Confessions of a Chinese Youth

20-04-27 their thoughts. Many of them are complacent, happy to keep their noses clean and stay out of trouble....


20-04-24 (Celery)12. 土豆(Potato)此外,美国农业部也一如既往,列出了人们可以安心食用的15种干净而几乎无农药残留物的蔬果,名为“干净十五(Clean Fifteen)”。“干净十五(Clean...

【川普】对抗病毒 吁国会立即减免美国人工资税(全文翻译)

20-03-12 hands, clean often-used surfaces, cover your face and mouth if you sneeze or cough, and most of all, if...

A General Cleans a Soldier’s Shoes

19-10-31 room for sloppiness.  I have a strict rule that those who can’t keep their shoes clean are banned from...

Proper Manners Begin at the Dining Table

19-04-03 clean when you eat with someoneDon’t rub rice into a ball with your handDon’t put too much rice into...

Lawbreaking Florida Elections Official Files Lawsuit in Attempt to Get Job Back

18-12-24 clean up the office.Federal LawsuitSnipes filed the federal lawsuit, which asks a federal judge to...


18-10-29 10月27日(周六)~10月28日(周日),在布碌仑,将举办二场“保持布碌仑清洁(Keep Brooklyn Clean)”活动。旨在帮助民众回收家中的废旧物品,如:旧文件、旧衣物和电子产品...

Zeng Shen Sincerely Complied with Confucius’ Teachings

18-10-25 Teacher's virtue was so clean, like being washed by the clear river water, and so bright, like being...

Sources: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

18-09-06 essentially get in and then clean up their presence.”And a former consultant to the U.S. trade representative...


18-08-26 计划(Clean Power Plan)。该计划瞄准煤电厂的温室气体排放,寻求将美国的电力生产从煤炭转向丰富的天然气、以及风能和太阳能。川普领导下的美国环境署称,奥巴马政府时期的规定“过于说教和繁复...


18-07-10 皮克湾基金会(CBF, Chesapeake Bay Foundation) 的资料,由于契斯皮克清洁水质蓝图协议(Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint agreement...


18-06-05 可能不到10个。另一种处理方法是在土壤中放置金属丝网,以防止老鼠打洞。然而最有效的策略之一是提醒人们要更加小心谨慎处理垃圾,“通常当你有老鼠问题时,那是人类的行为造成的,”他说。克林市(Clean City...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 2)

18-05-18 only love the lotus because it grows out of mud without being polluted by it. Bathed in clean water, it...

Trump Seeks to Claw Back $15 Billion in Useless Spending

18-05-12 in this proposal is on unobligated balances. In layman’s terms, they are proposing to clean up...

Obama White House Holdover Smeared Trump Veteran Affairs Pick: Report

18-05-07 vowed to clean it up.Trump fired former Veteran Affairs Secretary David Shulkin in March after concerns...

Three Stories Illustrate How A Sin is Committed With Even One Thought of Lust (Part 2)

18-05-03 holds chastity for her husband and remains clean, she will go to heaven after death; but if a widow is...

川普保护本国汽车车制造商 拟提高进口车环保标准

18-04-16 (Environmental Protection Agency,EPA)及商业和运输部门等其它机构,运用《清洁空气法案》(Clean Air Act)等法规,在进口汽车入关前进行严格的排放标准测试和评估。根据Autodata...


18-03-10 【看中国讯】现今科学家已可在实验室制造出人造肉(clean meat),最快此种肉品在年底前就会出现于美国与亚洲。科学家从活家畜身上,以切片取得干细胞,然后在实验室培养数周之后,所制成的肉品称之为...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 people to clean the roads and burn incense in preparation for greeting the sage. A few days later, he...

China's Tea Culture (Part 1)

18-01-28 a guest, a simple and clean life inspires one to become immortal." Offering guests a cup to tea is...

  Reward or Retribution Comes Exactly as Planned (Part 1)

17-12-23 monks. He also killed people, wasted clean water, and wasted food. In this life time, he is destined to...

