The Humble and Upright Yu Qian

19-05-23 man, righteous, honest and fair. He did not pander to those of higher rank, yet was well respected by...

Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

19-05-23 obtains wealth by honest and moral means."There was a famous Chinese royal court official in the Ming...

Repaying Others Who Have Helped Us and Being Honest and Trustworthy

19-05-09 his wife was very sick and that he must return to his home immediately. Knowing Zhan Gu to be a honest...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 , how could you do it this often? Has your Majesty forgotten Lao Zi's warning? Lao Zi said, '...

Yan Zi’s Wisdom

19-02-27 In the Spring and Autumn Period, Yan Zi was a high official in the Qi State. Yan Zi was well known...

Bad Deeds Foretold Ill Fortune; Good Deeds Reversed the Outcome

18-12-24 heard a Bodhisattva announce, “Your family has been loyal and honest for generations, especially your...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 1)

18-11-28 requires one to be broadminded and kind.  Zi Gong once asked his teacher Confucius, “Is there a single word...

孙政才落马祸及〝太子〞 大陆微博禁搜引热议

17-07-29 微博最新禁词,因此迁怒新浪微博。网民〝红娘丁当的小号〞发贴说:今天听说的最好笑的一个笑话是:微博禁了tai zi,prince这个词;正好赶上《三生三世十里桃花》在宣传期,杨洋(该片主人翁)的粉丝们发现...

  The Power of Buddha Law

17-07-23 was an honest, kind person and rarely spoke more than necessary. Shakyamuni once observed Niti when he...

  One Benefits from Modesty and Is Ruined by Complacence

17-07-12 ;One benefits from modesty and is ruined by complacence." Lao Zi said, "A man is able to tell...

伦敦知名市集深夜恶火 整栋楼陷火海

17-07-10 ,起火地点似乎是肯顿市集附近的吉他行。〝卫报〞引述22岁的邓默(Billy Dunmore)说,〝我跟朋友走经过市集时,看到烟窜出到路上。我们看到诚实汉堡(Honest Burger)楼上的窗户窜出火...

The Photographer Who Loves America

17-07-08 otherwise and giving them a more honest, spontaneous presence in his photographs. They have become a part of...

Two Stories of Virtue from Chinese History

17-06-24 for the heavenly illumination, he summoned an astrology expert, Zi Wei, to the palace and asked, “What...

TV Personality: Chinese Children Are Taught to Lie

17-06-18 Chinese people are more patriotic than the Japanese, or Chinese are not as honest as the Japanese? Would...

当创业遇上妈妈 加分还是减分?

17-05-19 Honest Company。2015年时,该公司的年营业额已达3亿美元。茱莉‧迪恩(Julie Deane)的创业初衷则来自于女儿在学校被霸凌。她承诺会送女儿到环境好的私校就读,昂贵的学费就成了她创业的动力...

  Sima Guang's Views on Talent and Virtue

17-05-16 during the Northern Song Dynasty (960 – 1127 AD). He compiled Zi Zhi Tong Jian, i.e., Comprehensive...

Talented Officials are More Valuable than Auspicious Omens

17-05-06  It is documented in the Tang Dynasty chapter of the book Zi Zhi Tong Jian that during the rule of...

Ancient Stories of How Virtuous Mothers Educated Their Children

17-05-06 a salary from the government. If you are not loyal, clean and honest, how can you face Heaven?" Cui...

Selflessly Serve the Public, Respect Virtue and Love the People

17-04-24 governed. He was very honest and frugal. Whenever he traveled, he always went on a horse by himself, only...

Assist the Poor and Serve Those in Need with Kindness

17-04-18 ). He lived in what is Shaanxi Province today. He was honest, unpretentious, and generous. No matter...

Moral Character Is the Number One Consideration in Recommending People

17-04-18 Zi Zhi Tong Jian is a good example. King Wenho (? – 396 BC) of the State of Wei in the Eastern Zhou...

A Man of Virtue Treasures Time Like Gold

17-04-12 Guang (1019 – 1086 AD) was compiling Zi Zhi Tong Jian, his first choice for editor was Liu Shu. Once...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 scholar, statesman, and poet. He wrote Zi Zhi Tong Jian, or Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government...

  Making Oneself the Experimental Subject for the Sake of Others

17-04-02 honest and upright government officials have set examples of how to cherish citizens. Zhongli Yi of the...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 a prime minister during the Northern Song Dynasty. He was upright, honest, and responsible for many of the...

After an Earthquake, Emperor Kangxi Advocated Introspection and Reform

17-03-02 working hard for the nation. He said they did not remain honest and upright and instead had let greed and...

Yue Yun: Loyal, Courageous, Kind and Devoted; His Name Lasts Forever (2 of 2)

17-01-28 politicians, and was known for his loyal, honest, and upright character. At a young age, Yue Yun had little...

The Story of Honest Yan Shu

16-03-20 The Story of Honest Yan Shu Yan Shu, who lived in the Song Dynasty, was kind and honest from the...

章子怡 晒美照庆生

16-02-13 图案,分别为章子怡及汪峰的生肖,蛋糕下方写着“Happy Birthday zi yi Love you,forever”。章子怡表示去年是她的本命年,女儿的出生让她感受生命才真正开始,也感到前所未有的...

How New Year's Day is Determined in the Chinese Calendar

16-02-13 winter solstice as the "Zi" month. In the Earthly branches, Zi (first Earthly Row) is water...

Passing Righteous Principles and Virtue to Future Generations

16-01-24 lineage was known for their pure and honest principles, and for carrying out good deeds. Tao Shu's...


16-01-01 modest, retiring, virtuous, young lady : –For our prince a good mate she.《子衿》ZI JIN青青子衿,悠悠我心。纵我不往,子宁不嗣音。青...

欺天讹人 应誓偿还 One's Oath Dictates His Own Retribution

15-12-04 sons were honest, hard-working people who barely made a living. In the sixth or the seventh year into...

【英文对照赏析】 “仁君”风范:纳言克己 The Demeanor of a Benevolent Emperor: Open-Minded and Displaying Self-Restrain

15-10-04 more losses. This is why people say "Honest advice, though unpleasant to the ear, benefits conduct...


15-09-30 了。还有很多网友也热情的来支招,让我们看看他们匪夷所思的“高招”:1、打电话找专业公司,50块钱搞定。2、用皮搋子搞定,皮搋子(chuai zi)的诞生就是为了对付马桶堵了。3、多放点水,用水压去压,不过小心...


15-09-28 it's not only what it seems I am honest to my heart我的真心不止像看到的这样i need to let the winter just pass...


15-08-29 的公办学校,如佐治亚大学以及较小的和更优秀的私立学校,像俄亥俄州的凯尼恩学院。但在美国留学昂贵的学费是可以通过zi资助减轻费用负担的,每一年成千上万的国际学生找到一种方式来资助他们的学习,那就是来到您学校...

【英文对照赏析】 The Virtuous and Selfless Empress Changsun 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-08-29 a traditional education during childhood, and this made her the sensible, virtuous, gentle, honest and the kind...

【英文对照赏析】 积德改命

15-08-22 a court official in the capital city with the surname Wang. Zheng Xingr was very honest and diligent and...

【英文对照赏析】善良怜悯 正气清廉  Zhong Liyi, a Man of Compassion, Honesty and Righteousness  

15-07-24 During the East Han dynasty (25 AD – 220 AD), there was an honest official named Zhong Liyi. Zhong...