
21-12-16 :史坦顿岛温港文化中心和植物园(Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical garden)。地址:1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten...


20-07-21 没有超出合法的界限。也就是说,并没有否定政治上的多元主义。多元主义的第二层含义,一般表述为文化多元主义(Cultural Pluralism)。它承认多元文化共存的现实,在宪法共识的基础上,尊重各少数族群...

Confessions of a Chinese Youth

20-04-27 them up. If you support the Cultural Revolution, you better pray that you’re at the bottom rung....


20-01-27 。6、中国黄历新年新春炮竹文艺大汇演 New Year Firecracker Ceremony & Cultural Festival(Pixabay CC0&Wiki CC BY 2.0...


19-10-31 华府AFI Silver戏院“再现台湾电影展”特映会华府“美国电影学院银泉戏院暨文化中心”(AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center)自2019年10月27日起至...


19-10-17 )165号2楼,联系电话:212-941-0041。5、2019台湾文化传统日 2019 Taiwanese Cultural Heritage Celebration(中华总商会提供)本活动由纽约市政厅...


19-08-11 世界文化美食节(Around the World Cultural Food Festival)。在这里可以享受来自世界各地的美味佳肴,同时观看来自不同国家的歌手和舞者的各种民间表演。在两餐休息时间,还可以...


19-07-20 之后,还有派对,不过,年龄要在18岁以上。时间: 7月20日(周六)11:00am~6:00pm。 地点:河岸州立公园文化中心(Riverbank State Park Cultural Center)。地址...

The Cultural Ambassador Princess Wencheng (Part 1)

19-06-19 , musicians and agricultural technicians. The procession was in effect a cultural mission. In order to ensure...


19-05-23 (Suffolk County)的Thai Cultural Center。地址:5425 Skillman Ave, Flushing, NY 11377。C、金马奖最佳纪录片《我们的青春,在台湾》导演傅榆与民众...

Retribution for Destroying a Buddha Statue

19-05-06 especially true during the Cultural Revolution, when numerous Buddhist temples, Taoist shrines, churches, and...


19-01-31 20th New Year Firecracker Ceremony & Cultural Festival(Flickr-CC-BY-2.0)中国黄历新年下周就要到来了!今年纽约,大年初一的新春...


17-07-12 Marshall Cultural Center/Queens Borough Hall)。        地址:120-55 Queens Boulevard Kew Gardens, NY 11424...

TV Personality: Chinese Children Are Taught to Lie

17-06-18 Japanese children answer honestly? It involves social and cultural values that are reflected in the family...

The Clash of ‘Party Character’ and Human Nature at Tiananmen

17-06-11 chaos of the Cultural Revolution, brought on by Mao in the 1960s, General Secretary Liu Shaoqi was...

Music, the Blossoming of Virtue

17-06-11 cultural component of a society. The style of music reflects its era, such as its morality or degree of...

  The Beauty of the Guqin: Upright and Profound

17-06-05 cultural meaning. Ancient literati and officialdom used it to express their willingness for...

Chinese Filmmaker: Life in China is More Brutal Than Any Screenwriter’s Imagination

17-05-06 television industry. A cultural company with international background approached me, asking me to write...

The Rarest of Buddha Statues at the Met Museum

17-03-24 Chinese artifacts in the Met Museum’s collection, one sculpture from antiquity stands out for its cultural...

Behind Xi Jinping’s Risky Grab of Chinese Billionaire Xiao Jianhua

17-02-17 influence in Hong Kong’s financial sector, as well as the arts and cultural fields. The investigation is...

Shen Yun 2017 Inspires Audience with Art and Message

17-01-16 :Minister Treasures Chinese Cultural Heritage in Shen YunWayne Lee is a retired military doctor. He attended...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (3 of 3)

16-12-17 Ming, The Complete Book of Tang Poetry, and the Kangxi Dictionary. He left behind precious cultural...


16-11-28 /arts-barn。该项目是由盖市文化艺术咨询委员会(City of Gaithersburg Cultural Arts Advisory Committee)提供,并得到一向致力于培养充满活力的文化社区、发扬艺术...

Righteous Historiographers Would Rather Die Than Distort the Truth

16-10-18 , people have become indifferent to moral integrity due to the Chinese Communist Party's cultural...


16-10-08 举行,欢迎各界光临指教。华府华侨文教服务中心地址:Culture Center of Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative, 901 Wind River...


16-09-29 支持的艺术家包括当地居民、新兴移民、国内名家与国际大师,透过这些合作交流,本协会的努力成果得以更为深化。身为纽约市认可的文化机构团体﹝Cultural Institutions Group,简称CIG...


16-09-18 戏《铁笼山》以及昆曲《贩马记》。地点:蒙哥马利学院艺术中心(新) Montgomery College Cultural Arts Center,7995 Georgia Ave., Silver...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 Africa came to Chang'an. The capital of Tang became the capital of the world. The cultural and...


16-04-09 。曾庆淮曾任文化部特派员活跃于港澳和大陆影艺界。《华盛顿邮报》2012年曾报导,曾庆淮在90年代搬到香港,担任中共文化部驻港特使。曾庆淮还曾担任“中华文化交流协会”(Chinese Cultural...


16-04-07 。曾庆淮曾任文化部特派员活跃于港澳和大陆影艺界。《华盛顿邮报》2012年曾报导,曾庆淮在90年代搬到香港,担任中共文化部驻港特使。曾庆淮还曾担任“中华文化交流协会”(Chinese Cultural...


16-02-18 。法拉盛文化艺术协会﹝Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts,简称FCCA﹞为纽约市认可的文化机构团体﹝Cultural Institutions Group,简称...

盖城合唱团演出 “欢度佳节”冬季音乐会

15-12-09 Gaithersburg Cultural Arts Advisory Committee)提供,资金提供则来自于致力于培养社区艺术和文化发展的马里兰州艺术委员会(Maryland State Arts Council...


15-11-04 11月7日(Saturday)13:00-19:30;地点:驻纽约台北经济文化办事处一楼(Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in New York ,TECO...


15-11-02 11月7日(Saturday)13:00-19:30;地点:驻纽约台北经济文化办事处一楼(Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in New York ,TECO...


15-09-17 与武术,还可免费参观史岛博物馆。  时间:9月19日(周六)中午12点至下午4点  地点:Snug Harbor Cultural Center。  地址:1000 Richmond Terrace...


15-07-10 、国内名家与国际大师,透过这些合作交流,本中心的努力与发展更为深化。身为纽约市认可的文化机构团体(Cultural Institutions Group,简称CIG)的成员之一,本协会受纽约市政府之托管理...


15-05-27 。而这些偏见很可能最终变成对中国留学生学习能力的歧视。类似的文化冲突(Cultural Shock)可能给新生留下长远的心理阴影,导致自闭、自卑、社交恐惧症等严重的心理问题。对于留学新生来说,教育专业人士...


15-02-22 一部再现中国古典名著《西游记》的全新巨制——《西游记》舞台剧,将由享誉全球的神韵艺术团于今夏隆重推出,并登上墨西哥城文化中心剧院(antes Centro Cultural Telmex)的舞台...


15-02-18 the New Year.  As we continue to advance shared cultural understanding, economic cooperation, regional...

紐約市政府將有大措施  幫助非法移民

14-09-29 文化中心和植物園 (Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden )史坦頓島兒童博物館 (Staten Island Children's...