A good horse met a good rider: Di Qing was elevated from a military deserter to a great general

19-01-29 Xia army heard of Di Qing’s name, they were scared to fight with him.Fan Zhongyan, after hearing the...


19-01-22 ,否则这个规定会失去意义。圣名医院(Holy Name Medicare Center)的总裁麦克.马荣(Michael Maron)近日受新泽西英语媒体NJTV采访时表示:“我认为这是非常好的第一步...

How Kindness Transformed a Thief

19-01-16 know your name and I'll tell Mr. Wang Lei about you!” he told the young man.When the old man told...

Founder of Tai Chi: Zhang Sanfeng

19-01-15 from Yizhou City, Liaodong, or today's Dongbei Province in Northern China. His given name was...

Yue Yun: Loyal, Courageous, Kind and Devoted; His Name Lasts Forever (1 of 2)

17-01-20 Yue Yun: Loyal, Courageous, Kind and Devoted; His Name Lasts Forever (1 of 2) Yue Yun (1119 – 1142...

Yang Pu: An Honest, Righteous, and Selfless Government Official

17-01-20 kept Fan Li's name in mind. He discovered that Fan was a very honest official and was widely...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (1 of 2)

16-12-04 ), courtesy name Xiaolan, was a scholar from the Qing Dynasty. He was from Xian County, the present day Hebei...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 the age of eight and ruled for 61 years. The name "Kangxi" was derived from the proverb...

背景调查系统失灵 美暂停批准入籍

16-12-04 员工的邮件中说:“目前我们不确定,在某些ELIS申请案件是否有正常运行联邦调查局(FBI)的‘姓名查核’(Name Checks)功能,此刻我们不知道出现问题的个案有多少。”FBI的“姓名查核”是入籍...

News of an Official's Virtuous Rule Travels Far and Wide

16-11-13 Zhang Gong (a revered name for Zhang Fangping) is the only man that is able to sit confidently next to...

2017最新版| 美国公民入籍试题100条中英对照大全!

16-11-03 没有任何人在法律之上 。BSystem of  Government政治体制13*Name one branch  or part of the government.列举政府体制的一个分支或部门...

《你的名字》Your Name 超越时空的爱恋 只为寻找你

16-11-01 《你的名字》your name,新海诚自编自导的日本动画电影,田中将贺担任人物设计,导演为吉卜力工作室安藤雅司。该片是目前唯一追上宫崎骏百亿日圆票房的日本动画电影,连霸日本数周票房冠军,并获西班牙...

Wife Urges Husband to Elevate Moral Character through Studies

16-10-31 the Robbers’ Spring (1) and an honorable man does not eat the food handed out with spite in the name...

Chinese Dissent in an Age of Social Media

16-10-26 one post he shared. Another instructs Chinese citizens to rename their at-home WiFi to “a name about...

Saving Others Is Saving Ourselves救人实是自救

16-10-21 Saving Others Is Saving Ourselves Ji Yun (1724 – 1805 AD), courtesy name Xiaolan, was a scholar and...

Doing One's Duty Without Claiming Credit 尽责而不言功

16-10-18 birth name was Liu Bingyi. He was born in 91 BC to Liu Jin, the son of then-Crown Prince Liu Ju, and his...

Suffering Insults Modestly and Attaching Importance to the Bigger Picture

16-10-10 Suffering Insults Modestly and Attaching Importance to the Bigger Picture Kou Xun, courtesy name...


16-10-01 a calligrapher, and I had him make it for you.没错,这可是真迹。我父亲的朋友是书法家,专门帮你写的。And his name and the date are on the...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society " 《袁氏世范》选译

16-09-26 Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society "  Yuan Cai, courtesy name Yuan...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26  The Value of Marriage in Ancient China This is the story of a scholar, Liu Tingshi, courtesy name...

前野马队员远离痛苦 感谢干细胞治疗法

16-09-19 Johnstown and Denver. If the name sounds familiar, it should, as Mile High Sports Radio host Gil Whiteley...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 – 907 AD), named Li Shimin at birth, was born into a noble family. One interpretation of the name "...

Dai Zhou’s Devotion to the Law

16-08-30 Dai Zhou’s Devotion to the Law Dai Zhou, courtesy name Xuanyin, was a man from Anyang, Xiangzhou...

Valuing Virtue over Money  见利重义 拾金不昧

16-08-30 He also went by the art name of Weizhai. While he was walking one night, he found more than 200 taels...

“Full without Spill”: Accomplished Yet Humble

16-08-21 张安世“Full without Spill”: Accomplished Yet Humble Zhang Anshi (? – 62 BC), courtesy name Ziru, was...

A Way to End Karmic Retribution

16-04-09 ” The robber was shocked to hear the monk's words. He asked, “How did you know my name? You must be...

Karmic Retribution is Always Fair

16-01-08 family also had a son, who was given the name Li Fu. At the servant's request, the Gongs permitted...

这英语让人一听 就感觉很地道 你想学吗!

15-09-08 obvious thatI am sure that my experience in xxx could help (name of the company) with xxxxI have certain...

【英文对照赏析】 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-09-07 , his future is before him. He should worry more about establishing his virtue and make a name for...

【英文对照赏析】 The Virtuous and Selfless Empress Changsun 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-08-29 age of 13. Li Shimin (Emperor Tang Taizong’s original name) was only 17. Although she was young, she...


15-08-15 “Cingular‘s name is now AT&T”。学校碰到的人多是用的AT&T和T-Mobile。  关于网络覆蓋范围。网络提供商们通常都会在其公司网站上公布其网络覆蓋图,例如AT&...


15-08-14 【看中国记者孙耀华华盛顿DC编译报导】华盛顿特区H Street上的一家新餐厅将提供一个很独特的课程:给餐厅职工上英文课。Sally's Middle Name是这家餐馆的名字。从9月份...


15-03-26 【看中国记者贾晶晶纽约报导】3月19日,新泽西圣名医疗中心(Holy Name Medical Center)举行新闻发布会,宣布开启“华人医疗服务计画”,旨在满足日益增长的华裔人群的就医需求。圣名...

北京多处公园英文标识出错 厕所译成tollet(图)

15-03-25 。牌子上“故名为‘团结湖’”对应的翻译“hence the lake was give the name of‘Tuanjiehu’”中,“give”一词应为“given”。昨日,该园管理处办公室...

The Most Learned Emperor in Chinese History - Emperor Kangxi

15-02-22 the name of Hong Ruohan and Liu Ying gave him some quinine frost (quinine) which miraculously cured...

三生有幸The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

15-01-26 name of Yuanze who had a good friend by the name of Li Yuanshan. One day they went for a walk, enjoying...


15-01-16 用F1/opt跟我一起申请只会更麻烦,所以最后把他的名字去掉了。申请loan的资料包括:Legal name、DOB、SSN、one month paystub、one month...

歷史故事:唐太宗和魏徵  Stories about Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and His Prime Minister, Wei Zheng

14-10-28 famous rule of Zhenguan (the era name of Emperor Taizong.) Emperor Taizong became emperor at the age of...


14-10-02 Therefore, I must name you the first-place finisher. You shouldn't try to push the honor away any...


14-09-29 between 1644 and 1661 A.D.), there lived a person in Jinling village whose name was Gu Cheng. He had...