Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary, Lawyers and Engineers Question Official Story

19-09-10 and security companies that had access to the WTC Towers before 9/11, persons and entities who...


19-08-13 (Teen Access Program)”,让13岁~19岁的男女青少年,不论是文艺中心的会员与否,都能免费欣赏节目(不含募款活动),希望借此鼓励他们在自己的社区里认识精彩的艺文飨宴。地点:法拉盛市政厅文艺...

台湾情治人员资料被盗 中共网络攻击大起底

19-08-10 工具(Remote Access Tool,RAT)传回大量重要资料(WORD、PPT、 PDF),最后再利用社交工程将邮件破坏力发挥到最大。而2011年8月,同公司又发布一项资安报告,其中指出一项...


19-06-21 担保年收益率:2.25%最低存款额:0元Citizens Access Online Savings AccountFDIC担保年收益率:2.35%最低存款额:5000元汇丰HSBC Online...


19-06-07 法律援助处(New York Legal Assistant Group)和纽约州法院法律正义项目(Access to Justice Program)的特派专员前往服务。陈倩雯表示,华裔众多的社区...


19-05-02 法律援助处(New York Legal Assistant Group)和纽约州法院法律正义项目(Access to Justice Program)的特派专员前往服务。陈倩雯表示,华裔众多的社区...


19-04-12 服务人员,均由纽约法律援助处(New York Legal Assistant Group)和纽约州法院法律正义项目(Access to Justice Program)的特派专员前往服务。陈倩雯表示,华裔...


19-04-04 法律援助处(New York Legal Assistant Group)和纽约州法院法律正义项目(Access to Justice Program)的特派专员前往服务。陈倩雯表示,华裔众多的社区...

纽约市社会服务部推出ACCESS HRA网站和移动应用程序的新功能

19-03-22 纽约市社会服务部3月21日宣布,推出全面的“Skip the Trip”广告活动,重点介绍最近推出的城市ACCESS HRA网站和移动应用程序的新功能和增强功能,让纽约市民更容易申请并且无需访问...


19-01-03 也将持续为青少年敞开。脍炙人口的「青少年免费计划(Teen Access Program)」让13到19岁的男女青少年(不论是文艺中心的会员与否)都能免费欣赏节目(不含募款活动),希望借此鼓励...


18-12-20 川普在19日签署连同《西藏旅行对等法》在内的4个法案。(图:flickr.com)美国总统川普周三(19)签署《西藏旅行对等法(The Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act...


18-12-04 assets)购买,或高达25万美元的营运资金(working capital)。这个名为Access的项目从上个月开始受理申请。EDA官员们表示希望提供更大的灵活性给小企业,并著重于现金流而非硬性的抵押...


18-12-03 上升。特别是“人人都能上大学” 计划(College Access for All initiative)已经触及到纽约市每所中学和高中学校,该计划取消了低收入家庭申请纽约市立大学的费用。最近发布的2017~18学校质量...

Mega-Donor George Soros Began Targeting Arizona and Georgia Elections in 2015

18-11-27 , called Third Sector Development and Voter Access Institute. She personally benefited by nearly half...

脸书遭骇波及九千万用户 黑客取消黑扎克帐号计划

18-10-09 再次发生黑客利用该社交媒体安全漏洞入侵事件,并获取了高达5000万用户登陆访问许可权。通过脸书“检视角度”(View as)功能的漏洞,黑客盗取“存取权杖”(Access tokens),获得用户数字钥匙...

法拉盛文艺中心40周年庆 精彩节目金秋开演

18-09-13 ,会刊登于本报(《看中国》)每期的B3版。敬请读者们关注、了解。此外,今秋法拉盛文艺中心也将对青少年们持续优惠。脍炙人口的“青少年免费计划(Teen Access Program)”,受惠于13岁~19岁...

纽约难民及移民中心迁新址 升级服务

18-07-25 动的工作做到无缝接轨,确保民众能否获得所需的帮助。此外,该中心的工作人员将协助民众开设“ACCESS HRA”网上帐户,以便民众能够通过该帐户申请“营业补充援助计划(SNAP,俗称粮食券)”以及提交现金...

US Professor’s Lecture Canceled in China After Netizens Discover His Criticisms of Chinese Regime

18-07-02 private network (VPN) app that allowed him to access the internet through a server outside of China to...

