
22-06-24 Flag law)2019年7月就已經生效,禁止任何對自己或他人構成威脅的人購買武器。兇犯“根德倫”在發出恐怖言論後,仍然可以合法買到襲擊步槍。這樣的結果真的讓人不能理解。恩迪科特(Endicott)“古董...

Confessions of a Chinese Youth

20-04-27 , yet they don’t see it.9. Have you noticed, the only safe way to protest in China is to use the flag as...


19-03-10 【看中国纽约讯】2月26日(周二),纽约州长库默(Andrew Cuomo)履行了他的承诺,在新立法会议的前100天内签署红旗控枪法案(Red Flag Gun Protection Bill...

Aldrin Takes Swipe at ‘First Man’ Movie for Omitting Planting of US Flag on Moon

18-09-06 a pivotal moment in the upcoming film “First Man”: the planting of the U.S. flag on the lunar surface.Aldrin...

Feinstein’s Close China Ties Under Scrutiny After Chinese Spy Discovery

18-08-13 organizers of the city’s popular Chinese New Year Parade to stop displaying the flag of the Nationalist...

Eric Trump Rushes Into New York Traffic to Help Passed out Woman: Report

18-07-10 a train station in New York City, dodging rush-hour traffic to flag down an ambulance.Eric Trump and his...


18-04-13 football。编号A3760的州众议会法案也将禁止学校允许12岁以下的学生在任和学校活动中打撞击式美式足球。比较安全的拉旗子足球(flag football)和触碰足球(touch football)将不受影响...

Researcher Reports Soviets Created Child-Trafficking Rings in the West for Blackmail

18-02-23 it a step further, however, by using children as the bait.It was a form of “false flag recruitment...

Chinese Artist Draws Cartoon About China’s Kindergarten Abuse That Resonates With Netizens

17-12-02 his own studio, Flag Studios, in addition to being a colorist for a DC Comics Justice League title and...

Pop Music Is Okay, but No Politics: Communist China Bans Katy Perry for Expressing her Opinions—With a Dress

17-11-25 flag of the Republic of China—the legitimate government at the time of the revolution, which the...


17-11-01 ·哈恩/贾斯汀·哈特雷/苏珊·萨兰登。网站:tinyurl.com/y84zhsu6。*《最后的旗帜》 Last Flag Flying影片改编自达瑞·波尼克萨(Darryl Ponicsan)的同名小说...


17-09-22 :理查德·林克莱特(Richard Linklater)的《最后的旗帜(Last Flag Flying)》、苏珊·莱西(Susan Lacy)的纪录片《斯皮尔伯格(Spielberg)》、伍迪·艾伦...

2017最新版| 美国公民入籍试题100条中英对照大全!

16-11-03 of Allegiance?当我们宣誓效忠时,是向什么表达忠诚?The United  States美利坚合众国The flag国旗53What is one  promise you make...


16-10-30 话说..自从英国发行了新的5镑纸币以来…就各种的考验不断..发行之前英国央行就立了flag,说新5镑是“史上最牛、最强大”的纸币于是发行后…英国媒体纷纷拿它开始了一波丧心病狂的实验…放洗衣机、咖喱饭...


16-01-10 。保险丝重启后,没有关上舱门,却打开了关押的野兽。听到野兽的嚎叫,于是韩•索罗说道:“我有不详的预感”。这句台词是著名的星战flag,名气不亚于“我是你父亲”。凡是片中角色说了类似“I have a bad...


15-08-07 体育活动即日起报名马州盖城秋季青、少年体育活动(Fall Youth and Teen Sports Programs)现已开始注册。秋季运动包括越野、夺旗橄榄球(flag football)、足球和排球...

法律窗口: 邦联旗真会从公共视野中消失吗?

15-06-25 邦联旗对不同的人含义不同南卡罗来纳州6月17日发生致命枪杀案之后,网上流出了犯罪嫌疑人手持邦联旗(Confederate Flag)的照片。邦联旗是南北战争时期美利坚联盟(简称邦联)所使用的旗帜...


15-04-23 超过满分的50%。69.美国学生每天早上要首先升旗。伴随国歌宣誓:[右手盖住心脏]i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of...


14-10-23 就可以了。馬上就知道根本是謠言。6.聯合國為周恩來總理的去世破例下半旗致哀。聯合國1947年的Flag Code裡面就規定了成員國的國家元首逝世,必須下半旗致哀一天。沒有什麼破例的。7.VCD 是中國人引進...