Confessions of a Chinese Youth

20-04-27 them up. If you support the Cultural Revolution, you better pray that you’re at the bottom rung....

Retribution for Destroying a Buddha Statue

19-05-06 especially true during the Cultural Revolution, when numerous Buddhist temples, Taoist shrines, churches, and...


19-03-22 背面图案:翠顿之役,即乔治·华盛顿率军乘船横渡德拉瓦河袭击英军。图案上方文字:NEW JERSEI 1787。图案下方文字是CROSSROADS OF THE REVOLUTION(革命的十字路口...

A Discussion of “Righteousness” (Part 1)

18-10-02 Revolution, people lied, cheated, and betrayed their friends, family, and colleagues to protect themselves in...

Chinese Regime Recruits American Communists

18-08-05 the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution in Russia and “an examination” of the “Temporal...

NAFTA Talks to Get More Complicated

18-07-22 place of revolution, he said.Following the election, the two leaders spoke for 30 minutes on the phone...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 3)

18-07-01 China to the time prior to the “Cultural Revolution” under the communist rule, the people in Hanyang...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 2)

18-06-26 groups selected Hu Zhi, a member of the Xinhai Revolution Club, to lead the effort to fundraise and build...

Pop Music Is Okay, but No Politics: Communist China Bans Katy Perry for Expressing her Opinions—With a Dress

17-11-25 right to rule the country it seized in a revolution almost 70 years ago. Certain anti-CCP groups have...

The Clash of ‘Party Character’ and Human Nature at Tiananmen

17-06-11 chaos of the Cultural Revolution, brought on by Mao in the 1960s, General Secretary Liu Shaoqi was...

Fidel’s Cuba Leaves Indelible Scars

17-05-01 that, and I felt very lonely.”Every neighborhood had a Committee for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR...

亚马逊假日销售火爆 哪些商品卖得最好

16-12-29 ,顾客订购了如此多的资料集《汉密尔顿的革命》(Hamilton the Revolution),能给纽约市理察‧罗杰斯剧院(有1,319个座位)连续96场演出的所有观众每人发一套。购物者们还买了很多玩具...

收藏| 美国大学最流行的5种记笔记的科学方法,让你事半功倍

16-12-14 :A revolution is any occurrence that affects other aspects of life, such as economic life,social life, and so...

Chinese Regime’s Political System Up For Discussion on Social Media Hopes for the rule of law are being expressed through advocacy of a presidential system

16-09-19 the Chinese Communist Party, holds that revolution must be directed by a vanguard elite, rather than...


16-04-24 。(Courtesy The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts)    英国当时经历多年的政治混乱,1688至1689年的光荣革命(Glorious Revolution)达到最高峰...

德总统上海演讲 强调人权自由

16-04-02 ,1989年东德发生“和平革命(Peaceful Revolution)”后,一个强大的民主德国得以成型,前东德维权人士高克在这起革命中扮演着极重要的角色。2012年,高克当选德意志联邦共和国第十一位总统...

里根(下):终结共产 兑现神的托付

16-02-26 的人们:Let history say of  us,“These  were golden years--When the American  Revolution  was  reborn,When...


15-10-28 。7、时尚与美德:1520-1620年的织物图案与出版革命Fashion and Virtue:Textile Patterns and the Print Revolution, 1520-1620...


15-08-22 。”由D.C.交通部资助,从当地的Revolution Cycles公司购买自行车,并由自行车店工作人员当义工在两天内将购买的自行车组合起来。这些义工稍后还要再帮特区公立学校组装剩余的300辆自行车。...


15-07-10 /4knots。5、革命:纽约市和独立战争Revolution: NYC & the War for Independence展览使用大量的历史文献、工艺品的复制品来反映革命战争中的士兵和纽约平民。这一...

学联分享我是香港人的影片--《永不退缩 - 伞革命》

14-11-10 《Never Back Down - Umbrella Revolution》片比之前任何一条雨伞片都要激動人心!任何痛都是一時,家却是一世架!記住Gphone話: 因為香港的未來...