
22-12-06 「台湾食品全球GO计划」,推出一系列行销活动,协助台湾食品业者冲刺海外市场,自8月起至12月密集于全球13个国家,举办大型促销活动及购物中心快闪活动。蔡主任则说明,纽约为美国首选之地,也是台湾食品...


22-07-28 派發活動更顯愛心與親民派發活動現場(攝影:Lily提供)【看中國記者歐陽駿紐約報導】2022年7月23日上午,紐約的氣溫高熱,在這樣的大暑夏季,“高躍紐約”(Go Places NY)創辦人鄭永佳...


22-06-22 ,“紐約社區聯盟”和Go Place NYC,聯合向華人社區民眾,免費派發總共3千罐的嬰幼兒配方奶粉。這批奶粉來自愛爾蘭,適用於1-3歲的嬰幼兒。鄭永佳說:很開心可以做慈善活動,為社區家庭服務,不是為了賺錢...

“仇亚”攻击不断 亚当斯虚心寻求社区见意

22-03-23 (Michelle Go),以及其他亚太裔被攻击和殴打的事件,包括一名75岁韩裔祖母在皇后区被陌生人推倒在地,和一名韩国外交官在联合国附近被突袭打断鼻梁等等。尽管警察局从一开始就说这些袭击不是仇恨犯罪,但做过20多年...


22-03-23 身亡的华裔马耀泮(Yao Pan Ma)、11月在一场地铁劫案中被摔下楼梯身亡的缅甸裔妇女Than Htwe、今年1月15日在地铁站被游民推下月台惨死的华裔高慧民(Michelle Aylssa Go...

南韩外交官被打断鼻梁 “仇亚”暴力犯罪不降反升

22-03-23 亚裔“有关,但纽约已发生多起严重攻击亚裔的暴力事件。今年1月15日,亚裔女子高慧民(Michelle Aylssa Go)在地铁站,被患精神问题的游民暴力推下铁轨,不幸丧生。2021年4月,马尧潘...

又一亚裔女遭游民袭击丧生 我们还要这样生活多久?

22-03-23 (Michelle Alyssa Go)在曼哈顿地铁站被患有精神问题的游民推入铁轨不幸遇难后,还不到一个月,即2月13日凌晨,另一名韩裔女子克里斯蒂娜·李(Christina Yuna Lee)遭游民袭击丧生。2月...

“真不敢相信,我还活著!”男子被推入轨道 地铁暴力再次出现

22-02-10 (Michelle Alyssa Go)在时代广场地铁站等车时,被患有精神问题的游民突袭、推进铁轨致死。仅仅8天后,在1月23日(周日),又有一名男子汤普森(Rawleigh Thompson)在曼哈顿下城的富顿街...

230位商业菁英联名上书:要城市繁荣 安全第一

22-02-09 )高级主管高慧民(Michelle Aylssa Go)在地铁突遭劫难丧生,及2周前2名纽约警官在执勤时被枪击殉职为例,表示“治安是繁荣城市的基石。如果不能恢复每位居民、在职员工、游客应有的安全感,纽约...

亚裔女被推入地铁丧生 黄敏仪呼吁增设站台护栏

22-01-26 1月18日晚,市议员黄敏仪(居中)出席为高慧民举行的悼念会(黄敏仪推特)【看中国记者程帆纽约报导】不久前,刚庆祝了40岁生日与新年的亚裔女子高慧民(Michelle Alyssa Go)在1月15日...


22-01-07 /must-see-week。7、纽约酒店周 NYC Hotel Week(Adobe Stock)今年在纽约冬季里,“NYC Go”系列活动,除纽约餐馆周、百老汇周、观光景点周,还首次开展了纽约酒店周的活动,为期6周,可享...

Election Coup: Fraud Across the Country(已校对)

20-11-27 trail. So what that means is you really have to catch it in real time. You can’t go back forensically in...

Election Fraud Rabbit Hole Goes Deep(已校对)

20-11-27 mess and it’s farther and wider and deeper than we ever thought. But we’re going to go after it and I’m...

我最恨的人 竟是那个救我的人/World War II: The Person I Hate the Most Is the One Saving My Life

20-10-19 Roddick must hold some secret, so he immediately organized the 13 veterans to go look for it.When they...

杀生造业亲人减寿/Retribution for Killing and Breaking a Vow

20-10-05 go back today. You must tell your father that if he can stop hunting and killing birds, I would...

