
23-08-03 的資格。但如果是製造商的優惠券和回扣,而導致這些商品價格降低,則商品沒有免稅資格。對於商家因缺貨而准予延遲購買(rain check)的商品,也只有在免稅期間兌換才不用付稅,否則需要付銷售稅。如果在免稅...


22-07-14 Parking Lot ),免費向民眾派發“雨水桶( Rain Barrel )”。活動面向紐約市議會第20選區的居民,並且民眾要攜帶有“住址證明”的證件(如: ID等)。屆時,現場會準備100個雨水桶派發給民眾...


19-10-10 ,不过,多年后他浪子回头,洗心革面重回演艺圈。他的歌曲《Rhythm of the Rain》以及《Especially For You》为大众所熟悉和喜爱。...


19-09-06 更加投入。另外,一场关于大自然力量的光与声音展览Phasing Rain by Onionlab, 亦将于此进行全球揭幕,而且,门票数量有限,想欣赏的纽约客千万别错过啊!时间:9月6日(周五)~9月7日...

A Glimpse into the Chinese Five Elements and Ill-Health

19-02-25 , wind and rain; an imbalance of the two basic forces—yin and yang; emotion; diet; and the environment....

Mencius (Part 1)

18-11-21 traveled from Qi to Wei and was stopped by a heavy rain in the City of Gan. People found out about it and...

After a Relentless Refining Process, One Finally Becomes Something of Value

18-11-02 sculptor, “It hurts terribly. Can't you cut more gently? I have endured the wind and rain in the...

  Connotations of Traditional Chinese Folk Music

18-01-21 , he played his zither to express his sadness. The music started by describing the unending rain, then...

  Emperor Kangxi - A Master of Pen and Sword

17-12-15 activities. Rain or shine, Kangxi held court every day at 7:00 a.m. with his ministers to discuss national...

Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 2)

17-11-11 , “If this rain doesn’t stop, all the people near the river will be devastated.” His father told him...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 2)

17-10-20 villages all benefit. The heavens, earth and people are in harmony, rain and wind are stable and disasters...

Peace and Stability Come from Faith in Gods and Respect for Heaven

17-08-27 began to rain over a very wide area. This story illustrates how the lifestyle of politicians in ancient...

宋仲基 宋慧乔宣布10月底完婚

17-07-08 是两家庭的事,所以他们正在慎重准备中。宋慧乔过去几段恋情都备受外界瞩目,包括玄彬及最早的李秉宪,以及绯闻男友Rain,她说自己对于爱情的态度是相当乐观的。谈恋爱时会对另一半全心投入,但分手后也不会留恋...

The Chinese Emperors' Edicts of Repentance

17-06-30 refused. He cut off his long hair, trimmed his nails and prayed for rain in the forest. He blamed the...

  Chinese Dish: Longjing Stir-Fried Shrimp

17-06-30 underneath the common clothing. When the rain subsided, Emperor Qianlong thanked the farm owner for his...

金泰希报喜怀孕15周 Rain婚后4月升格当准爸爸

17-05-27 韩国巨星夫妻档金泰希跟Rain爱情长跑近5年,终于在年初完婚,事隔4个多月,23日透过所属公司LUA娱乐发声明报喜,目前已经怀孕15周,短期内会好好专心养胎,“努力准备做为一个家庭的妻子和母亲的计划...

Two Misconceptions that Lead People Astray

17-10-22 a bridge at midnight when rain began to fall. He sought refuge in one of the available shelters. After...

Governing People with Kindness and Virtue, Expressing the Demeanor of a Benevolent King

17-05-18 bodies and did not want them to be exposed to the rain and sun. They said, "Xibo Duke's mercy...

Selflessly Serve the Public, Respect Virtue and Love the People

17-04-24 After Zhao's arrival, a great wind blew all the locusts into a river, and rain began to fall....

《星战》莉亚公主辞世次日 影星妈妈中风去世

16-12-29 )28日在女儿病逝一天后跟着离世,令人震惊。上个世纪五六十年代红遍好莱坞,演出过著名电影《雨中曲》(Singin' in the Rain,又译万花嬉春)的黛比‧雷诺斯28日因中风辞世,享年84岁...

Be an Official for the People; Noble and Pure in Character

16-12-27 When children could not go home after school due to rain, Zheng sent people to bring them meals and...


