
19-09-23 , New Jersey。费用:免费。网站:jcdowntown.org/events/street-fair。8、中秋影戏工作坊 Mid-Autumn Moon Shadow Play...

贸易谈判重启 但争议未解

19-07-14 是否要让步压力,我预期这会拖上数个月。”川普已经推动北京购买更多美国商品,并解决知识产权盗窃问题。中方寻求废除美国对中国2500亿美元产品加征的关税。美国贸易代表署(USTR)前官员穆恩(Jeff Moon...

The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

19-06-05 full moon day on August 15th), Li Yuanshan went to Tiantu Temple in Hangzhou City to meet Monk Yuanze...

Taiwanese Folk Tale: The Legend of Sun-Moon Lake

19-03-28 , but they did not see the sun, and their hearts were consumed by fear.In the evening, the moon came out...


19-03-22 Royal's production of Underneath a Magical Moon: A Reimagining of Peter Pan (Flushing-Town-Hall)亲子节目,适合...


19-02-24 圆月,月亮走到王的位置,“太公望”就是至大为太,也有高仰的含意,所以望族、希望,都是这个圆满的意思。阳历的月month,本来也是从moon月亮来的,可现在里面哪天是1日?哪天是30日?一点道理都没有了...

星空猎奇 2019年七大天文奇观早知道

19-01-03 月蚀(Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse),是2019年天文奇观的重头戏,也是最近三年来再次出现的超级血狼月,被NASA称为将是天空中最耀眼的天文奇观之一。这次超级血狼月将会是...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 1)

18-11-09 believe that your ability and virtues are as bright as the sun and moon, and no sage can eclipse you. I am...


18-11-01 /events。4.第五届月来香慈善募款晚会 Fragrance of the Moon Night V(Flushing-Town-Hall)与往年不同的第五届月来香慈善募款晚会来了!本活动由周兴立博士和谢嘉燕...


18-09-09 RiverThe river scatters moon and sky, congeals them, light and wavering.A bamboo flute brings spring by...

Aldrin Takes Swipe at ‘First Man’ Movie for Omitting Planting of US Flag on Moon

18-09-06 to walk on the moon, while Aldrin was the second.Gosling attempted to hit back at the controversy by...

西江月· 初冬有怀

18-08-24 西江月· 初冬有怀半世异乡为客,平生人境结庐。频来归梦总如初。万水千山飞度。莫道有情浮世,烟霞自在江湖。偶然何事感踌躇。隐约白云深处。Xi Jiang Yue(Moon Over the West...

本世纪最长血月  将超过一百分钟

18-07-27 【看中国讯】根据美国宇航局(NASA),7月27日到28日,月全食/血月(Blood Moon)登场,届时月亮变成血红色超过100分钟。由于月球在运行轨道上处于距离地球最远且最小的满月状态,这一次的...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 4)

18-07-10 a base. Yue Fei was fond of the scenery in Hanyang, so before leaving, he spent the night of a full moon...

Evidence of Water on the Moon Discovered Here on Earth

18-06-29 Scientists say that they have found proof of water on the moon—by looking in the desert in...

Confucius Learning from The Book of Changes

18-06-05 the moon is full, it is about to start on its way to being a crescent. A sage should not become...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 3)

18-05-27 white clouds and red leaves are floating far and near.” (“Autumn Moon”) The poem of “The clouds are...

North Korea Willing to Discuss Surrender of Nuclear Weapons, Promises to Not Attack South

18-03-11 Moon Jae-in to North Korea, gave more details in a press conference.“The North side clearly affirmed...

China's Tea Culture (Part 3)   中华茶文化 (下)

18-02-11 sunny, the breeze gentle, the moon bright and stars shiny. Tea tasting is also particular about being...

  The Concept of "Male Left, Female Right"

18-01-21 , Pangu, became a deity, his body parts and organs turned into the Sun, the Moon, stars, mountains, rivers...


17-10-17 。        网站:www.flushingtownhall.org。   5.第四届《月来香》慈善募款舞会 Fragrance of the Moon Night IV第四届“月来香”慈善募款舞会欢迎您与您的老朋友...

Respect Heaven and Follow  the Heavenly Principles

17-10-06 earth, sun and moon, yin and yang, and fortunes. When they noticed Song Zhong and Jia Yi, they invited...


17-09-28 种出的植物,且日常生活就从事低重力、“会飞”的活动。 法新社报导,欧洲太空总署(ESA)策划“月球村”(Moon Village)计划大使佛英(Bernard Foing)等专家不断坚持他们的目标...

