全世界最赞的36张神奇照,你可能一辈子也没见过! 3

红毛猩猩用芭蕉叶避雨(Orangutan using a banana leaf to shield itself from the rain, Andrew Suryono )

冰岛美景(Stunning landscapes of Iceland by Andy Lee)

拯救鲸鱼(Rescue Operation by Kylli Sparre, Enhanced category)

阿波斯尔冰窟(Apostle Ice Cave by Brian Peterson)

富士山(Mt. Fuji by Hidenobu Suzuki)

虎鲸战士(freediving with tiger sharks in Bahamas by Eusebio Saenz de Santamaria)

北极熊打招呼(Arctic Hi-Five by Colin Mackenzie )

蓝色鬼魂萤火虫(Blue Ghost Fireflies in Brevard, North Carolina by Spencer Black )

飓风与小路(Storm in Tornado Alley by Marko Korosec)

绿湖中的潜水者(Diver in Green Lake, Austria by Marc Henauer)
来源: 网络 责编: Kitt

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