Former Chinese Ambassador to the US Unexpectedly Makes China’s Elite Politburo

17-11-11 to clean out many of his political enemies in the Jiang faction, allowing him to consolidate his rule...

A Chinese Washing Machine Can Clean Both Clothes and Vegetables

17-10-27 rural Chinese washing machines are used to clean vegetables and gourds. Some might think this is...

粗犷实用的多功能越野车 2017

17-10-20 3.6L Pentastar® V6 engine with Stop/Start technology, the clean, efficient available 3.0L EcoDiesel V6...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 1)

17-10-12 Majesty in Early Autumn:" "In the clean air and clear sky, I felt my mind was broadened while...


17-10-06 美国国家环境保护局总部(图片来源:维基百科)【看中国讯】英国路透社10月4日引述美国国家环境保护局(EPA)一份文件显示,EPA建议废除欧巴马政府应对气候变化的核心法规——清洁能源计划(Clean...

Wuda Kokushi

17-09-15 scooped some water to clean the boil. The pain was so excruciating that he fainted. After he woke up, the...


17-05-06 和排量、有无车祸、生产纪录、里程数、维修纪录(未经4S店或者保险公司就没有纪录)、交易历史等。如果这其中发现问题或者与车主所说不符的,就可以不考虑了。另外,买二手车一定要Clean Title...

Ancient Stories of How Virtuous Mothers Educated Their Children

17-05-06 a salary from the government. If you are not loyal, clean and honest, how can you face Heaven?" Cui...

纽约车展混合动力及电动车云集 助推世界地球日环保理念

17-04-28 的30款车都符合以上折扣活动的范畴。经销商只要参加了一项名为“Drive Clean Rebate”的计划,即可享受到此折扣优惠。这30款汽车在本次纽约车展全部亮相。州长说:“我们想加速推动消费者向此类汽车...

Chinese Factional Interests Collide in Hong Kong Leadership Election

17-04-02 further alienated Hongkongers from Beijing.Xi has since moved to accelerate the clean out of officials...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 ;Our ancestors left us with a clean, untainted reputation. They never talked about acquiring and...


16-04-29 ,可以到清洁费尔法克斯帐篷去领取自己的环保护照、赚取邮票和贴纸。而且,在出去的路上,若顺路返回清洁费尔法克斯(Clean Fairfax)的帐篷,分享所学的东西,还可获得奖品。 在庆祝植树节当天,还有一个植树...

9种食品永远不该吃!专家告诉你真相 组图

16-04-28 〞(Clean Plates)创始人杰瑞德‧考奇(Jared Koch)近日发文罗列了九种被误认为健康的常见食品,美国知名天然保健专家约瑟夫‧默寇拉(Joseph Mercola)博士则在个人网站发表专文,逐项...


16-03-27 ”(Dirty Dozen List)中的传统农产品,亦即12种污染最严重的蔬果,进而选择“15种干净蔬果”(Clean Fifteen)清单中的食物,亦即15种最不被污染的农产品,便可降低80%的农药负担风险...


15-11-23 房车,如此方便潇洒,必定羡慕嫉妒恨,不哭才怪。枯燥的理论水电气:1、分为三个水箱系统。干净水clean water(补充的清洁水源,一般是白管),灰水grey water(用过的洗澡水,做菜做饭后的...

大众汽车作弊发酵 更多车款受影响  

15-11-03 将远远大于此。新的发现也意味着大众在一百八十亿美元柴油汽车罚款的基础上还面临着三亿七千五百万美元的清洁空气法案(Clean Air Act) 罚款.美环保局表示“我们有这些最新违规行为的清楚的证据...

大众汽车造假丑闻 “专属软件”惹的祸

15-09-23 International Council on Clean Transportation),这是一个提倡洁净空气的团体,希望以大众汽车为例,展示欧盟规格柴油车的效率如何通过美国严格的排放标准。公开软件原始码的利弊争议墨戈兰...


15-07-11 ,通常保险公司提供的,每个月自己交10刀,其他的公司交。然后这个保险每年可支付2次regular teeth clean、2次teeth exam和1年一次X-ray。然后其他regular teeth...