“A Clear Mirror Hangs up High”

“A Clear Mirror Hangs up High”
The Tang Dynasty (618 – 907 AD) is often considered the pinnacle of the magnificence of five thousand years of Chinese culture. The Daming Palace was a symbol of when the Tang Dynasty was at its peak in the areas of literature and martial arts.
Many Chinese are familiar with two proverbs related to Daming Palace: "Ming Jing Gao Xuan" ("A clear mirror hangs up high"), and "Zheng Da Guang Ming" ("Righteously and nobly"). The proverbs refer to the open and unbiased nature of all the issues resolved by the imperial court, always with righteousness and nobility, and unblemished, like a clear mirror that hangs high. To the imperial court ministers, the proverbs served as constant reminders, and they were also the expectations of the people.
"Clear mirror hangs up high" was formerly termed "Qin mirror hangs up high." Why was that so? To understand the origin of the phrase, one has to look back to the Qin Dynasty (221 – 206 BC). It was said that the Qin mirror was a treasure with magical powers. It had been carefully kept by Emperor Qin Shihuang in the Xianyang Palace. The mirror had some special functions. When one looked at the mirror from the front, it reflected the image upside down. If the person rubbed his hand over the chest, then the internal organs of the person could be clearly seen. More interestingly, it could also distinguish the loyal from the disloyal ministers in the imperial court, as well as foretell the rise and fall of a state... indeed it was a national treasure. However, Emperor Qin Shihuang used the mirror only to inspect the ladies in the imperial court. Anyone who panicked in front of the mirror were treated as traitors and killed. His son, Hu Hai, the second Emperor of Qin, was even worse. He killed innumerable innocent people, but left behind corrupt officials such as Minister Zhao Gao (infamous for calling a deer a horse to save Hu Hai’s face), who finally betrayed the country. The great Qin empire, once respected and feared by the Xiongnu, finally collapsed during the rule of Qin the Second.
When Liu Bang (256 – 195 BC), the first emperor of the Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) took over the capital city Xianyang, his top advisor Xiao He advised him to seal all the Qin palaces, including Xianyang Palace and Epang Palace. Xiao He advised against looting any of the gold and treasures, or any women, children or animals. But what he did take from the Qin palaces were all the books and scrolls, and the acclaimed treasure of the state - the Qin mirror. When the Han Dynasty came to an end, the whereabouts of the Qin mirror also became a mystery. The mirror resurfaced a few hundred years later, when Emperor Tang Taizong (598 – 649 AD) gave the order to rebuild the Yongan Palace.
While excavating the foundations of the Yongan Palace, the Qin mirror was unearthed. Accompanied by the two ministers, Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng, Emperor Taizong personally visited the site. The following famous conversation about the Qin mirror had since been handed down for over a thousand years.
After hearing Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng discuss the importance of the Qin mirror, Emperor Taizong sighed and said, "What do I need this mirror for? I already have a mirror many thousand times better than this Qin mirror!" Fang Xuanling was confused but Wei Zheng blushed upon hearing that. Unable to comprehend, Fang Xuanling asked, "Your majesty, where is this mirror of yours? Can we see it?" Patting Wei Zheng's shoulder, the emperor said, "My beloved Minister Wei is my mirror!" After saying this, he laughed aloud.
In seriousness, Emperor Taizong then said, "With a copper mirror, I can see my attire. Taking history as my mirror, I can see the rise and fall of history. With people as a mirror, I understand one's loss and gain. My beloved Minister Wei frequently admonishes me, reminding me of loss and gain, and of the ups and downs in history. Are you not like a clear mirror that is hanging up high to me? To commemorate our 'mirror' meeting today," Taizong continued, "I will rename this Yongan Palace the Daming Palace." Everyone applauded this circumstance. From then on, the name Daming Palace spread far and wide.
When the Daming Palace was finally completed, Emperor Taizong designated the Qin mirror as the founding treasure of the palace. Henceforth, the Chang’an scholars claimed that the imperial Daming Palace build on the dragon plains could be seen brightly illuminated every night, as if in broad daylight. However, Taizong never moved into Daming Palace to live. He stayed behind in Taiji Palace, governing with the help by Wei Zheng and other capable ministers within his administration. For the first time in history "governing by virtue" was established, and that brought the Tang Dynasty acclaim, honor, and prosperity.
Over a thousand years have gone by. The former glory of the Daming Palace has long been buried beneath the ground. But the legend of the "clear mirror" and how the Tang Dynasty was governed righteously and nobly still remains in people's heart. It reflects the corruption of today's Chinese communist regime, and the4 notoriety and lawlessness of today's degenerating world.
太宗又正色说,“夫以铜为镜,可以整衣冠;以古为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失。魏爱卿常进谏于朕,使朕得以明得失兴替,难道不是朕的一面高悬的明镜么!为记今日君臣明镜之会,朕特改此永安宫为大明宫!” 众皆称善,于是天下皆传大明宫之名。
    来源: 看中国 责编: Kitt

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