
20-04-17 幻灯片的方式,详细讲述联邦五项协助方案,及所需准备材料等,欢迎受到疫情影响的中、小型公司(少于500名雇员的)和非牟利机构参与。讲座内容有:1、SBA Economic Injury Disaster...

Predicting the fate of a person through musical vibrations

19-05-09 Yan.  On seeing this situation, Song Yan was afraid that disaster might befall him.  Finally, he went...

A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 power.Fears arose that Wujiutu would allow Wusun to become a vassal state, thus bringing disaster to both...

A Management Model Based on Morality (Part 1)

18-10-11 , morally bad people do invite poverty and disaster into their lives. 根植于信仰的经营之道(上) 子曰:“富与贵,是人之所欲也,不以其道得之,不处...

One’s Fate Changes with One’s Heart

18-09-10 and is kind, and meet with disaster if he does evil things. One’s fate can change at any time...

Throughout the Ages, Good is Rewarded While Evil Provokes Karmic Retribution (Part 1)

18-08-05 sayings state that, “The Heavens grace the good with blessings; the Heavens punish the bad with disaster...

Emperor Han Wendi Stopped Building a Pavilion to Save People's Money

18-06-18 fight in the territory of the Xiongnu, because he considered the possible disaster that a war would mean...

瓜地马拉火山喷发 死亡人数暴增至62

18-06-05 我的家人。”贾西亚正在寻找她的3个孩子、母亲、姪儿和手足。 贾西亚说,她在丈夫协助下顺利逃生。 国家防灾管理局(National Disaster Prevention Authority)发言人戴李昂...

Rejecting Lust, Even Heaven Is Touched

18-06-04 what they long for and would suffer one disaster after another. People would only be blessed with...

Three Stories of the Virtue of Emperor Taizong

18-05-18 , “I was hoping that the disaster could be shifted to me. Why would I be afraid of getting sick?” He...


17-12-07 /兰妮•海德丽。网站:tinyurl.com/y8xr6lkl。*《灾难艺术家》The Disaster Artist影片改编自格雷•戈泽斯特洛和汤姆•比塞尔著作的2013年同名书籍,是一部2017年美国...

Beijing Eviction of ‘Low-Class’ Population Spreads to Other Chinese Cities

17-12-05 local authorities took advantage of the disaster—which happened in a building without proper fire safety...

Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-29 or a disaster, he would examine himself first and then ask his officials and citizens to point out...

The Selfless Realm of  Fan Zhongyan (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-08 disaster area, Fan opened the granary reserves to feed the stricken people. He also requested to waive or...

President Trump Visits Hurricane-Struck Texas, Praises First Responders

17-09-03 President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visited disaster struck Texas on Aug. 29...

Peace and Stability Come from Faith in Gods and Respect for Heaven

17-08-27 referred to such officials as having "officials' morals". When there is a natural disaster...


17-07-27 受到毒藻爆发的重创。2016年3月由国会议员斯庇尔和杰拉德·哈夫曼(Jered Huffman)共同提出HR-4711“螃蟹紧急救灾援助法案”(Crab Emergency Disaster...

  When the Occasion Calls For Doing Good, Do Not Hesitate

17-07-24 Village a disaster area, but the accompanying official said, "Other villages in our county are all...

  One Benefits from Modesty and Is Ruined by Complacence

17-07-12 disaster arrives. Once a man becomes conceited, he will stop cultivating his morality. Complacency is an...

Helping Others in Need Demonstrates Compassionate

17-07-12 , there were floods in multiple areas. He rushed to the disaster areas to offer help and submitted...

The Chinese Emperors' Edicts of Repentance

17-06-30 the Qing Dynasty (1654 – 1722 AD), would reflect upon themselves each time a major disaster occurred....

Two Misconceptions that Lead People Astray

17-10-22 Their intent is to eliminate disaster and punishment. Their actions are truly daydreams. For those who...

Governing People with Kindness and Virtue, Expressing the Demeanor of a Benevolent King

17-05-18 observe omens of disaster or auspiciousness. However, he was concerned about straining the public on such...

  Abiding by Heavenly Principles Leads to Peace and Harmony

17-05-06 the people and protect them from this disaster!" Then he burned the paper. Soon after, there was...

After an Earthquake, Emperor Kangxi Advocated Introspection and Reform

17-03-02 buildings, and houses collapsed. There were many deaths and injuries. Facing this unexpected disaster...

Yang Pu: An Honest, Righteous, and Selfless Government Official

17-01-20 will bring disaster upon the nation and its people. Besides, revealing exam questions is a crime...

News of an Official's Virtuous Rule Travels Far and Wide

16-11-13 mind how to respond to the rumor. The enemy state may or may not invade Sichuan, but a disaster will...

Suffering Insults Modestly and Attaching Importance to the Bigger Picture

16-10-10 to take insults modestly will certainly nurture deeper hostilities and incur disaster, both to their...

Correcting a King's Faults with Righteousness and Selflessly Serving the People 匡正君过 无私为民

16-10-03 even a small detail. Yet I have been indulging in pleasure all the time. Disaster fell on him instead...

克制贪欲 Virtue and Luxury

16-09-19 often leads to heavy losses or disaster, while being thrifty is often associated with prosperity.Below...

Tang Emperor Taizong Swallowed a Locust for the People

16-07-08 swallowing the locust. The Emperor responded, "I'm just hoping the gods will shift the disaster...

Gods See to It That the Wicked Suffer and the Good Avoid Disaster

16-06-18 Gods See to It That the Wicked Suffer and the Good Avoid Disaster The following is a story from...


16-05-17 ,世界银行管理的世界防灾重建技术协会(Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery)发表了最新报告,极端气候等浩劫衍生的风险快速升高,全球各地城市...

The Rewards of Helping a Person in Dire Straits

16-05-18 descendants. Those who brought disaster to my family will all be put on trial. Among them, those who are still...

Sharp Words Inflict More Pain Than Swords

16-01-30 disputes can evolve into a disaster from a vicious word. Besides enmity and harm, what else can hurting...

Virtue Brings Prosperity to One's Family 积德家昌

15-12-31 he was about to die. He ordered his two sons to wait until a year of natural disaster to dig out the...

巨爵袭菲律宾2死8失踪 转向龟速北移

15-10-18 Disaster Risk Reduction Council)主席巴玛(Alexander Pama)在首都马尼拉造诉记者,1株大树倒下时压毁房屋,造成1名14岁少年丧生,另有4人受伤。地区助理民防首长龙涛克...

【英文对照赏析】 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-09-07 harm Your Majesty, that would be a disaster to the nation!" Li Shimin said, "I treat people...

中美印施援尼泊尔 地缘政治较量?

15-06-15 尼泊尔丰富的水电资源。美国《外交政策》网站26日发表的署名基思·约翰逊(Keith Johnson)的文章说,美中印三国迅速派遣救援队伍前往尼泊尔地震灾区,凸显了“救灾外交”(Disaster...