
23-02-09 Ung)、紐約市教育局、啟揚文化中心(Glow Culture Center),以及紐約家長聯合發起舉辦的。講座以中、英文講解。紐約市教育局的專員擔任主講人,將為大家具體介紹:如何使用MySchools...

至孝感化强盗弃恶而去/A Band of Thieves Was Moved by Filial Piety

20-06-22 following story illustrates just what lengths a filial son would go to in traditional Chinese culture to...


20-03-27 (Fast Company)》杂志报导,现在,网上有为全球民众提供的虚拟导览及线上展览活动——这是由全球2500多家博物馆、谷歌艺术与文化(Google Arts & Culture)及画廊联合举办...


19-10-04 :www.uswushuacademy.com,参加健康交流会讲座者,再点入:Event/Culture Festival 活动/文化节即可, 欢迎参加。10月20日“退休规划面面观”——如何设立稳定有效的财富管理规划讲座王亚亚女士做为...

‘American Factory’ Sheds Light On Chinese-Style Management at a US Plant  

19-09-26 Province.While Fuyao brought new jobs into the city, it also introduced the Chinese-style work culture...


19-07-28 与CCACC携手捐血 让他们看见希望美京华人活动中心(Chinese Culture and Community Service Center, Inc) 。地址:Art Gallery, 9318...


19-06-27 纽约近期(自6月28日起)部分活动内容如下:1、文化桥梁系列:亲历中国剪纸艺术 Culture Bridge Series:The Art of Chinese Paper Cutting...

The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

19-06-05 this story. Chinese culture, which has a rich historical foundation, has been passed down by gods. The...


19-05-31 的艺术特展 Culture Bridge Series #12: From Mona Lisa to the Vatican Treasures - Special Art Exhibitions in...

Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

19-05-23 Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for GenerationsTraditional Chinese culture is about...

Retribution for Destroying a Buddha Statue

19-05-06 However, those who were influenced by the Party culture to perform such acts and show disrespect to the...


19-04-29 History and Culture)这个博物馆是史密森尼系列的最新成员,也是最令人印象深刻的,在2016年开放。博物馆精心收集了各种美国黑人经验的代言物品。该建筑是由加纳裔英国建筑师David Adjaye...

The Chinese Emperors' Edicts of Repentance

17-06-30 Chinese culture and tradition. In ancient China, it was believed that Heaven is the ultimate ruler of all...

Jordan Peterson Exposes the Postmodernist Agenda

17-06-30 distrust was applied to philosophy, culture, history, and all beliefs and institutions at the foundations...


17-01-16 ; Culture)开始接受盖城水上乐园(Water Park)与室内泳池(Indoor Aquatic Center)夏季救生员和游泳教练的工作申请。夏季室外的工作始于国殇纪念日周末(5月27日,周六),劳动节周末...

迎中国新年 美各地将掀庆祝热潮

17-01-11 城市,都将举行游行庆祝中国新年。美国职业冰球队波士顿棕熊(Boston Bruins)也将2月12日晚的比赛定为“中国文化之夜”(Chinese Culture Night),现场将用有中国风味的装饰品...

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates In traditional Chinese culture, it is believed that a person's...


16-10-31 诗友社万分荣幸能邀请到沈葆老师在百忙之中答应前来为本社作此演讲。 时间:2016年11月6日(周日)下午2~4时。地点: 华侨文教中心(Culture Center of TECRO)会议室(901...


16-10-26 神传文化之中国历史正述。三、“文化”正义文化,在现代人的概念中,是Culture的对应词汇。这种对应始于日本学者。Culture的字源,有“耕作、培育”诸义。因而日本学人在其西化过程中,断章取义...


16-10-08 举行,欢迎各界光临指教。华府华侨文教服务中心地址:Culture Center of Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative, 901 Wind River...


16-10-03 /departments/parks-recreation-and-culture)或打电话到Parks, Recreation & Culture 301-258-6350,电邮...


