美媒:中共驻旧金山、纽约 领事馆才是间谍大本营

20-07-31 山中领馆和驻纽约中领馆才是真正的间谍大本营。一名美国前情报官员在接受新闻媒体采访时说,驻旧金山的中领馆才是重中之重,它是中共在美国真正的非法间谍活动中心。美国《外交政策》(Foreign Policy...


20-07-08 的“美国海外投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,简称CFIUS)”认为可能有潜在的国家安全风险,已经开始审查这桩收购...


20-06-29 ,美国务院根据《外国使团法》(Foreign Mission Act),已将5个中方官媒在美国的办事处认定为“外国使团”(foreign missions)。5家媒体包括:新华社、《人民日报》在美办事处...

美国新规让海思无路可走 华为最快明年无晶元可用

20-06-16 ”(Foreign Direct Product Rule),宣布扩大对中国电信巨头华为的禁令,要求使用美国设备和软体的外国晶元制造商向华为出口晶元产品前,必须先取得商务部许可。美国商务部批评华为钻漏洞,恶意破坏...

How the Chinese Leadership Could Take Shape at a Key Political Meeting

17-08-12 influences the regime’s domestic security and legal affairs apparatus, propaganda department, and the foreign...

Xi Jinping Defends China’s Golden Goose in Davos

17-01-20 arbitrarily prosecutes foreign companies in China for “monopolistic behavior.”Playing by the RulesXi presents...

How the US Could Win a Trade War With China

17-01-07 you got for us? Are you willing to be more flexible on foreign direct investment, are you willing to...

奥巴马签署《反宣传法》  反制中共恶意宣传

17-01-05 据外媒综合报导,为保护美国的民主体制,美国国会通过了跨党派的法案对抗外国的宣传,并在2016年12月24号由奥巴马总统签署。参议院版本的《反外国宣传与造谣法案》(Countering Foreign...

纳瓦罗入阁 经贸国防战略一条鞭

16-12-31 ,纳瓦罗的任命再搭配美国《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)杂志所发表的一篇有关川普国防政策优先序的报导,更不难看出川普上任后对北京的整体政策。经济搭国防 政策一条鞭 最近美国《外交政策》杂志...

China Clamps Down on ‘Barbaric’ Insurance Sector

16-12-27 , and insurance companies have been a major agent of foreign asset acquisitions in the last twelve...

US Rate Hike Could Squeeze Chinese Issuers

16-12-17 outflows. China has already spent a big portion of its foreign exchange reserves to manage a depreciating...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (3 of 3)

16-12-17 a Han Chinese Emperor, and are not from a foreign race from the north nor a head of a barbarian tribe....

Rep. Rohrabacher Says Trump’s Taiwan Call Shows US Not ‘Pushovers’

16-12-12 argue that his Taiwan call has introduced uncertainty in U.S.-China relations and U.S. foreign policy...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (2 of 3)

16-12-12 Song Dynasties. Yet, this did not prevent foreign invasions. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, my...


16-12-06 Foreign Residence Requirement (Under Section 212(e) of the INA, as Amended)930585I–687 Application for...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 a neighboring county or even to a foreign country to escape the family planning police. Our organization’s own...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 wrought with internal strife and suffered continued foreign invasions. People lived in misery and could...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 other foreign competitors, which affects employment and capital expenditures, especially steel and...


16-11-28 可以在盖城学生会(Gaithersburg Student Union)买甜、咸食物、饮料以及热巧克力。为了支持在蒙哥马利县无家可归的退伍军人,在国外战争(Veterans of Foreign Wars...

In Conquering Hollywood, China’s Wanda Group Doesn’t Play by the Rules

16-11-20 number of foreign films that can be shown in China—a system it uses to urge filmmakers to go beyond...

Credit Suisse Expands China Presence as Foreign Banks Retrench

16-11-13 odds with foreign rivals, some of which are reconsidering their China relationship after decades of...

十九大前官场深度洗牌 习近平循六原则布局

16-11-10 : A security agent holds a rope outside a room where China's President Xi Jinping meets Russian Foreign...

