偷运伊朗石油 美制裁5中国人和6实体

19-09-30 (Xu Yazhou)。蓬佩奥对联合国“反对伊朗核武器联盟”(United Against Nuclear Iran)表示:“我们告诉中国(中共)和所有国家:要知道我们将对违反制裁的一切活动予以制裁...

Oil Price to Rally Sharply Amid Supply Shortage, Says Expert

18-11-08 Trump announced America’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal in May. Iran’s crude exports fell by...

With Exit From INF Treaty, Trump Eyes Trilateral Nuclear Arms Pact With China, Russia

18-10-23 /with-exit-from-inf-treaty-trump-eyes-trilateral-nuclear-arms-pact-with-china-and-russia_2695746.htmlPresident Donald Trump is suggesting that Washington’s planned exit from a nuclear arms treaty with Russia...

Iran Admits to Aiding 9/11 Attacks

18-06-18 Donald Trump pulled out of a nuclear deal with Iran set up by his predecessor, former President Barack...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 equipment, the use of EMP from a nuclear blast to destroy electronics in wide areas, rapid strikes on...


18-04-06 Nuclear Operating Co。不过母公司FirstEnergy Corp.不属于申请保护范围。FES总裁Donald R. Schneider表示,FirstEnergy Solutions...

North Korea Willing to Discuss Surrender of Nuclear Weapons, Promises to Not Attack South

18-03-11 The North Korean communist regime may give up its nuclear weapons, potentially bringing an end to...

Gorka Discusses US National Security

18-01-29 no danger of nuclear war, therefore we don’t need to focus so much or spend so much on national...

“朝韩对话”缺乏诚意 引美方关注

18-01-07 韩国的支持,美方也就没辙了。《防止朝鲜的核突破》(Preventing North Korea’s Nuclear Breakout)作者利特瓦克(Robert Litwak)就明白指出:“金正恩...

Russia Obstructing US Action on North Korea

17-11-02 response to North Korean nuclear threatPresident Donald Trump’s patience seems to be running thin for...

As FBI Chief, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Watched and Allowed Clinton Deals With Russia

17-10-27 director of the FBI, the agency was investigating a Russian campaign to grow its nuclear energy business in...

In Conflict Between US and North Korea, Which Side Is China on?

17-09-08 courtesy of NTD Television North Korea declared that it tested its sixth nuclear bomb on Sept....

Why Cuba Would Launch Sonic Attacks on US and Canadian Diplomats

17-09-03 from nuclear to conventional, to harsh political challenges. Maybe the Cubans have decided they have to...

中印关系恶化之际 印度被曝核弹瞄准中国

17-07-14 Norris)撰写的一份报告。这份题为《2017年印度核武力量》(Indian nuclear forces 2017)报告中指出,印度拥有足够制造150到200颗核弹头的金属钸,但估计目前印度只生产了120...

China May Be Preparing for North Korean Exodus

17-05-16 the United States and China working to possibly end the isolated state’s nuclear weapons program.While...

Positives for Trump, Xi After US–China Meeting

17-04-18 testing of intermediate-range missiles.North Korea “is a rogue regime that is now a nuclear capable regime...


17-04-16 、同性恋婚姻的合法性等等,都是由最高法院判决后才得到充分的保障。但参议院在7日对戈萨奇任命的表决中,共和党祭出了所谓的“核武选项”(nuclear option)才能以54票赞成、45票反对的结果让他过关...


17-04-09 ,这增加了在参院占多数的共和党人利用“核选项”(nuclear option)来推动该提名的可能性。加利福尼亚州参议员戴安·费恩斯坦(Dannon Feinstein)是参议院的首席民主党人,他重申了该党一再...


17-03-18 development managers)、系统方案架构师(solutions architects)、数据架构师( data architects)、核工程师(nuclear engineers)与律师...

Why Is China Stopping All Coal Imports From North Korea?

17-02-24 commercial trade to curb the country’s nuclear and ballistic missile program.The Chinese regime’s move is...

Report: China Tests Long-Range, 10-Warhead Capable Missile

17-02-06 China has tested a new version of a long-range missile that can contain 10 nuclear warheads...

若战争爆发 韩国筹备特别计划斩首金正恩(组图)

17-01-04 。此外,该专门单位将负责保证与朝鲜大规模毁灭性武器计划相关地点的安全,如“宁边核设施”(Yongbyon nuclear complex)和固定导弹发射场。尽管朝鲜的移动导弹发射车会造成更大的问题,但首尔正在研究...

像幽浮接收能量 美亚利桑那州诡异光柱冲过黑云

16-12-18 nuclear plant)给吸引。这核电厂可以产生3.3GW的能量,足够给400万人使用。 ...

「天人对应」 被科学证实

16-11-20 」仅仅存在于类似细胞内部这样的软性物质之中。但是,当他看到印第安纳大学核子物理学家查理斯•霍罗维兹(Charles Horowitz)分析的中子星内部形状特征时,他非常吃惊。因为中子星「核面片」(nuclear...

七个不寻常举动 俄国似预警战争一触即发

16-10-15 。”俄国知名的时事评论节目警告,美国将因“冒犯(俄国)”而承担“核战层面”(nuclear dimensions)的风险,接着用40分钟的时间向观众介绍,如果美国过度干预叙利亚局势,俄国拥有的一系列核武器...

助中共发展核项目 美华裔工程师被起诉

16-04-15 ,以及一项在美国充当“外国政府”代理的罪名。政府文件显示,何艾伦受雇于中广核电集团(China General Nuclear Power Group),同时在美国经营一家名为国际能源技术(Energy...

中国单方面制裁朝鲜 宣布进出口物资禁令

16-04-05 。这项声明是在两年一度的核安全峰会(Nuclear Security Summit)上发表的。当时,习近平和美国总统奥巴马会面,奥巴马说,华盛顿和北京都是“致力于朝鲜半岛(的无核化)”。有些制裁措施的例外...

纽约时报广场出现反核广告牌  呼吁中国阻止核赌博

16-03-02 !》(DPRK : STOP NUCLEAR GAMBLE!)为标题的广告牌,广告牌上写着《为了世界和平,联合国安理会常任理事国-中国应阻止朝鲜的核开发。》把矛头直接对准了无作为的中国当局。一月六日北韩进行核试验...

美媒:这两人惨死令金正恩一意孤行 习近平不会罢休

16-01-07 布鲁金斯学会同一天在题为《关于朝鲜最近的核武器试验,世界应该做些什么?》(What should the world do about North Korea’s latest nuclear...

元素周期表已被填满 化学教科书将被改写

16-01-04 “Japonium”命名。发现115、117和118号元素的是俄罗斯杜布纳联合原子核研究所(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna)与美国能源部的劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家...


15-10-30 (NuSTAR:Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array)拍摄到的神秘现象,显示一个不断变换的叫做冕的物质,可以在黑洞周围产生出X射线。从NASA公布的视频和照片中,可以看到紫色...


15-03-12 正与国家核电技术公司(State Nuclear Power Technology co.)合并。扩大大型国企规模可能再次引发中国民营企业、西方企业和西方政府的不满,它们多年来一直批评中国政府在信贷渠道...


15-01-26 年薪中位数:$108,600起薪至职场生涯中期薪资增长率:+61%4. 核子工程学系(Nuclear Engineering)起薪中位数:$67,000职场生涯中期年薪中位数:$118,800起薪至职场...