“中国制造”客机C919曝丑闻  “自主研发”靠黑客间谍盗技术

19-10-19 而停止了试验。此外,C919还爆出测试数据造假的丑闻。网络上一则署名为“Tao教授”的C919客机网帖称,618所总工程师与几乎所有项目组成员均宣称,“今后我绝不会去坐C919”。618所总工程师主要是负责...

  Laozi's servant

19-06-05 (Wiki media)Laozi had a servant named Xu Jia. The two of them had been together for more than two...

Reflections on a Classic Saying of Laozi

19-02-07 , Laozi would say that the human heart can achieve enlightenment of the Tao, and so can be as great as the...

联俄抗美破灭 中共遭俄痛批 华为因贿赂案 3人被国际通缉

18-12-17 第纳尔,且被禁止参加当地公共项目竞标两年。涉案的华为高管Xiao Chunfa以及中兴高管Dong Tao和Chen Zhibo在缺席审判的情况下,被判处10年监禁,并处以每人300万第纳尔的罚款...


18-11-28 百大单曲(Billboard top 100)。二胡演奏家杨飞飞、爵士钢琴家刘东风、贝斯手Tore Tao、以及鼓手柯蒂斯·诺撒德(Curtis Graham Nowosad),让您一次听见流行、爵士...

Ancients Discuss the Value of Time

18-06-29 person should value time even more. Confucius said, “If one hears the Tao in the morning, he can die in...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 3)

18-05-27 Confucius and Yan Hui were content with and why they were happy.” They believed that assimilation to the Tao...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 1)

18-05-12 Chinese culture, the word “Tao” (or “Dao” or “Way”) refers to the law of the universe. The Tao has been...

Revive the Divinely Inspired Culture and Appreciate Its Significance (Part 3)  

18-04-16 ; through cultivation and could communicate directly with the Tao and with gods. Confucianism advocates...

Revive the Divinely Inspired Culture and Appreciate Its Significance (Part 2)  

18-04-06 of "compassion." It is just as Laozi said, "the softest can handle the hardest,"...

Top Chinese Diplomat Misses Major Appointment, a Hint of Xi Jinping Winning Score Against Rival Faction

18-03-24 officials, at last October’s important Party conclave.As Hong Kong newspaper Sing Tao Daily reported at the...

Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part 2)

18-03-18 tolerant of others reflects a character of generosity. Confucius said, "A gentleman learns the Tao and...

  Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part1)

18-03-11 cultivate in the Tao and establish virtue." A gentleman knows the truth about life. Regardless of what...

  Ancient Stories about Being a Good Neighbor

18-03-04 ancient saying is: "It is an act of following the Tao to help those who are suffering difficulties...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 teachers and for virtues. Yin Xi Performs the Ritual of Honoring Laozi as Master Yin Xi was a scholar in...


18-01-25 林志涛(Tao LIN,Esq);美国达理律师事务所合伙律师韦菁兰(Jane Wei,Esq)。话题二:社会问题,下午2时~2时45分主讲人:纽约大学社会工作学院副教授、纽约PEARL学院董事会主席...

  The Concept of "Male Left, Female Right"

18-01-21 Tao school. Regarding Yin and Yang, things facing the Sun were classified as Yang, and the opposite...

  Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory Related to Health (Part 1)

17-12-17 20 he could expertly discuss the theories of Laozi and Zhuangzi, and was also good at the Buddhist...

Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 2)

17-11-11 Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 2) When Xu Xun returned...

Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 1)

17-11-03 born into a family that yearned for the Tao and accumulated virtue through kind acts. His grandfather...

Comfort and Complacency are Worse than Poisoned Wine

17-11-03 however, is like putting the cart before the horse. There was a renowned official named Tao Kan, courtesy...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 2)

17-10-20 ;Enlighten to Tao and Validate the Truth;" the Buddhist school teaches "Offering salvation with...

Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-29 Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 2 of 2) Practice moral...

Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-23 Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 1 of 2) The ancient...

Learning Requires Consistency and Perseverance

17-07-08 to studying. During the Jin Dynasty (265 – 420 AD), the famous poet Tao Yuanming (365 – 427 AD) was...

Music, the Blossoming of Virtue

17-06-11  There are many kinds and many levels of music. Only those tones that resonate in alignment with the Tao...

  The Beauty of the Guqin: Upright and Profound

17-06-05 board. People often spoke of the Virtue of Guqin or the Tao of Guqin. The Rituals of Guqin, an ancient...

中国C919曝惊人内幕 传科研人员宣称绝不坐

17-05-06 对于C919“牛”在哪儿?据官方专家称,C919在安全、环保、经济、舒适方面,这些技术已经“超过了波音737和空客A320的水平,很多方面接近波音787。”然而,一篇署名“Tao教授”有关C919客机的帖子...

Selflessly Serve the Public, Respect Virtue and Love the People

17-04-24 told others to do good deeds, be diligent in pursuing the Tao, and cultivate virtue to keep a kind...

A Man of Virtue Treasures Time Like Gold

17-04-12 not value a foot-long piece of jade, but will an inch of time." Tao Yuanming (369 – 427 AD...

The Story of Li Shizhen (1 of 2)

17-02-17 increased the number of identified herbs. In the Liang Dynasty (502 – 557 AD), Tao Hongjing compiled...

孟氏艺术赛 华裔胜

16-04-26 【看中国记者陈怡纽约报导】4月25日,国会众议员孟昭文宣布,在法拉盛温莎学校(The Windsor School)的华裔学生Ruo Tao Ma,赢得孟昭文举行第四次国会选区艺术大赛军的冠军...


16-04-14 谷中划独木舟。该地被评为全球七大舒适清凉天堂之一。Soca河是电影《凯斯宾王子》取景地。9、龟岛(泰国)泰国的龟岛(Koh Tao,也叫涛岛)是曼谷最近的海岛,这个小岛离苏梅岛也不远,以适宜潜水著称...


16-03-14 异常火热。《道德经》甚至有儿童读物      《纽约时报》曾经做过一个关于世界上销量最大的图书调查:结果是《圣经》和《道德经》排在前两位。  在美国最大的购物网站亚马逊的图书搜索一栏,输入Dao、Tao...

全球最聪明的10个人 爱因斯坦排第9第一是...(组图)

16-03-08 教授。2、陶哲轩 IQ:225~230陶哲轩(Terence Chi-Shen Tao,1975年7月17日~),生于澳大利亚阿德莱德,是澳籍华人数学家。童年时期即天资过人,目前主要研究调和分析...

霸道“总裁”,高冷驾驭一切动物的同时 .偶尔又让人暖的难以抗拒.

16-02-20 之一羊崽Tao,也是它最喜欢的一个(毕竟“座椅”够软够舒服)这是它另一个座驾小猪Lily,每天骑着巡逻就连奶牛它也妥妥能驾驭避难所的工作人员表示Wesley从来就是天不怕地不怕,并且和所有动物都能搞好关系...

How New Year's Day is Determined in the Chinese Calendar

16-02-13 society. The Tao culture has influenced China for more than five thousand years, and one of Tao's...

Zhang Liang Cultivating Immortality

16-01-30 old man said, "You are later than I, so I won't teach you the Tao this time." The...

Passing Righteous Principles and Virtue to Future Generations

16-01-24 Passing Righteous Principles and Virtue to Future Generations Tao Shu, courtesy name Zilin, was...

汽车失控撞树 两中国留美研究生身亡

15-10-23 )上。雪城大学在一份声明中表示,两名学生分别是侯成叶(Chengye Hou,音译)和陶一凡(Yifan Tao,音译),两人均来自中国,在雪城大学就读研究生。警探瑟博(Jon Seeber)代表奥内达加县...