韩爆总统闺蜜干政丑闻 朴政权停摆

16-11-09 University of Foreign Studies)法学教授黄浩(Joung Hwang)问:「这么大的秘密如何能够保持四年时间之久?」崔顺实与韩国政府没有官方关系。据说无论是朴槿惠的着装,还是朝鲜政策...

〝胜利之夜〞皆选曼哈顿 纽约空前警力严阵以待(视频)

16-11-08 大选日。(John Moore/Getty Images)因应全世界各地大批记者采访,纽约外籍记者新闻中心(New York Foreign Press Center)暂时关闭,改在距离联合国不远的威斯汀...

China Capital Outflows Are a Vote of No Confidence in Economy Companies and people are moving money out, the currency under pressure

16-11-08 their yuan holdings into dollars and other foreign currencies, moving the price of the yuan down....


16-10-29 on Foreign Relations)在报告中估计,第三季度大陆资本外流规模可能多达1000亿美元。中共政府正试图加紧资本控制,比如,要求境内的外资银行和本地银行限额售汇、控制大陆投资者和企业购买...

人民币屡破6年低点 汇率6.8或成新底线

16-10-13 大选和加息存在诸多不确定性,中共央行会更多将CFETS(China Foreign Exchange Trade System)货币篮子作为人民币汇率参考,并允许人民币对美元小幅贬值,但年底时应不会贬值...


16-10-10 Miot, IRS Volunteer CPA Room I:主题:如何在国外作生意(How to Do Business in Foreign Countries),具体详情:11:00am-11...


16-10-01 make a record of all your foreign currencies?请把你所带的外币登记一下,好吗?OK. I'll do as you say.好的,照办。Have you...

Provide Frank Advice, Be Loyal to Friends, and Repay Kindness

16-08-30 , I am granting you a huping (a foreign vase). Although it does not weigh that much, it is one of my...

陆媒追报中信证券内幕 真相呼之欲出?

15-09-08 。在国内现货市场股价偏高时,境外资金先是卖空股指期货,在利用打压现货市场,通过做空股价获取暴利。而境外资金可通过QFII(Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor...

进口大片渣翻译 不怪好莱坞怪垄断

15-05-25 的《2015年外国贸易壁垒国家贸易评估报告》(2015 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers),这一承诺并未得到有效执行,‌‌‌‌“一家...


15-02-12 类似于美国的个人年度报税系统。中国居民缴纳的个人所得税总额仅相当于中国税收总收入的6%,而在美国,个人所得税占到了税收总收入的70%!新出台的美国税法《外国账户税收遵从法》(Foreign Account...


15-02-07 摩根大通在内的一些银行在亚洲的招聘行为是否违反了美国法律。根据《美国反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act),美国公司禁止为了商业利益向外国政府官员行贿。摩根大通...


15-02-02 准其完成收购纽约市标志性的建筑华尔道夫酒店(Waldorf Astoria Hotel)的交易。安邦保险表示,美国海外投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment in...


15-02-01 其他国外劳动收入免税(foreign earned income exclusion)条件的公民及绿卡持有者,例如在中国有固定工作的美国绿卡持有人 (3)三年内居住未满183天的外国人士(非绿卡持有者)(非...


15-01-29 stupid that I don't know any foreign languages)”。盖茨表示他在高中时代曾学过希腊语和拉丁语并拿到过A,这或许对他的词汇量有所帮助。但他现在觉得当初...

外国人投资美国房产 会有哪些税务问题?

15-01-28 稍高。外国人卖屋时的收入有一条税例,名为Foreign Investmentin Real Property Tax Act of 1980(外国人投资房地产税例,或简称FIRPTA)规定,美国富升地产...

伊朗外长Mohammad Javad Zarif突击访问沙特参加老国王King Abdullah的吊唁活动

15-01-24 伊朗外长(Iran's foreign minister)穆罕默德·贾瓦德·扎里夫(Mohammad Javad Zarif)出人意料地周六抵达沙特阿拉伯参加沙特国王阿卜杜拉的吊唁活动...


14-09-29Foreign Tax Credit)。在填寫稅表時,還要填寫護照頒發國家、簽證種類、三年內在美天數。教師學生、如果是實習身份(OPT或者CPT)還要填寫所在單位位址,聯絡電話。和美國有稅務協定的中國大陸公民應該...