至孝感化强盗弃恶而去/A Band of Thieves Was Moved by Filial Piety

20-06-22 whatever you like, but for my mother, please do leave something for her. She raised me through hardships...


20-06-16 of the issues in the police departments, but it’s an easy time to do it."     — State of the...

Yue Yun: Loyal, Courageous, Kind and Devoted; His Name Lasts Forever (1 of 2)

17-01-20 going? And what are you going to do?" Yue Fei replied, "I thought that since you are young...

Yang Pu: An Honest, Righteous, and Selfless Government Official

17-01-20 even do it for his own son, Yang Dan. Yang Pu had five sons, but four had already died. Yang Dan was...

干细胞疗法 医疗的未来

17-01-16 in recent years. What are they, and what promises do they hold? According to National Institutes of...

Shen Yun 2017 Inspires Audience with Art and Message

17-01-16 important to me. How do I feel? I feel sometimes it’s really touching to me. It almost brings me to tears it...

Jealousy Harms Others and Hurts Oneself (I)  妒嫉之心 害人害己(上)

17-01-16 for oneself... heaven will bless this person.」Some people do not share these feelings. Instead, they...

Karmic Retribution is Always Fair

16-01-08 entrance exam at age 17 as predicted by the divine being. Li no longer went to school and started to do...

美媒:这两人惨死令金正恩一意孤行 习近平不会罢休

16-01-07 布鲁金斯学会同一天在题为《关于朝鲜最近的核武器试验,世界应该做些什么?》(What should the world do about North Korea’s latest nuclear...


16-01-06 我请客。26、So do I.我也一样。27、This way。这边请。28、After you.您先。29、Bless you! 祝福你!30、Follow me.跟我来。31、Forget it...

这英语让人一听 就感觉很地道 你想学吗!

15-09-08 can...If we had..., we would...Had we..., we could have... Do we need to X or Y?I think we can clearly see...

【英文对照赏析】 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-09-07 forthrightly. I do not want suspect them." He appointed people based on their abilities, and entrusted them...

挤破了头也要来 中国人到底喜欢美国什么?(图)

15-05-29 无盖的井里,也不用担心那些有毒食品。  7.在美国,如果我摔倒时刚好有人看到我的惨状,一定会有人问我,Are you OK? Do you need help? 想想在中国吧,尤其是老人。    8....

8个好建议 创意不断电

15-05-20 什么,却有很多想法会跑来找我。不管我再忙,都要保留这个和自己独处的时间,睡前也会写写生活的感受。08离开虚拟世界,真正“do something”人可以在现实世界中有很多朋友,但在每天的生活中不能有太多朋友...

全球民众买最多的10大品牌 全是美国货

15-05-20 )消费者触及数:175万乐事几年来一直举行“乐味一番(Do us a flavor)”活动,即向网友征集薯片口味的竞赛活动。乐事将从参赛者中选出3种口味制成薯片销售,并评出最佳口味,获得冠军者可获得高额奖金...


15-05-07 健康成长”(How Do You Keep Your Kids Healthy in Smog-Choked China?)的文章。他在文章中说,当他全家2010年初次抵达北京时,大多数中国人对空气污染...

“我看起来几岁”软件爆红 背后原理大揭秘

15-05-05 微软的测试年龄的软件 “How old do I look?”(我看起来几岁?)近期在网络上爆红,短短48小时,就有超过一百万人上传照片测试。很多使用者觉得软件针对老人和小孩的准确率极高,也有...


15-04-23 Write overdue letters to dear friends. Yes, there were lots of things I had meant to do in life, but...


17-02-20 ,服务生会问你:How do you like your steak? (你牛排要多熟?)你基本上的选择是:Rare: 一分熟牛排,牛排内部为血红色且内部各处保持一定温度。Medium Rare: 三分...


15-03-19 , shocked, depressed and sad but could do nothing,”(他很是吃惊,震惊了,以致压抑和悲伤,但是什么也做不了。)在这件事广为人知之后,这段话被《华尔街日报》等主流媒体疯...


15-03-16 ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.(如果有两种...


15-03-15 建立自己的自信心和下决心要的事情和直面挑战的能力。6. Do what you love.做你想做的事情。Since we spend over one-third of our adult life...


15-03-13 do that much to have a good impact on your health.  来自哥本哈根腓特烈斯贝医院的研究人员雅各布·路易斯·马罗塔(Jacob Louis Marott...


15-03-06 notice you and respond when they are finished talking.除非有意外,否则切勿打断大人们的交谈。大人谈完话后会注意到你并回答你。4. If you do...

全英奖影响英国排行榜 麦当娜创造新纪录(图)

15-03-02 Like You Do》第四周夺冠,摇滚型男Hozier的单曲《Take Me To Church》和马克-荣森(Mark Ronson)与火星哥合作的《Uptown Funk》分列本周亚军和季军位置...

The Most Learned Emperor in Chinese History - Emperor Kangxi

15-02-22 since then he studied steadfastly and arduously with full concentration. He also loved to do Chinese...

绿卡基础知识:移民局online Status解释

15-02-15 document to the address we have on file. You should receive the new document within 30 days. If you do not...


15-02-12 !- Parking place for buses: $ 976停在大巴位置罚金$ 976- Do not open the lamp when it is coming up (30 minutes):$382...

刚到国外那些令人喷饭的尴尬经历  别说你没有!

15-02-12 can not do that。” 我一听,火大。怎么有种族歧视啊。就问: why? 对方愣了半天,挂了。提示:好吧,我承认这个有点类似“—How are you ? —Fine,thank you...

母仪天下 马明德(下)

15-02-09 my sons the titles of duke. It is supposed to happen. You are so modest. Do you want me to be an...


15-02-09 。 注意:cost的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于被动句。 take后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法有以下几种:(1) It takes sb. +时间+to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。例:It...

三生有幸The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

15-01-26 ;Monk Yuanze said, "It sounds like you do not believe me. I will reach nirvana tonight. After three...

守义还重金 子孙享余庆Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

15-01-26 your family. Why do you hesitate to claim it?" He told the salt dealer's son how the gold...


15-01-07 一直以来,知道德芙巧克力,却不知道"DOVE”是“DO YOU LOVE ME”的英文缩写,更不知道它背后有如此凄美的爱情故事: 一句被错过的“你爱我吗?”1919年的春天,卢森堡王室。后厨的帮厨...


14-12-02 的也往往是细节。所以美国人把“尊重”放在成功婚姻的第一位,抓到了重点。 真正的“I do”是无价之宝 “信任”,更是美国人重视的。最近著名的高尔夫球手老虎伍兹的“婚外性”事件,被媒体舆论关注。最后他只得出面...


14-11-19 颇一段时间,才适应了老师的说话方式。而他在国内的专业还是英语。事实上,刚来的时候犯的极低级错误都有。他去最为容易点餐的地方——麦当劳。点完服务员问了一句话,似乎是要不要“赶上”他点的薯条(Do you...

悉尼美食月 (The Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Month 2014)

14-10-23 ”,作为美食月的重要主题,被主办方诠释到了极致,来自世界各地、适合不同场合的美食美酒通通都被网罗而来。Breakfast Club提供的丰盛早餐让你可以体验澳洲独特的“Brekkie”文化;Let’s Do...


14-09-29 before suddenly had an impulse to do something. When everyone ran back home from the field, he did the...


14-09-29 become no different than an animal if I know of their predicament and yet do not return? I must go back...


14-09-29 make him live and die for greed, do all kinds of unscrupulous, bad deeds, and give up all human moral...