A Folktale: Returning Good for Evil

18-12-25 I did a very stupid thing. I saved an enemy. One day, while passing by a mountain, I found our...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 2)

18-11-21 finally located him one year later, farming on the foothills of Mount Ji in the central mountain region....


18-10-09 先将大麻合法化的几个州之一。洛矶山脉缉毒署(Rocky Mountain HIDTA)近日发表的一个年度报告显示,该州内大麻造成的致命车祸自2013年到2017年间增加了151%,从2013年的55人...


18-10-06 up high, jade-made palace.I meditate, legs tight on a whitened mountain bollard,long, through long...


18-09-20 金秋行郊游野餐活动!时间:2018年9月30日 11:30am-3pm地点: Catoctin Mountain Park,6602 Foxville Rd, Thurmont, MD 21788食物...

The Consequences of Jealousy (Part 1)

18-08-16 Jiang. Once the Primeval God of Heaven caught Shen and was about to pin him under a huge mountain called...


18-08-07 “圣劳伦斯的眼泪”,以纪念这位在公元258年夏季去世的烈士。已故乡村歌手约翰‧丹佛在他的名曲Rocky Mountain High中提到英仙座星雨,他的歌词说:“我曾看到天空下著火雨。”第一位注意到流星...

Throughout the Ages, Good is Rewarded While Evil Provokes Karmic Retribution (Part 1)

18-08-05 70's in the Qingyun Temple in Dinghu Mountain, Guangdong, was a solid cultivator who had come to...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 3)

18-07-01 Loyalty of Song, Yue Fei, ascended the mountain to hand plant giant pine trees during the reign of Emperor...


18-06-27 高薪和股票期权的员工四处找房子,导致房价上扬。当地一些城市的政府认为向Google和Apple等科技巨头征高税或许是一种解决方案。例如,Mountain View和Cupertino最近提出了“人头税...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 1)

18-06-17 official position, Yue Fei left without reporting to the emperor. He carried her coffin to Lu Mountain...


18-06-05 覆盆子丰收庆,都有松饼早餐提供。位于马里兰州Thurmont的Catoctin Mountain Orchard 以前是以采摘苹果而闻名,但是近些年也有了许多夏日采摘的活动。夏季可以采摘黑树莓,甜樱桃...


18-06-05 新英格兰区的佛蒙特州(Vermont)绰号是“绿山州”(Green Mountain State)。顾名思义,它以美丽的山景吸引游客:缤纷的秋叶、枫糖浆、东岸最大的雪场。虽然该州每年有1300万名...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 2)

18-05-18 Dynasty wrote the famous article “Epigraph for a Humble House,” which stated, “A mountain is famous not...


18-05-18 至少可以参加初学者有向导的自行车课程。在西维吉尼亚州的雪鞋山(Snowshoe Mountain),就有下山自行车道,还有课程和设备租赁。这里在冬季是滑雪胜地,从纪念日(Memorial Day...

新州保护地产税抵扣额 立法允许视其为“捐款”

18-05-10 Mountain Lakes的市政府时,政府官员表示,因为法案才通过,他们目前仍采取观望态度,希望等国税局发出明确的信号后才行动。如果有具体行动,他们会通知镇内所有居民。...


18-05-03 (Mount Rainier),洛基山(Rocky Mountain)和大提顿公园(Grand Teton)等热门公园。内政部长津克表示,需要额外的门票收入来帮助维护公园,并逐步解决116亿美元推迟的维修...

Revive the Divinely Inspired Culture and Appreciate Its Significance (Part 2)  

18-04-06 ; "becoming a high mountain by not refusing any handful of earth; forming an enormous sea by not...

   A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 1)

18-03-11 to the academy, he went to the Qixia Mountain in the suburb of Nanjing to visit Monk Yun Gu, a highly...


18-03-06 在暴风雪中用社交媒体和电子邮件发出警告,要居民与断裂的电线保持距离。如Mountain Lakes市政府就反复警告居民:“将所有倒下的电杆电线视为带电电线。不要因为电线躺著没动静就以为它不带电。并非所有带电...


