Confessions of a Chinese Youth

20-04-27 from returning home,” "The United States wets its pants and sues for peace in trade war,” etc....


19-07-05 位于华盛顿州与卑诗省之间的和平之门(Peace Arch) 来源:Flickr/US Embassy Canada很多人都听说,美国和加拿大的边境真是奇葩一样的存在。一不留神,溜跶著溜跶著,你就走...


19-06-29 和西南第三街之间的西南马里兰大道• 西北第一街和西北第三街之间的西北宾夕法尼亚大道• 和平圆环(Peace Circle) 和加菲尔德圆环(Garfield Circle) 之间的区域也将在7月5日凌晨...


19-05-21 。英国《卫报》译成“Fortunate harmony”,即“吉利、和谐”。美联社的选择是“Pursuing harmony”,寓意“追求和谐”。《纽约时报》则直接翻译为“Order and peace...

A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 Wusun stayed positive. Feng Liao's heroic story of maintaining the peace at the border has been...

The Difference a Good or Evil Thought Can Make to Your Destiny

19-03-13 wouldn’t leave me in peace…Well, rich or poor, it’s all predestined. I can’t take things that don’t...

Yang Loses His Life Due to Karmic Retribution

17-07-28 at a certain location. How could you be at peace after committing such a crime?" In less than...

Music, the Blossoming of Virtue

17-06-11 others, lead the nation in a better direction, and bring peace to the world. In contrast, contemporary...

  The Beauty of the Guqin: Upright and Profound

17-06-05 self-improvement, family harmony, benefiting the people, and seeking peace for society. Thus, the guqin became...


17-06-05 学分补上。(3)下述五种情况下,学生可以暂时中断学业而不会丧失受资助的资格:入伍服役、家庭成员死亡、病假、加入“和平队”(Peace Corps.)或者是为了照顾孩子而暂时中断学业。(4)正在军队服役...

Governing People with Kindness and Virtue, Expressing the Demeanor of a Benevolent King

17-05-18 broadmindedness, abilities to govern a nation and aspiration to obtain peace for the world. He happily said, “My...

  Abiding by Heavenly Principles Leads to Peace and Harmony

17-05-06 heavenly principles are followed, the country will be at peace and the people will live in harmony. When...

  Correcting One's Wrongdoings Changes One's Fate

17-05-01 that one needs to be at peace and maintain a calm heart. You are now cursing the judges. You must be...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 officials based on virtue" is the foundation to govern a country well and bring peace to the world....

A Man of Modesty Will Extend His Good Fortune

17-03-18 modest; that a man of many estates will have peace and prosperity if he regulates his desires and leads...


17-03-16。3.纽约和平电影节 New York peace Film Festival    顾名思义,以倡导和平为主的电影节,让观众明白世界正努力促进和平。主办方强调希望在国际冲突下提出...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 clearly identify the goals in one's life, and if one's mind cannot be at peace, one cannot...

Investigator of China Organ Harvesting Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

17-03-02 nominated for the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for his work exposing the mass harvesting of organs in China’s...


17-02-28 Light》(《死亡・奇迹・预言》)及《At Peace in the Light》(《天堂教我的七堂课》),虽然两本都只是薄薄的小书,但极为畅销,反响很大,一部比一部轰动。 丹尼尔从小放荡不羁,长大后在政府...

  Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay

17-02-17 country and bringing peace to the people." Of all the emperors from ancient Chinese history, he was...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (1 of 2)

17-02-06 help bring stability and peace to the nation. Without any source of income, he often had to go to the...


16-03-22 位于伊拉克的“Valley of Peace”(和平谷)这个地方时,感觉它就像是沙漠中的一座城市,但是当你放大这些密密麻麻的建筑来看的时候,就会发现令人震惊的景象。这些秘密麻麻的建筑其实并不是一座座...


15-11-19 最大值。经济与和平研究所(Institute for Economics and Peace,IEP)最新年度全球恐怖主义指数显示,在2014年,恐怖行动让世界损失近530亿美元,相当于保加利亚整个年度...

中共黩武 军费10年增4倍 秘密开支尤甚

15-11-06 ,然而这种方法并没有从制度上做出变革,无法长期抑制腐败。根据斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所(Stockholm International Peace Research Institute)公布的数据,2014年中共...

