Election Coup: Fraud Across the Country(已校对)

20-11-27 Biden and demanded in her letter: “We want something for our vote.”According to the director of Big Data...

The Humble and Upright Yu Qian

19-05-23 descendants). The marshal felt guilty and wrote a letter to the Emperor to recommend Yu Qian's son, Yu...

Repaying Others Who Have Helped Us and Being Honest and Trustworthy

19-05-09 responsibilities and treated him like his family member. The owner received a letter from his family saying that...

纽约州免费房屋节能改造  现在即可申请!

19-05-06 要求,并提供收入证明,如:粮食券/SSI Letter/HEAP Letter/报税单等。图为房屋漏风检测阁楼隔热施工改造锅炉一氧化碳检测卧室墙壁保温施工1-打洞卧室墙壁保温施工2-打棉后卧室墙壁保温施工3-补...


19-03-11 heads of the Committees have gone stone cold CRAZY. 81 letter sent to innocent people to harass them....

A Rich Woman of the Song Dynasty Helps her People and the Kingdom

19-02-13 a person to write a letter and ask the Ma family to pick up their missing fortune. But the Ma family was so...

Founder of Tai Chi: Zhang Sanfeng

19-01-15 wrote himself.After receiving this letter, Zhang responded with a poem. Zhang knew exactly why the...

Russian Lawyer Tied to Democrats, Lynch, and DNC-Linked Trump Dossier Company

17-07-24 open letter to Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on June...


17-07-07 Commitment Letter。6.产权报告买方律师将以买方的名义购买产权报告(Title Report)并审阅,看该房屋的产权是否存在问题,可不可以过户;调查房屋的历史交易情况、贷款情况、付税情况、房契户主资料...


17-06-30 贷款买房:如果您在美国信用和纳税纪录都很好,是可以申请贷款的!卖家会想知道这位买家究竟为贷款是否做足了准备。如一封银行出示的Lender’s Commitment Letter(贷款承诺书...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found (Part II)

17-06-10 important considerations in firing Comey.In Trump’s May 9 letter to Comey informing him of his termination...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 considerations in firing Comey.In Trump’s May 9 letter to Comey informing him of his termination, Trump stated...

China May Be Preparing for North Korean Exodus

17-05-16 Korean defectors or asylum seekers. The Korea Times published a letter allegedly issued by the Chinese...

  One’s Fortune Changes Following a Change of Heart

17-05-16 letter you mentioned that you wanted to save paper. However, when your students and friends used papers...

Selflessly Serve the Public, Respect Virtue and Love the People

17-04-24 immediately wrote a letter to the Emperor and pointed out that Chen "lied to the Emperor, took advantage...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 up to his own words, "exhausting myself for the nation till I die." In his letter to King...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 conduct themselves well and maintain moral integrity. He once wrote a letter to his son, Xu Song: "...


17-03-04 的资料, 提供资格预审的信(prequalification letter)。但这只基于借款人提供的资料准确而又完整的假定,并且所需额外要借款的资料也齐备,借款人就有抵押贷款预审符合规定的借款人资格。总部...

  Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay

17-02-17 immediately sent a letter to her husband. After reading the letter, Zhang Ying became worried. He sent...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (2 of 2)

17-02-11 ;s minds. Han Xin thus wrote a letter to Liu Bang requesting to be the acting lord for Qi. At first...


17-01-12 丢失绿卡,人在外国绿卡只能在美国国内的移民局(USCIS)补办,美国驻外的大使馆与领事馆是不能补办绿卡的,只能给申请一个30有效的Transportation Letter让你进入美国。所以你要做的是...


16-12-16 」(Equidistant Letter Sequences),简称ELS。「圣经密码」排列的方式如巨大纵横的字谜, 可向左、向右,向上或向下,以等距间跳的方式拼出词句。同时,在附近也有与之相关的讯息出现 ,拼合起来便能...

