeaTarty: 这要看你怎么定义活着了。太恐怖了。@Tikiman: 世界上只有一个大气层。他们的污染最后不可避免地会变成我们的污染。致命的污染。@doctor pangloss: 中国很快会需要数百万的心脏病...


15-04-23 demand information on survival statistics. But now that I had traversed the line from doctor to patient...


15-03-04 , 即 Doctor in Philosophy),但绝大部分的文、理科博士都是授予Ph. D学位,而不单限于哲学这个学科。通常博士学位课程需要三年或以上的时间,理科时间较短,文科时间大多较长。至于念教育学科...


15-02-09 sth) 例如: I paid fifty yuan for the coat.我花50元买了这件大衣。 He has paid the doctor 50 pounds for the medicine...