18-02-23 Public Schools, Princeton5. Mountain Lakes School District, Mountain Lakes6. Berkeley Heights Public...

The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

18-02-23 , "great" mountain, "great" river, and "great ocean" – the word "...

  Connotations of Traditional Chinese Folk Music

18-01-21 Boya played. He could tell from the music whether a lofty mountain was being described or if it was...

  Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory Related to Health (Part 1)

17-12-17 Taizong even personally traveled up a mountain to greet him. Sun Simiao made a name for himself for having...

Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 2)

17-11-11 old, his entire family ascended into heaven from the West Mountain in Nanchang. He and his eleven...


17-10-27 将于10月28日(周六)在马里兰州克拉克斯堡(Clarksburg)西北面的Sugarloaf Mountain 举行秋季登山, 欢迎湖北乡亲携家人、朋友踊跃 参与,共享层林尽染的秋日周末。湖北同乡会将...

Respect Heaven and Follow  the Heavenly Principles

17-10-06 must be a deep canyon underneath the high mountain ridge. There is cause and effect, and all matters...


17-10-03 Briarcliff Middle School, Mountain Lakes美国教育部每年颁国家蓝丝带奖励表现卓越的学校。这些学校通过学生、教师、家长和社区的通力合作,创造安全、温馨的学习环境...

Wuda Kokushi

17-09-15 said, "If you ever run into any tribulation, please look for me at Jiulong Mountain, in Pengzhou...


17-08-30 【看中国记者何立综合报导】在新泽西州莫里斯郡(Morris County)其他学校开学前两周,一群新生已经在山湖高中(Mountain Lakes High School)新开的生物技术学院...

Renowned Human Rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng Disappeared, Says Wife

17-08-20 was there. He reported to the police at 9 a.m. Local police went to the [nearby] mountain and searched...

美公立小学排行榜前十 大纽约地区占四席

17-08-19 十佳小学的排名是:(1)Littlebrook(普林斯顿)、(2)Johnson Park(普林斯顿)、(3)Riverside(普林斯顿)、(4)South Mountain(密尔本...


16-08-04 , Schnecksville, PA 18078官网:https://www.lvzoo.org/Camelback Mountain Aquatopia Indoor Waterpark位于 Poconos 的山中度假村...


16-07-30 choice but to let him go.When he got back down the mountain, the donkey saw a group of people beating...


16-07-26 如果你的孩子喜欢仙女的故事,在万圣节时要求穿戴翅膀的仙女服,不妨带他们去新泽西Milburn的South Mountain保留区看看仙子的「生态区」。五年前,这个森林里一条名叫Rahway...

A Treacherous Imperial Court Official Condemned by History (2/2)

16-07-01 tombstone reads “The green mountain is fortunate to bury the bones of a loyal man; the white iron is...


16-06-20 的彩虹,形成一幕绝美的画面。4. Kirkjufellsfoss来到冰岛西部同样不可错过的还有冰岛十大瀑布之一的Kirkjufellsfoss(Church Mountain Falls),从百年多前的...


16-06-05 和Saltaire两家还会定期举行赛舟会,比试谁是火岛航海的权威。对于航海的初学者来说, Appalachian Mountain和Fire Island Cabin两家俱乐部则是起步的好选择。网球如果说沙滩给人带来...


16-02-11 《外交政策》的一项调查结果证实:接受调查的在美中国大学生中有78%的人说,教育质量是决定他们来美国读书的主因。位于加州山景城市(Mountain View)的私立基督教学校山景城学院(MVA)负责招生的希尔斯...

美中西部将有18英寸降雪 影响数百万人出行

16-02-02 的航班,可能会延误和取消。这个暴风圈在通过加利福尼亚州南部时,已造成一名女驾驶在座车内被强风连根拔起的一棵树砸死,以及80,000户停电。截至周日中午止,加州猛犸山(Mammoth Mountain)山区...