
19-11-28 据马里兰州霍华德郡警方称,仅在11月上半月,霍华德郡的受害者就被礼品卡骗子骗走了5万多美元。根据联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission, FTC) 的说法,各种各样的骗子...


19-10-30 港口(National Harbor) 关闭已经将近五年,将于11月向公众开放。它位于里根大厦(Ronald Reagan Building) 和国际贸易中心(International Trade...


19-10-17 地铁前往Chambers Street站下;或乘E号地铁前往世贸站(World Trade Center Station)下车。电话:212-482-6773。网站:council.nyc.gov...


19-10-10 、拉面,到水滴蛋糕、特色饮品、美味小吃,逐一品尝,而且,周六和周日都有超过100家的摊位呢!时间:每周五、周六、周日。费用:免费。地点1:世贸中心(World Trade Center)。地址...

‘American Factory’ Sheds Light On Chinese-Style Management at a US Plant  

19-09-26 U.S.-China trade war. Historically, American law and society has tried to improve the conditions and status...

Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary, Lawyers and Engineers Question Official Story

19-09-10 Trade Center to collapse precipitously onto their own footprints on September 11, 2001? Was it solely...

Chinese Official: China Headed Back to Planned Economy

19-09-05 speaker discusses how the Chinese government plans to solve the mounting crisis it faces from the trade...


19-09-06 、帝国大厦(World Trade Center, Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Building)等地点观看。 时间:9月11日(周三)3:00pm~00:00am。地点:纽约...


19-06-05 总结了许多行之有效的办法,可以作为即将走上红地毯的年轻人的借鉴。1、购买二手的设计师婚纱,Trade Me有许多选择。2、找一个可以讨价还价的摄影师,只拍摄婚礼当天照片。3、租一辆出租车,并改造成婚车...


19-05-09 世贸中心(Westfield World Trade Center, NYC)。网站:kidsfoodfestival.com/archives/events。电话:718-406-7506。6、第三届...


19-04-29 出入境的行为均属于违法,将被追究法律责任。 生长于野外的天然花旗参的确是被国际贸易公约(Convention on International Trade)列入濒危物种而受到保护。公约要求联邦政府保证...

On the Ancient  Amazon River Civilization

19-04-17 and Southern Silk Roads during the Han and Tang dynasties, a major point of trade between China and...


19-04-13 , Brooklyn, NY(周日)、世贸中心Westfield World Trade Center Oculus Plaza广场(周五)。费用:免费入场,食物付费。网站:smorgasburg.com。4、喜士打街...


19-03-15 (Flickr-CC-BY-SA-2.0)3月15日(周五),台湾贸易中心驻纽约办事处(Taiwan Trade Center New York)将在法拉盛喜来登酒店(Sheraton...

Xuan Zang's Compassion Overcame Ruthless Bandits

18-12-27 Xuan Zang explained the principles of the Buddha School and asked them to trade short-term gain for...

Getting China Right: Enodo chief economist explains her unique perspective on the second largest economy

18-12-24 world.At first, not many people paid attention to the economic miracle after China joined the World Trade...


18-12-06 World Trade Center)。地址:285 Fulton Street New York, New York, 10007。  门票:$34 起。网站:oneworldobservatory.com...


18-11-26 做出的回应。 北京高官近期纷纷表态力挺民间企业,表示将减税、放宽融资,并给民营企业与国营企业公平的竞争环境。部分大陆民间企业主管正默默寄望川普带来改变。 另据Inside US Trade此前的报导...


18-11-15 【看中国记者忆文综合报导】据Inside US Trade报导,美国贸易代表莱特希泽(Robert Lighthizer)正渐进有序地寻找可获得众议院支持的贸易策略,并考虑对中国的劳工条件展开301...

China to Offer Tax Break on Cars to Revive Economy

18-11-02 escalating trade war.Authorities in Beijing are considering cutting taxes on vehicle purchases by half to...

South Korea and EU Raise Alarm on Alleged Chinese Cyber Espionage

18-10-11 euros (about $68.7 billion) and roughly 289,000 jobs in 2018 due to cyber theft of trade secrets.Germany...

Sources: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

18-09-06 essentially get in and then clean up their presence.”And a former consultant to the U.S. trade representative...