16-07-11 到Christopher St站。        网站:tinyurl.com/zatwv4n。(所有播放电影均为PG家长指引影片,现场可免费领取爆米花)●《紫雨》(Purple Rain)        时间:7月21日...

A Treacherous Imperial Court Official Condemned by History (2/2)

16-07-01 , he started to suffer gangrene on his back. Qin continued to rain false accusations onto good and...


16-06-29 :tinyurl.com/zatwv4n。(现场可免费领取爆米花)《雨中曲》(Singin' in the Rain)        时间:7月7日晚上       地点:布碌仑大桥公园(Brooklyn...


16-06-27 ”等等。这几年,郑元畅凭借着《恶作剧之吻》等偶像剧在韩国走红,干干净净的脸,暖暖的声音,正好符合泡菜妹子的审美,凭借着高人气,他取代Rain,获得了韩国畅销饮料在台湾的代言,代言费也高达七位数。这是一本韩国牛郎店...

Deities Cannot be Fooled With 神灵不可欺戏

16-06-05 After a while, accompanied by cold winds and splashes of rain, a deity wearing a tall hat and carrying...

Lang Yi Predicts the Future

16-05-28 emperor adopted his suggestions and changed the policies immediately, it would rain on the first day of...


16-03-29 的合作。1999年,久石让为北野武导演的《菊次郎的夏天》配乐,对于中国观众来说,这部电影知名度或许不高,但其中的配乐Summer,The Rain,Mother却家喻户晓十余年。眼下已是春暖花开,播放这首...

人靠衣服马靠鞍  房子也要把衣穿

16-01-17 赌城拉斯维加斯的大街上,你可以看到很多这样气势宏大五光十色的建筑。其主要工艺采用外墙和其防水纸之间空气夹层的施工方式(Rain screen),防水效果很好,是与砖石贴面齐美的外墙材料之一。但随着...


16-01-13 差强人意。经典琼瑶电视剧《情深深雨蒙蒙》英译则为Romance in the Rain,“雨中的浪漫”,好吧,这么说也没错。《武林外传》My Own Swordsman, “我自己的剑士”?有人又忍不住吐槽...


15-12-11 上的这种美感,岂是什么rain也好pluie也好所能满足?翻开一部《辞源》或《辞海》,金木水火土,各成世界,而一入“雨”部,古神州的天颜千变万化,便悉在望中,美丽的霜雪云霞,骇人的雷电霹雹,展露的无非是...


15-11-28 shield itself from the rain, Andrew Suryono )冰岛美景(Stunning landscapes of Iceland by Andy Lee)拯救鲸鱼(Rescue...


15-11-05 Falcon, The (1941)马耳他之鹰 枭巢喋血战8.3/10 (14550)48.Singin'' in the Rain (1952) 雨中曲8.3/10 ( 14765...

【英文对照赏析】心诚敬畏 可感苍天 Sincerity and Reverence Can Touch Heaven

15-10-11 requested Emperor Song Renzong to pray for rain personally. The Emperor said, "The director of...

视频:英文版《传奇》 耳朵都要醉了

15-09-07 sky start to rain天空何时会落雨When will the stars start to shine星辰何时会闪耀When will I know that you're...

【英文对照赏析】深明大义 严谨治家 Strict Teachings on Integrity

15-07-31 a rain, and an amount of coins that could fill a boat was discovered. Her maids ran to tell Zheng Shi...


15-07-10 10%提高到25%。•    所谓的“雨税(rain tax)”已被废除。•    汽油税从2%提高到3%,每加仑大约涨2美分。•    马州将研究无人机的风险与收益。•    共乘公司如尤伯(Uber...


15-05-16 Falcon, The (1941)马耳他之鹰 枭巢喋血战8.3/10 (14550)48.Singin'' in the Rain (1952) 雨中曲8.3/10 ( 14765...

Rain金泰熙疑似爆婚讯 卖豪宅当结婚基金 图

15-04-07 据台湾媒体报道,韩星Rain和金泰熙稳定交往2年多,外界看好这对“巨星情侣”,不少粉丝也期待听到2人喜讯;最新消息指出,他低调卖出首尔三成洞的高级住宅,推测这笔资金拿来当结婚基金,新闻曝光后引发热论...

香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students' Union聲明

14-12-01 us like rain drops and layers of thick pepper sprays suffocated us like smog; when our fellow...