The Wisdom of Inclusiveness
The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

Sages and men of virtue throughout China's history of numerous dynasties have honored the spirit of inclusiveness. There are good examples of it in traditional Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. Lao Zi said that a person with great virtue is able to be all encompassing and is compatible with the "Great Way," whereas the models of great virtue are "Tao." Lao Zi also said that the reason why great rivers and oceans are broad and deep is that they seek the lowest level so as to take in all the water from streams and creeks. Confucius said, "If you are compassionate, you win people's hearts." There was a saying in the book of Shang, an ancient official book of history, "If there is a capacity, it's called great."

"Great" land, "great" mountain, "great" river, and "great ocean" – the word "great" in these instances conveys a quality of extreme depth and compatibility. There are the following sayings in Buddhism: "One thought changes the atmosphere," "gratitude is always in the mind," "solving problems with compassion," and "the spirit of inclusiveness." To include everything, one must have a compassionate mind. The more broadminded one is, the greater the world one encompasses.

To be all encompassing is a virtue. Humility is one aspect of it. Because of their different characters and personalities, people have different perspectives on things and judge things differently. Back in the old days, sages and men of virtue respected others' perspectives. They thought of others first when they encountered anything, leaving respected role models for later generations.

Take the dynasty of Western Zhou, for instance. The Duke of Zhou, while assisting King Cheng of Western Zhou, exerted himself with vigorous effort to make the nation prosperous. Desperately seeking righteous intellectuals, many answered his call. He was so busy greeting guests that he didn't even have time to dry his long hair after washing it. He had to stop several times while dining so as to greet his guests. He often advised his son, Boqin, "King Cheng asked you administer the state of Lu, so you have to abide by the principles of humility and respect! You must know the principle of heaven that anyone with pride and prejudice will lose and that humble people will benefit. Everyone respects humility; nobody respects arrogance and prejudice!"

As another example, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty accepted advice with a humble attitude. He accepted advice with humility while seeking it broadly. He was able to find satisfaction in hearing about his wrongdoings. He tolerated direct criticism from the likes of Wei Zheng and promoted the beneficial advice. He collected wisdom from the world over, enabling him to establish a strong and prosperous country during the period of Prosperity of Zhenguan (627 – 649 AD).

Inclusiveness is about forgiveness. Forgiving others' past mistakes allows others to make mistakes, but it doesn't mean turning a blind eye to rights and wrongs. It is the greatest encouragement for others to change and improve. For example, during the Warring States period, Lin Xiangru's tolerance towards Lian Po in the State of Zhao became a well-documented story. Lian Po was a decorated military general, however he was unhappy that Lin Xiangru, a strategist, was given a higher rank than him. Lian often ridiculed Lin, but Lin never retaliated because he placed the state's well-being above personal quarrels. Lin told his aides, "The stronger State of Qin dares not to attack our State of Zhao because of myself and General Lian. If the two of us disagreed and Qin heard about it, they will take the opportunity to attack. This is a national security issue." After Lian Po heard about this, he was deeply ashamed. Lian sought out Lin and said, "I am a ruffian with a low level of tolerance. I couldn't imagine that you would tolerate me so much!" Lin replied, "You flatter me. Both of us are important ministers of the country. Our words and actions are all for the benefit of the country. It's enough for the general to understand me, yet you go beyond that to ask for forgiveness?" The two of them became inseparable friends thereafter, and the Qin abandoned their war plans against Zhao.

Inclusiveness helps others with education and persuasion, a kind of "loving care and concern." Take Yang Zhu (1369 – 1453 AD) of the Ming Dynasty, for instance. One night he dreamed that he was walking around in a garden and he casually picked two plums to eat from a tree. After waking up, he scolded himself, "It was because I didn't understand enough about righteousness and profit that I stole the plums in the dream!" From then on, he focused more on cultivating his mind. Whenever it rained, one of his neighbors would channel dirty water from his own yard into Yang Zhu's yard. When Yang Zhu's family told him this, he advised his family members, "There are more sunny days than rainy days." When his neighbor heard this, he was quite moved by Yang Zhu's forbearance.

When Yang Zhu was the head of the Minister of Rites, three feet of his land was taken by his neighbor. His family argued with the neighbor and hoped that Yang Zhu would intervene, but Yang Zhu laughed it off and wrote a poem about it, "Do not fight for the small piece of land that I have; One wall can be shared by both families; all the land in society belongs to our King; I wouldn't mind if you took another three feet." Yang Zhu gave precedence to his neighbor out of courtesy, and his humility and demeanor helped to change his neighbor's thinking. This led him to give up the fight and also to let go of three feet of his own property to make a six-foot alley possible. This story has been passed on from generation to generation in China.

Inclusiveness is an aspect of compassion, bringing people closer together and improving the relationships between them. There's an old saying, "People with great morality (virtue) can carry a big mission and responsibility." This is because such people are unselfish and reliable. In other words, the greater the moral value, the greater the power of inclusion will be, the more all encompassing. People with a high moral standard will not be influenced by desire for profit and are more willing to help and care for others because they are more compassionate and inclusive.







    来源: 看中国 责编: Kitt

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