Can the Wisdom of the Ancients Guide Us Today? 张天师治瘟疫的妙法

20-03-31 Chinese history was called the 7 tests, a series of trials that Zhang set up to test his disciple Zhao...


19-10-31 Survive? A Five-Week Civics Series像皇后学院政治学教授迈克尔·克拉斯纳(Michael Krasner)这样的学者加入我们,受到大众的欢迎。提出“民主能否生存? –为期五周的公民...


19-10-03 Series II: Writing a Winning Business Plan时间:10月10日(周四)14:00~15:30。地点 :法拉盛图书馆三楼会议室(Queens Public Library...


19-08-24 一条不归路:一系列抗议活动如何演变成一场倾全力保卫香港灵魂的战役》(We Are at the Point of No Return:How a Series of Protests Escalated...


19-08-23 )。地址:41-17 Main St, Flushing, NY 11355。费用:免费。网站。4、法拉盛人文讲座 Flushing Lecture Series...


19-07-20 Americans Program presents: Chinese Author Talk Series #40(Flickr-CC-BY-2.0)本书为采薇丛书之第二辑,主编胡志成先生。 夜空所以美丽由于有繁星...


19-06-27 纽约近期(自6月28日起)部分活动内容如下:1、文化桥梁系列:亲历中国剪纸艺术 Culture Bridge Series:The Art of Chinese Paper Cutting...


19-06-12 Masterworks Concert Series: The Sun Takes Reign(Flushing-Town-Hall)皇后交响乐团大师经典系列音乐会以《太阳统治时期》为标题进行最后一场系列音乐会。曲目包括...


19-05-31 的艺术特展 Culture Bridge Series #12: From Mona Lisa to the Vatican Treasures - Special Art Exhibitions in...

A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 Han-Xiongnu War (133 BC to 89 AD)—a series of military conflicts that erupted as the Xiongnu Tribe invaded the...

Lawbreaking Florida Elections Official Files Lawsuit in Attempt to Get Job Back

18-12-24 Sen.-elect Rick Scott suspended Snipes in late November, citing Snipes series of blunders, which also...

2019 BMW 3 Series

18-11-20 ...


18-10-29 Ave, NY, NY 10016。 *商业系列IV:和政府作生意及扩充业务至全球市场(Business Series IV: Selling to the Government and Global...


18-10-11 。在线收听。*商业系列I:如何创业及SBA如何帮助您(Business Series I: How to Start a Business and How SBA can Help...


18-10-05 系列I:如何创业及SBA如何帮助您(Business Series I: How to Start a Business and How SBA can Help You)时间:10月6日(周六...


18-10-01 时间:10月3日(周三)10:00am~12:00pm现场、10:00pm重播。在线收听。*商业系列I:如何创业(Business Series I: How to...

Aldrin Takes Swipe at ‘First Man’ Movie for Omitting Planting of US Flag on Moon

18-09-06 the flag being planted during the historical 1969 mission. The 88-year-old also wrote a series of...

Media Attacks Do Little to Sway ‘Q’ Supporters

18-08-13 ” channel on YouTube, which does analysis of Q posts.Q is a series of anonymous posts on the 8chan forum...

Fake News and False Flags Are Political Tools

18-07-22 elections, Democrat organizers were recorded in a series of undercover videos from Project Veritas admitting...


17-07-27 series)产生的软骨藻酸,含量为31~128mg/g,推算有症状病人DA的摄入量是60~290mg/人。1989年在加拿大东部的Fundy海岸,从贻贝中也检测出了由伪优美拟菱形藻产生的软骨藻酸。1991...

大都会名画欣赏 “华盛顿渡德拉威河”

17-06-26 a loss when the British troops managed to out-maneuver the Continental Army. A series of defeats settled...

Sacking of Chinese Insurance Regulator Foretells Further Financial House Cleaning

17-04-24 privatize state power company Shandong Luneng through a series of shell companies owned by Xiao. Qinghong...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (1 of 2)

17-02-06 won a series of victories on the eastward march. In April, the Han army arrived at Peng, the capital...

Why ‘Ghostwriting’ in Chinese Reads as ‘Holding a Scimitar’?

17-01-28 It comes from the painting series ‘One Hundred Aspects of the Moon’ by Japanese Edo period ukiyo-e...

US Rate Hike Could Squeeze Chinese Issuers

16-12-17 , and should continue to rise given the increase in PPI.An expected series of U.S. rate hikes—December’s...

黑色星期五在即 苹果产品这样买最优惠

16-11-11 美元。. 27吋配备Retina 5K屏幕显示器的iMac在百思买的售价是1,599.99美元。苹果手表. 黑色星期五当天,苹果手表一代(Apple Watch Series 1)在Target的价格...


16-10-19 这些小故事。活动现场将备有乐器。音乐会:10月23日(周日)下午2点30分曾以《地铁计划》(Subway Series)荣获葛莱美奖的圣路加室内乐团﹝St. Luke’s Chamber Ensemble...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26 of love, taking the form of a series of speeches, both satirical and serious, given by a group of men...

iOS10操作系统正式发布 你需要了解的几件事

16-09-13 9月13日,苹果推出iOS 10正式版,意味着许多人将要花上好几个小时,从iPhone手机下载最新版本操作系统软件。在推送iPhone7、 iPhone 7与Apple Watch Series...


16-03-15 Library,3fl. Meeting room)。        地址等信息同上。3、本周新片速递 :《分歧者3:忠诚世界》 The Divergent Series: Allegiant 《分歧...


16-01-25 中心站。  费用:50~180元。  网站:。10、切尔西花卉秀金奖得主谈园艺16th Annual Winter Lecture Series...


16-01-12 这些作品来自纽约的摄影师Eric Cahan,他的摄影作品灵感来自色彩、大自然与来自身边一切的一切。Sky Series Selected Works 2011 是Eric Cahan纪录...


15-12-19 Sheng's will, Zhang Daoling arranged a series of tests.One day Zhao Sheng arrived at Zhang Daoling'...

2015圣诞节前 B&H苹果产品大减价

15-12-16 Smartwatch (38mm, Rose Gold Aluminum, Lavender Band)  点此直达:Apple iMac®21.5" Series点此直达:Apple iMac® 5K...

大都会入决赛 球迷热捧

15-10-24 ,也是万圣节,如果球队连赢四场,晚间即王对王,正好也是万圣节游行结束,请留在法拉盛庆祝。”大都会队(Mets)皇后区的国家联盟分区赛(National League Division Series,简称NLDS...


15-10-10 ·米勒(Chris Miller)合导电脑动画史莱克系列电影(Shrekfilm series)中的《怪物史莱克3》,这是他执导的第一部长片,在前两集《怪物史莱克》《怪物史莱克2》则是担任动画监制...

【英文对照赏析】 亡灵借体退赃,坚持操守清白 Adhering to Ethics, even after Death

15-09-24 was recorded in Ming History, one of the twenty four history book series, mainly consisting of...


15-01-17 增加了40%,中东地区增加了20%。Wraith型号和Ghost Series II型号的大量订单是该公司强劲销售的动力。该公司说,他们售出价值超过15.7万英镑轿车的数量超越任何竞争对手。按客户要求订制...

纽约近期活动看板 463‘

15-01-09 (212)253-1532、(212)226-0317转分机0。6.年音乐欣赏系列讲座:走进古典音乐的殿堂Music Lecture Series 2015纽约古典音乐爱好者协会主办,多位嘉宾介绍弦乐四重奏...