Getting China Right: Enodo chief economist explains her unique perspective on the second largest economy

18-12-24 a key driver of what was going to happen, because of a different type of cycle relative to the rest of...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 3)

18-12-24 to several key government positions in addition to his military role. Guo Ziyi had never used wars...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 2)

18-12-05 minister. At that time, the people of Shu were fearful and uneasy because they had just lost their key...

Mega-Donor George Soros Began Targeting Arizona and Georgia Elections in 2015

18-11-27 are banking that their strategy will put progressives over the top in key states in 2020....

China to Offer Tax Break on Cars to Revive Economy

18-11-02 a key area that has been damaged by the ongoing tariff dispute.China recently lowered the levy on...

Internal Document Linked to Huawei Reveals Firm’s Nationalist Agenda Amid US–Sino Trade War

18-08-24 increasing investment in key areas, to avoid the situation where our lifeline is in somebody’s hands.”The...

Political Uncertainty in Beijing as Annual Seaside Political Meeting Draws Near

18-07-21 dominance over the Party? These remain key questions as the Chinese senior leadership prepares for its...

Beijing Pushing Taiwan and U.S. Allies out of the Pacific Islands, Says Congressional Report

18-06-29 other key U.S. partners in the Pacific that have extensive historical and current ties with the Pacific...

Iran Admits to Aiding 9/11 Attacks

18-06-18 a key player in al-Qaeda’s “movement.”Court documents from another 9/11 lawsuit in New York revealed...

Confucius Learning from The Book of Changes

18-06-05 proof of harm and benefit? A humble attitude is the key to maintaining one’s position. Everything goes...

China Is Buying Up Critical Technologies From Europe, Outside American Scrutiny

18-06-04 Europe, and says that Beijing is expanding unfair trade practices and investing in key industries...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 the CCP would likely take the form of rapid attacks on GPS satellites to disable key military...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 mainly takes aim at the key strategies outlined in “Made in China 2025.” That document [released by the...

Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part 2)

18-03-18 Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part 2) Focusing on Key Issues One day...

A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 2)

18-03-18 traditional Chinese culture, the key theme of many stories is “kindness will be repaid with kindness, and evil...


18-03-11 南行,回顾70年代曾和孩子们一起度假的旅程,目的地是西锁岛(key west) 的海明威故居……时间:3月9日(周五)起上映。类别:剧情/爱情。导演:保罗·维尔齐。主演:海伦·米伦/唐纳德·萨瑟兰/简...

Manufacturers and Steelworkers Defend Import Tariffs

18-03-11 Expansion Act of 1962. Secretary Wilbur Ross released his report in February. According to its key findings...

Researcher Reports Soviets Created Child-Trafficking Rings in the West for Blackmail

18-02-23 a cover-up. The three main witnesses were instead charged with perjury, and many key figures in the case would...

Phone and Internet Data Sent Through Undersea Cables Threatened by Chinese Monitoring

18-02-19 near key cable landing stations. A leaked report citing intelligence sources in the United States...

Pope Francis Appeases Chinese Regime, Depriving Persecuted Underground Catholics of Their Bishops

18-02-05 been removed from a key post in the Vatican by Pope Francis.Pope Francis’s approach to the Chinese...


18-02-01 (Tom Key)同意让霍尔茨一家收养他们的宝宝——一个名叫“希望”的女孩,她出生在去年10月12日。身生父母媒体报导了霍尔茨收养希望的故事,手续完成后,几家康复中心愿意为孩子的生身父母提供帮助。去年12月...

By Snatching Up British Company, China Closes Gap on US Naval Supremacy

17-12-23 incorporating key technology from a British company it discretely acquired a decade ago. The acquisition was not...

Australian Intelligence Identifies Local Politicians With Suspect China Ties

17-12-17 Australian intelligence officer, said that the Chinese work towards having well-placed sleeper agents in key...

好心男花费万元    为众人礼物买单

17-12-01 满足孩子们的圣诞愿望,希望能为人们带去节日的喜悦。 凯伊女士(Jessica Key)黑色星期五赶到反斗城玩具店,想支付全价后取回为孩子订购的礼物,但是她得到了一份惊喜。 凯伊表示,这绝对让她一家提早过圣诞...