The Power of Kindness

17-09-08 to. It's like an eclipsed moon – difficult to become round again." The old man said, "...


17-07-07 月圆 Full Moon Drumming Workshops在法拉盛文艺中心的后花园,将以击鼓欢庆满月。当天晚上,先由击鼓大师带领的工作坊进行打鼓教学,接著和所有的参与者共同在月光下以鼓合奏。无论是...

马州拟立法大麻 合法化、征大麻税

17-02-07 达尔内诺(Richard Madaleno)参议员、州代表安德森(Curt Anderson)与文大卫(David Moon)。法案将允许21岁以上的任何人都可拥有、种植大麻。但抽大麻或以其他方式摄取...

Why ‘Ghostwriting’ in Chinese Reads as ‘Holding a Scimitar’?

17-01-28 This painting depicts Cao Cao staring at Nanping Mountain in a full moon before the Chibi Battle....

一项最新化石研究再次说明 进化论是个错误

16-06-06 布里斯托尔大学(University of Bristol)古生物学家本·摩恩(Ben Moon)未参与该研究,但对之评论道,该研究让人们关注二叠系地质时期结束后的生物大灭绝时期的情况,根据化石等证据当时96...

蓝月亮和火星冲日 周末天文奇观齐登场

16-05-20 ,周六(21日)晚,举头望明月,将有机会看到难得一见的〝蓝月亮〞。5月的满月有多个名称,如鲜花满月(Full Flower Moon),玉米满月(Full Corn Planting Moon)和奶色月亮...

韩国总统:朝鲜 正准备进行第5次 核试

16-04-23 。韩国总统朴槿惠在参加内阁会议时也说:“从最近获得的迹象显示,朝鲜正在准备第5次核试。”“目前还不确定朝鲜会做出什么难以预料的挑衅。”韩国国防部发言人文尚均(Moon Sang-Gyun)在记者会上说...


16-04-12 the moon异想天开 52. at a loss 茫然,不知所措 53. at a time 一次,每次 54. at all costs 不惜一切代价 55. at all events...

汗水也能测血糖 手腕贴片助糖尿病患

16-04-12 许多电路和微小的金版,只需要将它放置在手腕上,糖尿病患者就能不再因为测量血糖而感到害怕或痛苦。首尔国立大学波拉美医院糖尿病专家Moon Min Kyong:“患者控管糖尿病的首要步骤是测量血糖。但他们会发现...


16-03-19 ,重新展开了对腕表和时间的定义。比如下面这款:Sun and Moon(白天不懂夜的黑)虽然...没有数字和明显的时间标注,但依然无碍于准确阅读时间...脱离手表带来的紧张感,取而代之的是“ 车马邮件很慢...


16-03-18 人类族群到时后还存在的话。9. Crumbling Moon 衰败中的月球在遥远的未来,我们的月球也被预测将成为一个环,围绕着地球。然而对于世界各地喜爱月亮的人以及狼人来说,幸运的是在未来的50亿年之内...


16-03-12 ,越来越多的人开始相信月球上面存在外星人,月球背面就是他们的总基地。被隐瞒的月球真相NASA科学家和相片分析师George Leonard,在他的著作《Somebody Else Is On The Moon...


16-02-20 ://www.novagoclub.org/。北维中文学校2/21举行元宵庆祝餐会北维中文学校将于2月21日(周日)中午12 时至下午3时在会宾楼餐厅(Harvest Moon Restaurant) 举行一年一度深受欢迎的农历新年元宵庆祝...

NASA科学家告诉我们月球上有“其他人” 组图

16-02-17 Is On The Moon中,而他只是其中的一位。虽然这些相片尺寸小,分辨率也没有达到今日的标准,但却呈现原始巨大相片的细节。虽然Leonard在他的作品中,列出相片的识别号码来支持它们的来源...


16-02-13 北维中文学校2/20举行元宵庆祝餐会北维中文学校将于2/20(周日)中午12 时至下午3时在会宾楼餐厅(Harvest Moon Restaurant) 举行一年一度深受大家欢迎的新年元宵庆祝餐会...

How New Year's Day is Determined in the Chinese Calendar

16-02-13 moon day after the winter solstice (December 21 or 22, the shortest day of the year), except in some...


16-01-27 国家公园的秋天,让人想像坠入爱河一样坠入这片秋景!▷《Dancing With the Moon 与月共舞》 摄影师:Andrew George冰岛的北极光和一轮明月同时出现,仿佛北极光是舞者挥舞的丝带...