2017 Mercedes-Benz GLS 绝对的王者睥睨

16-12-06 自然的书写方式,输入字母、特殊字元及数字。2017 Mercedes-Benz GLSDesignIntroducing the GLS. It gets more than a new letter...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 a letter to his father. In the letter, Kangxi wrote that the imperial court realized that this rebellion...

地球磁场出现裂缝 引发人类关注未来

16-11-06 检测仪器于近期观察到地球磁场出现裂缝。科学家在《物理评论快报》(Physics Review Letter)上指出,因为地磁出现裂缝,所以日冕喷发的巨大等离子能量束冲击地球磁层,引发地磁风暴。地磁裂缝...

Chinese Regime’s Political System Up For Discussion on Social Media Hopes for the rule of law are being expressed through advocacy of a presidential system

16-09-19 suggested to Xi in a letter that the presidential system is his best choice. Later, many websites...

克制贪欲 Virtue and Luxury

16-09-19 to be put in his tomb.In a letter to his son, Zhuge Liang wrote, “One should calm his mind to improve...

Dai Zhou’s Devotion to the Law

16-08-30 letter to Emperor Taizong, Dai Zhou argued that the royal guard and Zhangsun Wuji committed the same...

Provide Frank Advice, Be Loyal to Friends, and Repay Kindness

16-08-30 the emperor as a gift (because Emperor Taizong used to love eagles as pets). In a secret letter to...

Even Thieves Have Principles 盗亦有道

16-08-30 check it out. They were his cases indeed, what good luck! A letter was placed on top of one of the cases...


15-11-24 。  声明人: ×××(前夫名)[记得要按手印]  ***×年×月×日  译文: Letter of Agreement  I, the undersigned:  ***( 前夫名 ) male,born...


15-11-16 ,000不用报税的钱做头款。这些钱最好提前四个月存到你们的银行账户,贷款时就可以看作是你们自己的钱,不用再填贷款礼品表格(Gift Letter)。 2.    决定买房地点 (Location) 上班族...

Filial Piety Fosters Kindness  以孝养善

15-08-07 nothing more worthy." He ordered the grain to be given away to the poor and wrote a letter to the...


15-07-22 健康通讯(Harvard Health Letter)发表了一片新的文章,建议每天喝30到50盎司的水,也就是887毫升到1.47升的水。  液体会携带营养给你的细胞,从膀胱排除细菌,并且防止脱水...


15-07-19 以及Keyboarding、个人简历(Resume)、Cover Letter、Job Search、应聘技巧(Interview Skills)、招聘信息(Job Mar-ket Information)、Career...


15-02-13 一颗完整的♥当配字游戏遇到爱,游戏也变得富有哲理了。最契合的两瓣合在一起,才是一颗完整的心,这不正是爱情的真谛吗?16…甜蜜的爱之树谁说只有圣诞树?17…Love letter爱的主题日怎能少了情书...

Gmail不能用了 留学生可用这个申请美加大学(图)

15-01-17 给你发过邮件。而国内的邮箱系统发送的邮件也无法被对方院校Gmail系统接收。所以如果你申请时注册邮箱是国内邮箱系统,你很可能无法收到学校发给你的Offer Letter。建议所有今年申请海外大学的同学...


15-01-16 :一切都检查过后去agent office里签字顺带一张deposit支票。NJ这边的offer letter是agent提供的,据说是标准格式通用模板,第一次签的时候我们从头到尾仔仔细细的读过,第二次...

美国买房记-新泽西 贷款过程

15-01-16 银行确认信(pre-approval letter),证明你有可贷款的资格和能力,这样看中房子以后可以很快下定。房子下定之后,出1000美金定金,支票开给买家中介,卖家接受了以后就可以找银行谈贷款...

美国买房记-新泽西 信用和银行的贷款确认

15-01-16 要求买家出具一份我们有能力贷款的银行确认信,而银行会根据我们的信用记录来考量我们有无还款能力,再决定是否出具这样一份确认信,英文叫(Pre-approval letter)。其实作为来美不到1年的人,这对...