索尼向雇员赔800万美元 和解骇客入侵案

15-10-23 Peace)的骇客闯入了索尼公司的电脑系统,公开了数以千计的电子邮件、文件、社会安全卡号和其它个人资讯,其目的是试图破坏针对北朝鲜的喜剧电影“面试”(The Interview)的发行。美国政府认为这次骇客...

【英文对照赏析】 The Virtuous and Selfless Empress Changsun 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-08-29 to give wise advice during peace time," "married to an unequaled emperor," and "...

Filial Piety Fosters Kindness  以孝养善

15-08-07 his family, rule the country, and bring peace to all under heaven?" Since the Han Dynasty (206 BC...


15-05-19 中环〞,全称〝让爱与和平占领中环〞(Occupy Central with Love and Peace),简称〝和平占中〞或〝占中〞,是由香港大学法律系副教授戴耀廷于2013年1月提出,倡议...


15-04-25 International Peace)客座高级研究员迈克尔·佩蒂斯(Michael Pettis)则认为,中国的高投资当中有很大一部分是以浪费性投资的形式出现。这意味债务增长速度超过了还本付息能力的增长。中国国家发改委主持...

私家收藏 在洛杉矶不花钱就能做的事

15-04-13 13. 去回声公园(Echo Park)野餐14. Peace Awareness花园迷宫(3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90018)15. 探索...

美白宫宣布米歇尔访日行程 将大力宣传女性教育

15-03-17 ,米歇尔将于18日至19日到访东京,与日本首相安倍晋三及其夫人昭惠会面。她还将发表演讲,强调在推动女孩教育方面日美共同发挥作用的重要性,并再次提出美国官方志愿者组织“和平队”(Peace Corps)同日本...

渣打高层现重大调整 摩根大通前高管接任CEO

15-02-27 (Peter Sands),以扭转该行连续两年盈利下滑的态势。  该行在声明中还表示,该行董事长、65岁的庄贝思(John Peace)也将于2016年卸任,但尚未指明继任者。  该行股东之一大卫·弗格森...

The Most Learned Emperor in Chinese History - Emperor Kangxi

15-02-22 behind ruling a country. He hoped to learn as much as he could so that China would be in peace and...

《邮币乾坤》(三) 袁世凯银圆研究

15-02-20 ,发行最多最大最普通就要数摩根银圆及和平银圆;每品种每年数量都在数千万或数亿以上,譬如MORGAN DOLLAR可达11,000,000;1886年的为20,000,000及PEACE DOLLAR...

趣事多多 加拿大美国边境那点事儿(图)

15-01-29   和平拱门位于加拿大的和平拱门省立公园 (Peace Arch Provincial Park)和美国华盛顿州的和平拱门州立公园(Peace Arch State Park)交界的边境上,处99号公路...


15-01-26 ”(Peace of Mind)的计画,让集会的所有客人--如婚礼,都能获得把他们的车轻松开回家的服务。BeMyDD是聘请专业的、经验丰富的司机,穿着正式的职业服装。司机都是经过亲自面谈的,背景也经过筛选并且有...


15-01-19 接近1150亿美元。“中国对大型项目的偏好由来已久,”经济学家、卡内基国际和平研究院(Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)高级研究员黄育川(Yukon...

全球最美的那些艺术阶梯 不要错过(图)

14-12-15 , Lebanon黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特充满活力:伊斯坦布尔男子侯赛因·赛特内(Huseyin Cetinel)曾将一段歪斜破旧楼梯漆刷成彩虹。黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特也曾有过彩虹阶梯。Stairs of Peace in...


14-12-14 ,用他自己的话来讲就是:“我死过多次。”他根据自己的濒死经历写成《Saved by the Light》(《死亡·奇迹·预言》)及《At Peace in the Light》(《天堂教我的七堂课...

盘点美国众野鸡大学 出国留学前必看

14-12-12 (SolsburyUniversity)  176 美国和平生态论坛大学(University of Ecoforumfor Peace)  177 美国宾维尔大学(BienvileUniversity)  178 美国伯彻姆国际大学...