Beijing Pushing Taiwan and U.S. Allies out of the Pacific Islands, Says Congressional Report

18-06-29 space and gaining access to raw materials and natural resources.Six of the 14 countries—Kiribati, the...

Former Rolls-Royce Engineer Suspected of Passing Fighter Jet Tech to China

18-06-29 American fighter jets. Su assisted military hackers to access the computer networks of major U.S. defense...

Iran Admits to Aiding 9/11 Attacks

18-06-18 , released June 7, found that Obama granted Iran access to the U.S. financial system despite public claims...

Even With New Deal, ZTE Is Damaged Goods

18-06-17 built-in “backdoor” access allowing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) the ability to inject malware into...


18-06-09 半导体(SK Hynix Inc.)。据悉,这三间公司都属于全球知名存储芯片制造商,是动态随机存储器(Dynamic Random Access,DRAM)芯片的主要供应商。这三家公司均表示,监督管理总局...

More Evidence WeChat Is Recording Private Messages for Beijing to Spy on Users

18-05-07 post is a rare admission by the Chinese regime’s judicial agency that it could access private WeChat...

2022年底 LIRR大中央车站正式通车

18-04-19  【看中国讯】MTA扩建项目之一的东线工程(East Side Access Project),可以让长岛铁路火车(LIRR)直接进入大中央车站(Grand Central Terminal),长岛...

Phone and Internet Data Sent Through Undersea Cables Threatened by Chinese Monitoring

18-02-19 Pacific, centering on the Marshall Islands and Nauru.“This would—with surprising ease—allow China access...

Pope Francis Appeases Chinese Regime, Depriving Persecuted Underground Catholics of Their Bishops

18-02-05 deliver a letter to Pope Francis. He was not given the privilege of an express access to the pope that is...

纽约“复兴学校”计划后 21校提升

17-12-22 (Universal Literacy)”计划、高中的“所有人上大学(College Access for All)”计划。转型后的资金来源从“复兴学校”计划中挪到地方学区。...


17-12-07 ”(Special Access Program,SAP)。他说,有一个很好的拒绝公开的理由就是:这会损害美国国家安全。民主党施压 希拉里误导随著2016年美国总统选举日临近,麦卡洛曾得到民主党总统竞选团队...

Mistress Classes and Mistress Dispellers the Latest Trends in China’s Marriages

17-11-20 to a caste system that favors urban over rural residents in many aspects of life, from access to...

As FBI Chief, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Watched and Allowed Clinton Deals With Russia

17-10-27 campaign designed to win access to the new secretary of State, her husband Bill Clinton and members of...

Why Trade With China Is Not Free

17-10-06 restrictions of foreign firms’ access to Chinese markets, to name a few.Taking all of this together, the World...

Companies Recession Unleashed America’s Entrepreneurial Energy

17-05-20 access to the same facilities for around $1,000 a month.Numerous such incubators have cropped up in...

纽约州改善法庭翻译服务 华人受益

17-04-11 3月24日,纽约州统一法庭系统主行政法官马克斯(Lawrence K. Marks)公布了《确保获得语言服务:纽约州法庭战略计划》(Ensuring Language Access...

让未来提前到来 2017 New Tesla Model X

17-03-19 impact-absorbing crumple zone. Falcon WingsFalcon Wing doors allow easy access to second and third row seats from...

Congressional Hearing: Reforming China Through Increased Trade  a ‘Bipartisan Fantasy’

17-03-10 gain access?  Do they curry favor with the authorities by sharing sensitive technology that can be...

历阅巅峰 自成境界 2017款Range Rover


A Gap in the Great Firewall: Mobile Apps

17-01-28 Chinese censors intended to fully block access to New York Times’ content since 2012, Chinese residents...


16-07-07 或汽车、有存款、或是移民,仍有资格申请到SNAP福利。每一个申请都被独立评估。可访问NYC.gov/ACCESSNYC申请。ACCESS NYC可用来作为筛选工具,根据你的家庭组成和收入以确定你可能有资格...


16-01-19 依据《信息公开法》(Access to Information Act),有社区组织和加拿大广播公司(CBC)要求加拿大交通运输部提供有关铁路安全问题的文件,结果发现拿到手的文件已经被大量删节...