16-09-29 ,上海大剧院,东方艺术中心演出成功。范女士自1985年担任萧璧珠老师钢琴伴奏迄今。 关于法拉盛文化艺术协会法拉盛文化艺术协会﹝Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society " 《袁氏世范》选译

16-09-26  The following are a few passages from the book to give readers a flavor of the divine culture of China...

丐妇效孝 Beggar Lady Imitates Filial Piety

16-09-19 age and spend the rest of life in anguish.Unfortunately, under the influence of the Communist culture...


16-09-18 非裔美国人历史暨文化博物馆延长开放时间即将开幕的国立非裔美国人历史暨文化博物馆(National Museum of African American History and Culture)在开幕...

Two Stories about Tolerance and Forgiveness

16-09-13 It is a traditional virtue of the Chinese culture, a noble quality passed down from the gods to...


16-04-09 。目前尚余一些摊位,但数量有限。欲知详情请联系公园、康乐及文化事务部(Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture)。网址:http...

2016年1月14日 哈佛大学中文演讲研讨会  

15-12-14 【看中国纽约讯】哈佛中国文化工作坊(Harvard Chinese Culture Workshop)与北美华文作家协会纽英伦分会(Chinese Writers’ Association in...

盖城冬季活动指南 开始发行

15-12-09 。注册已经开始。公园、康乐暨文化部(Parks, Recreation & Culture)主任,波特(Michele Potter)解释该刊物改名之因,是希望换成一个能更广泛反映内容、有探索趋向...

这英语让人一听 就感觉很地道 你想学吗!

15-09-08 certain things to the firm/help the firm inmany ways...In my understanding of the culture of this...

中华瑰宝  纽约名家藏品拍卖

15-09-07 Culture Art Center:纽约拍卖时间:2015年9月26日上10:00拍卖方式:liveauctioneers.com网拍十瑞福祥公司依网Invaluable.com同步拍卖地址Address...


15-08-29 Waku + NYC Japanese Pop Culture Festival该活动将把动漫、音乐、美食、电影等日本流行文化元素带到布碌仑绿点和威廉斯堡社区,有展览、影音、互动等形式多样的活动。时间:8月...


15-08-27 /jubilee-festival.html。4、日本流行文化节Waku Waku + NYC Japanese Pop Culture Festival  该活动将把动漫、音乐、美食、电影等日本流行文化元素带到布碌仑绿点和威廉斯堡社区...


15-08-22 & Culture),电话301-258-6350,电邮parksrec@gaithersburgmd.gov。诙谐音乐剧将于Arts Barn上演9月11日至27日,由绿色艺术(Arts on...


15-07-24 The Rise of Sneaker Culture该球鞋艺术展通过150双美国球鞋界的“超级明星”们,向参观者讲述近两个世纪以来球鞋的文化意义及其体现出的社会历史变迁。时间:即日起至10月4日。地点...


15-07-10 ,我们将会准备代表中国、墨西哥、韩国及印度四个文化的点心供大家品尝。法拉盛文化艺术协会(Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts,简称FCCA)的成立宗旨为在纽约州...

美国大都会博物馆开放近 50 年出版物供使用者免费下载、阅读或检索

15-03-31 。STEP 2其中有不少内容已经被扫描、上传至 Google 图书,利用线上阅读方式可以直接从浏览器内找到这些篇幅,从网页上阅读或者取得你需要的部分内容。资料来源:Open Culture值得一试的三个理由...

三生有幸The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

15-01-26 lives," is derived from this story. Chinese culture, which has a rich historical foundation, has...

守义还重金 子孙享余庆Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

15-01-26 ,本人得到福报,而且德被子孙,光耀门第,世代贵显。足证天报厚德,丝毫不爽。Traditional Chinese culture is about cultivating kindness and...

总商会 完全健保 非凡护理 “新年敬老”

15-01-22 (136-18 39th Ave 6th Floor Flushing NY 11354),                    11:30am松柏老人中心Chinese Culture Center...