China’s New Leadership Lineup Leaves Out Key Members of Opposing Faction

17-11-02 , Liu’s propaganda department did not host a key meeting until the day after the plenum concluded. China...

Wi-Fi漏洞防堵 5招简单做到

17-10-27 攻击。资安业者趋势科技因此提出5招简单自保措施。中央社报导,趋势科技日前在官方部落格发文表示,“金钥重新安装攻击(Key Reinstallation Attack,简称KRACK)”是一种针对WPA2...

As FBI Chief, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Watched and Allowed Clinton Deals With Russia

17-10-27 Russia investigation shifting sights as Russia ties of several key Democrats are exposedRobert...

Pope Francis Removes Anti-Communist Archbishop from Key Vatican Post

17-10-20 Communist regime in China has been removed from a key post in the Vatican by Pope Francis. The move is the...

Wi-Fi爆安全漏洞 黑客如影随形

17-10-19 ”对于黑客而言就是一件轻而易举的事。 《自由时报》消息,数周前比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)的电脑专家就发现了此安全漏洞,这一资安问题被称为“密钥重装攻击”(Key Reinstallation...


17-10-13 flip-up window from up to 50 feet away. A Sentry Key® Theft Deterrent System makes it virtually impossible...

Respect Heaven and Follow  the Heavenly Principles

17-10-06 ; the key is that he does things conscientiously. On the other hand, a sly person who is hungry for...

U.S. Trade Rep. Declares China an ‘Unprecedented Threat’ to World Trade System

17-09-23 and is believed to be playing a key role in forming the Trump administration’s trade policies....

中央公园哥伦布铜像遭破坏 保留雕像民意占多数

17-09-23 Star-Spangled Banner)作词者基(Francis Scott Key)的雕像,都遭到了质疑、移除或是破坏。就连前总统林肯(Abraham Lincoln)也不能幸免。今年8月,位于芝加哥有100年历史的一座...

自行车代步 减少地铁 维修烦恼

16-06-26 %到90%。在阿灵顿当地出租自行车的Capital Bikeshare其生意增加了20%到50%。自行车的使用在D.C.总体上也有上升。例如,从市区到北阿灵顿之间,使用Key Bridge的人,42...


16-03-28 喜欢新的设计。官方的结果会在下周三宣布。有超过210万人投出了神圣的一票。根据BBC报道,为了资助邮递投票,政府总共花了1700万美元。新西兰总理John Key一直是更换国旗的大力支持者,他称这是...


16-03-17 个别加密,因此这个网络是很安全的。”也就是说,每当你上线时,系统都会发出一个专门适用于你个人装置的数位钥(digital key)。不过,资安专家穆里斯基(Gary Miliefsky)却表示,黑客...


16-02-27 。 最大规模军事演习 同时进行的两场军事演习“关键决断”(Key Resolve)和“雏鹰演习”(Foal Eagle exercise)被定于3月7日开始。这两场同场训练的演习将促使“雏鹰演习”一直持续到4月...


16-02-23 警告,还可安抚韩国公众不安的情绪。最大规模军事演习同时进行的两场军事演习“关键决断”(Key Resolve)和“雏鹰演习”(Foal Eagle exercise)被定于3月7日开始。这两场同场训练...

乔治城空中缆车  朝目标迈进一步

16-02-06 起源于:希望能缓解基桥(Key Bridge)每天5万车辆来回往返的拥堵情况。最近,该项目朝“进行可行性研究”更迈进了一步。据华盛顿邮报报导,1月28日(周四),维吉尼亚州阿灵顿县董事会一致投票通过,提供...


16-01-18 车轮上的国家,一流的自驾车线路很多,东西向的横穿,或者沿着太平洋一号公路的悬崖,都是让车手们激动不已的经历。但去基韦斯特(Key West)岛的自驾却别有风味。这段近200公里的路程全部是飞架在碧蓝色...