2015底特律车展 -- 第一款奔驰新概念车面市

这款车的外型是一款隐形式的全封闭的流线体车型,长五米左右,宽两米多,高一米五,车内的座位可以旋转,车内的四个人可以面对面的对坐,而车子可以自动驾驶,一种插入式氢燃料电池以及后置电动马达可产生268马力和398Nm 的组合输出动力,最快速度可达一小时200公里。

The "Luxury in Motion" 015 concept comes with front seats that swivel to face the back, allowing four people to sit face-to-face while the car drives down the road. The technology for true autonomous vehicles may be years away, but the concept offers a tantalizing glimpse of a driver-less future.
A plug-in hydrogen fuel cell setup powers the rear-mounted electric motors to produce a combined output of 268 hp and 398 Nm. The F 015 concept boasts a range of 1,100 km, a 0-100 km/h time of 6.7 seconds, and a limited top-speed of 200 km/h.
In terms of dimensions, the F 015 concept measures 5,220 mm in length, 2,018 mm in width, and 1,524 mm in height.
    责编: Lily

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