带来光明  荣耀回家

23-05-27 , 在這個特別日子裡, 由好萊塢家庭電影獎FFA主辦的王明旭博士「Sight」 的觀影活動,代表著美東華人華僑各大商會、政界人士、及普通百姓的心聲: 我們的電影我們的故事我們的美國夢中國根。電影主人公原型...


20-01-02 出色的画家,不但连续3年获得美国总统奖,作品被30多个国家的艺术博物馆收藏,还出版了两本画册,并受邀到美国大都会博物馆演讲。他的故事被拍成了纪录片《视线中的线条》(Line of Sight)。朗布利特...

A General Cleans a Soldier’s Shoes

19-10-31 His sight suddenly fixated on the shoes of a soldier:  “Step forward!  What’s your name?”  The soldier...

A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 It certainly was a unique sight to behold—a woman dressed in Han Dynasty clothing, an Imperial...

Revive the Divinely Inspired Culture and Appreciate Its Significance (Part 3)  

18-04-16 want done to himself," "remember what is right at the sight of profit," and "if...

2017东京  国际车展(下)

17-11-13 【看中国讯】2017东京车展于10月25日在Big Sight展馆盛大开幕,各大车企纷纷带来了旗下最新设计产品,本次车展虽然缺少了美国车企的加入,但日本本土品牌和几大欧洲厂商的竞相登场,也让车迷们...


17-11-03 【看中国讯】2017东京车展于10月25日在Big Sight展馆盛大开幕,各大车企纷纷带来了旗下最新设计产品,本次车展虽然缺少了美国车企的加入,但日本本土品牌和几大欧洲厂商的竞相登场也让车迷们...

Yang Pu: An Honest, Righteous, and Selfless Government Official

17-01-20 capital city. Yang Pu was in tears because the sight of them reminded him that his two younger brothers...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 9)

16-12-12 sight of delicious food, one cannot help but gaze at stunning beauty, and one can become greedy in their...


16-09-04 line of sight at all times. Side and top view cameras give you a bird’s-eye perspective of the area...

Dying for a Just Cause and  Accruing Virtue with Good Deeds

16-08-14 What he did, however, was in plain sight of the Heaven above. Mr. Liu would have accrued much virtue...


16-04-12 first sight 乍一看,初看起来 61. at first 最初,起先 62. at hand 在手边,在附近 63. at heart 内心里,本质上 64. at home 在家,在国内 65....


16-01-01 me]?How volatile are you and dissipated,By the look-out tower on the wall!One day without the sight...

视频:他独坐教堂清唱圣诞歌 动人歌声热传

15-12-24 knowthat your Baby Boy will give sight to a blind man?Mary, did you knowthat your Baby Boy will calm the...

英语口语中最常用到的50个成语 太实用了

15-10-04 another's poison.39. Out of sight, out of mind.[字面意思]眼不见,心不想。[解释]好长一段时间没有某人的消息,就可能不再想到他。汉语"眼不见,心不烦...


15-07-21 能够达到让他可以独立外出购物以及重新在自家花园劳作的目的。医学创新据介绍,仿生机器眼系统是美国公司“第二视觉”(Second Sight)设计生产的;这一系统曾经在临床试验中让一些罹患视网膜色素变性病人恢复...


15-02-07 (为什么),掉下spy(间谍)。站在peak(高峰),对天speak(说)。到了night(晚上),打开light(灯),保护sight(视力)。方法right(正确),坚持fight(加油),前途bright...