Hoover Institution: China owns or controls majority of Chinese-language media outlets in the US

20-01-07 independent Chinese-language media outlets that once served Chinese American communities. It has co-opted...


19-10-10 :00。地点:河源丹吉尔名品折扣店(Tanger Outlets Riverhead)。地址:1770 West Main Street, Riverhead, 11901。费用:普通票 $7、VIP票...


19-08-11 :00pm~9:00pm。地点:Tanger Outlets Riverhead。地址:1770 West Main Street, Riverhead, 11901。费用:普通票 $7、VIP票 $59...


19-02-13 年货、绿色食品、智能家电、新型数码产品、地方特色产品等。而集购物、餐饮、娱乐等功能于一体的购物中心(Shopping Mall)和奥特莱斯(Outlets)等新兴业态受到消费者的青睐。经济学家李迅雷撰文...


19-02-07 wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)为了迎接猪年的到来,纽约州购物天堂Woodbury Common Premium Outlets將以传统中國娛樂和特别的促销活动来庆祝中国新年。从2月...

Media Attacks Do Little to Sway ‘Q’ Supporters

18-08-13 Over the past week, nearly all legacy news outlets have published articles criticizing a growing...

Fake News and False Flags Are Political Tools

18-07-22 issue can then be advocated by controlled news outlets, by paid online commentators, or by subversive...

North Korea Willing to Discuss Surrender of Nuclear Weapons, Promises to Not Attack South

18-03-11 outlets have criticized him with claims it would provoke Kim into nuclear war. The latest developments...

Researcher Reports Soviets Created Child-Trafficking Rings in the West for Blackmail

18-02-23 business leaders to the island on his private plane, dubbed by news outlets as the “The Lolita Express....

Author of Smuggled Letter That Called Attention to China Labor Camp Abuses Dies

18-01-09 letter on Facebook, media outlets picked up on the story, shining an international spotlight on human...

James O’Keefe: A Truth Seeker in an Age of Media Bias

17-11-20 a political narrative has become more important to many news outlets than telling the truth.“To use the words...

Former Chinese Ambassador to the US Unexpectedly Makes China’s Elite Politburo

17-11-11 practitioners of Falun Gong be detained, brainwashed, and tortured. The regime’s media outlets then spread...

Chinese Billionaire Dissident Guo Wengui Unleashes Accusations of Organ Harvesting by Top Officials in China

17-09-29 party secretary.Since 2006, media outlets and independent researchers have reported on the widespread...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found (Part II)

17-06-10 , and three European news outlets (The UK’s Financial Times and BBC, and Germany’s ARD).”The Shorenstein...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 on Clinton, and it alleges these articles received traction in U.S. news outlets and social networks...


17-04-25 )Jersey Gardens Outlet (Elizabeth)Jersey Shore Premium Outlets (Tinton Falls)Gloucester Premium Outlets...

Chinese Factional Interests Collide in Hong Kong Leadership Election

17-04-02 , and articles in Beijing-controlled media outlets in Hong Kong.Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s former chief...

后院草坪已过时  烤炉、Wi-Fi、App成趋

17-03-18 地方的设计,只要情况允许,他们都会将接地故障断路器(ground fault interrupter outlets,简称GFI,专门供户外使用)的设计加进去,因为现在人们随时随地都要为他们的手机...


16-12-30 。12月28日,记者来到马里兰州克拉克斯堡奥特莱斯购物中心(Clarksburg Premium Outlets),这里虽然不及圣诞前几日的人潮涌动,但也比普通的工作日要热闹不少,店外维持秩序的路障还没有...

爱琴海 品牌环岛之旅

16-08-30 与Factory Outlets为Folli Follie集团于希腊之最主要零售点。此外,Folli Follie集团也为本身的Collective以及Kix的复合品牌概念店进行了策略性发展。英国时尚教主...

冷天将8月大宝宝独留车内 美华裔妈妈被诉

16-01-06 ,被警方起诉。据CBS新闻报导,1月5日,一位来自罗德岛的华人年轻妈妈、27岁的刘瑶(Yao Liu, 音译)在麻州伦瑟姆直销购物中心(Wrentham Outlets)购物时,在当时华氏20多度(零下...


15-12-04 美国密西西比州的outlets是全美最大的工厂店之一。“回国要送礼,去趟Woodbury Outlets吧。”这是现在很多中国朋友到纽约后一定有的旅游项目。就像1990年代我刚移居美国时,曾被早来...


15-10-03 。她在接受陆媒记者采访时表示,在波士顿,大家到当地奥特莱斯(Outlets)争先恐后地抢购。她描述说,名牌包有的人一买就是三四个,六七个,就跟抢似的。“好像东西都不要钱一样,大家都很疯狂。”她虽然都不...

欢乐纽约购  买什么最划算?

15-08-29 ,而且价格相对与国内便宜很多;如果你要为亲朋好友代购或者邮寄,那就建议您选择各类工厂店,就是Outlets了,在纽约、新泽西都可以找到,其中最有名的要属纽约上州的Woodbury了,它也是全球最大...

教你1秒变美国购物达人 哪些商品最划算

15-04-18 ,就是outlets了,在纽约、新泽西都可以找到,其中最有名的要属纽约上州的Woodbury。在华人聚集区像法拉盛、唐人街等都有邮寄的,即使加上邮费保险等都比大陆便宜,尤其是Coach的包,在大陆抢疯了;如果你买...


15-03-08 品牌,主张活力、年轻、创新的设计风格,小麋鹿的标志引领着年轻的风尚,也是颇受明星们追捧的品牌之一。购买Abercrombie&Fitch的最佳地点是位于旧金山的Gilroy Outlets...


15-02-13 ,Hugo Boss的高尔夫球衫,以及Anne Klein的箱包,可以去这两家碰碰运气。TJ Maxx和Marshalls以低价的时尚在美国人心里占有一定的分量。你不一定要去premium outlets...

Woodbury名牌折扣大卖场 Woodbury Common Premium Outlets

14-12-15 Central Valley, NY 10917电话:(845) 928-4000所属分类:Outlets...


14-12-12 中心(Woodbury Outlets),囊括220个商店,巴宝莉、寇驰、杜嘉班纳、乔治阿玛尼,古奇、范思哲等品牌都在其列。货品全折扣低,以致成为很多人的赴美扫货首选之地。伍德伯里临近“美国将军的摇篮...


14-10-27 Factory, Loehmann's等,裏面專門賣從各大商場甩出來的斷碼貨,價格十分便宜。比如Nike運動褲只用10美元就可買到,比專賣店划算。   3. 工廠直銷店Outlets:很多大品牌都有廠家...