别觉得委屈 一切都是最好的安排  Do Not Feel Things Are Unfair – Everything Is the Best Arrangement

20-08-08 – Everything Is the Best ArrangementIn ancient times, there was a king who liked to dress as a commoner and go...


20-08-07 使用Zoom、Webex、Go Meeting或Skype等视频软件进行网上授课 。目前,路考时所有人都必须遵守防疫规定,如:戴口罩、保持社交距离,车内要消毒等。...

这场血雨腥风的大事件... 而主角却不是人类...

17-01-07 ,0负。  连胜50盘后....  Master证明了一件事情:围棋,至少在快棋领域,人类对它已经无人能敌了。 如果说之前Alpha Go 对阵李世石时还下出了不少昏招,以致于还输掉了一盘...

Take Virtue Seriously and Let Go of Past Resentments

17-01-07 Take Virtue Seriously and Let Go of Past Resentments No matter what career one has or what industry...

Neither Arrogant nor Boastful – the Great General Xu Da

16-12-31 court in order to go to his funeral. The Emperor was overcome with grief and gave Xu Da the postmortem...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (1 of 2)

16-12-31 wanted to go back to Chang'an from Luoyang. However, Prime Minister Zhang Jiuling and others were...

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 , and go along with the natural course of things. Fighting to gain self-interest cannot change anything....

Be an Official for the People; Noble and Pure in Character

16-12-27 When children could not go home after school due to rain, Zheng sent people to bring them meals and...

US Rate Hike Could Squeeze Chinese Issuers

16-12-17 choose to go down this route, corporate loan defaults could accelerate and some companies may find it...

亚马逊开实体杂货店 付钱不用排队

16-12-07 最近,亚马逊(Amazon)在一个视频中公布了一个新的实体店视频,出售“杂货必需品”和现成饭菜,但与传统的杂货店不同,它的卖点是没有结账台。视频显示客户如何使用一个名为“Amazon Go”的新...

In Conquering Hollywood, China’s Wanda Group Doesn’t Play by the Rules

16-11-20 number of foreign films that can be shown in China—a system it uses to urge filmmakers to go beyond...

The Virtue of Forgiveness and Generosity

16-11-20 family line. That is so sad.”Du Ruhui was moved. He let go of his resentment and repaid their uncle'...


16-11-13 ,除了一个老奶奶不小心出现了轻微扭伤,完全没有什么伤亡!零伤亡在让人们松了一口气嗯,在日本网友的“智慧”下,各种奇奇怪怪的东西开始从地下“冒头”……三地鼠,在这里玩pokemon go要大丰收了吧~但是,如果三地鼠...


16-11-10 a competitor because he was one of the folks that was negotiating to go against those Democrats, Dr. Ben...

The Story of Li Mi

16-11-08 skills. Zhang recited a four-line poem using the Go chessboard and pieces as the subject. He asked Li Mi...

Wife Urges Husband to Elevate Moral Character through Studies

16-10-31 , "While you are still young, why don't you go out to look for a teacher and further your...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 4)

16-10-26 one gain the respect of fellow acquaintances, everything he or she does will go smoothly. An ordinary...

Mi Zijian Knew Precisely What to Accept or Reject

16-10-26 State was planning to attack the Lu State. During the attack, the army of the Qi State would have to go...

Saving Others Is Saving Ourselves救人实是自救

16-10-21 shares a strong bond. They can't let go of each other. In addition, the mom is still breastfeeding...


16-10-19 :goo.gl/LyGER6。 2、本周新片速递:《神隐任务:永不回头》 Jack Reacher: Never Go Back  本片为爱德华•兹维克(Edward Zwick)执导,并与李察•温克、马歇尔...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society " (Part 3)

16-10-18 remind themselves to be decisive, like an arrow on the bowstring, ready to go at any time. Even so...

Beauty and Divinity Found in  Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

16-10-10 , movies, just scenic pictures that I have seen before, places that I would like to go to. Whether it was...

Suffering Insults Modestly and Attaching Importance to the Bigger Picture

16-10-10 on what transpired in his county. The emperor then summoned Kou Xun to go see him. When Kou Xun...

周末好去处: 纽约动漫展 巧克力展 大都会博物馆

16-10-08 ,将自己精心装扮一番再来参观展览。现场会有各类和动漫相关的书籍、作品与相关影视产品。幸运者还可以和明星合照,买到限量发行的藏品。当然今年Pokemon Go最火,现场或许会有不少小精灵出没。时间:10/6-9...