美墨贸易协定达成 美加贸易谈判将启动

18-08-30 )表示。 北美自由贸易协议于1994年1月1日正式生效。并同时宣告北美自由贸易区(North America Free Trade Area,NAFTA)正式成立。该贸易区拥有4.5亿人口,国民生产总值约17.3...

Internal Document Linked to Huawei Reveals Firm’s Nationalist Agenda Amid US–Sino Trade War

18-08-24 ongoing U.S.–Sino trade war, has generated much speculation due to the level of nationalist rhetoric in...


18-08-21 。前者的报导以〈Trump's Trade War Is Rattling China's Leaders〉为题(中文网题为〈中美贸易战会威胁习近平的统治吗?〉),直指习近平的强人政治手段...

贸易战持续升温 国贸顾问先赚一笔

18-08-13 )等顾问公司表示,他们一直在向客户提供相关咨询,包括可转向哪些国家寻找替代性供应来源、如何合法重新分类产品以规避关税等。美国Mohawk Global Trade Advisors副总裁史坦因(Robert...


17-07-07 10AM-9PM        地点:世贸中心Westfield Mall车站(Westfield Mall, World Trade Center)        地址:185Greenwich Street...

斩首金正恩行动开始?   朝媒称〝杀手〞招供了

17-05-22 这起刺杀金正恩的阴谋。但声明称,该刺客有一个中国同谋,这名中国人叫徐观海(音译Xu Guanghai),是Qingdao Nazca Trade Co.贸易公司的法人代表。朝鲜安全部还说,金姓刺客...

China May Be Preparing for North Korean Exodus

17-05-16 in areas including border security, public security, trade, customs, and quarantine, and says they...


17-05-07 ),是Qingdao Nazca Trade Co.贸易公司的法人代表。朝鲜安全部还说,金姓刺客多次接触一名韩国情报人员和这名Xu姓中国同谋,并获得12万美元和卫星通信设备,分别于去年1月、5月、8月、9月被告知...

Positives for Trump, Xi After US–China Meeting

17-04-18 to Xi about the rogue North Korean regime of Kim Jong Un and about China’s trade surplus with the...

川习会前中共黑客袭美商业机构 用意何在?

17-04-07 的菲德利斯网络安全公司(Fidelis Cybersecurity)周四表示,黑客今年2月入侵“美国对外贸易委员会”(National Foreign Trade Council,简称NFTC)网站...

Congressional Hearing: Reforming China Through Increased Trade a ‘Bipartisan Fantasy’

17-03-10 been vigorous, vocal opponents of granting Normal Trade Relations with China that was promoted by the...

Why Is China Stopping All Coal Imports From North Korea?

17-02-24 commercial trade to curb the country’s nuclear and ballistic missile program.The Chinese regime’s move is...

Behind Xi Jinping’s Risky Grab of Chinese Billionaire Xiao Jianhua

17-02-17 increases pressure on the Chinese regime to end its unfair trade practices and retreat from its militarized...


17-02-08 的任何收费表示怀疑。如果他们说有记录证明你已经批准了这项收费,但你并不记得,请要求他们提供证明。如果你遇到了未经你授权的信用卡缴费,请联系联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission...


17-02-02 Puzder等待听证会贸易代表 Trade Representative劳勃特‧莱特海瑟 Robert Lighthizer等待听证会农业部 Agriculture桑尼‧普尔度 Sonny Perdue等待...


16-03-29 从纽约市、州和联邦政府获得机构检查和语言翻译等方面的服务。当行业协会(Trade Association)或小企业在与政府打交道遇到困难时,小企业代言人可以直接接受他们的投诉。市议员陈倩雯说,在她的选区...

加拿大温尼伯电影节公映《活摘》 震撼观众

16-02-25 一年一度的加拿大温尼伯Real to Reel电影节于二零一六年二月二十一日圆满落幕。真相纪录片《活摘》(Human Harvest:China’s illegal organ trade)(又名...

油价飙涨效应 全球股市创3年半最大涨幅

16-01-23 。尽管媒体全面渲染原油严重供过于求的事实,但花旗银行在最新的报告却建议买进能源类股,称原油是今年的交易首选(trade of the year),该银行预估油价今年底可涨至52美元/桶,高于彭博社调查12家...