Can the Wisdom of the Ancients Guide Us Today? 张天师治瘟疫的妙法

20-03-31 thousands of years have passed, but might these ancient stories still hold value for us and for future...

并非都便宜 这4样Costco商品比其他地方还贵

20-01-28 ,贵了2.5分钱,相当于Aldi超市的垃圾袋便宜13%。2.保鲜袋由于巴舍尔的家庭大量使用透明夹链塑胶保鲜袋,她计算过几种尺寸的保鲜袋价格,发现沃尔玛Great Value品牌总是最划算。巴舍尔比价后发现...

The Value of a Kind Heart

19-12-26 有一颗仁慈的心。他对一只小鹿都生怜悯之心,又怎会忍心让我的儿子受到伤害呢?”所以说,与其机巧伪诈,还不如愚拙真诚。 The Value of a Kind HeartIn Eastern China in...

Chinese Official: China Headed Back to Planned Economy

19-09-05 given by the government to the people. This thing, if the government recognizes it, it has value; if the...


19-06-05 的现金流已经很稳定,房屋租户的信用也比较高;第二类是高附加值投资(Value Added Asset),比如:一家购物中心的最大租户——大型超市破产搬出,整个购物中心的现金流出现大的亏空,且购物中心的原...

Five Classic Sayings of Guiguzi That Help Discern a Person’s Character

19-03-28 , and ancestors—was very highly valued. Especially when a person obtains wealth, observing their value...

Reflections on a Classic Saying of Laozi

19-02-07 to the value of mankind, inspires me more than any other. It's easy to understand that the sky...

Stories of the Ancients Honoring Their Teachers

17-08-12 their teachers, as it was a traditional value that formed a binding relationship between teacher and...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 1 of 2)

17-08-05 character. Value Rationality, Not Words On one occasion, Confucius' students were having a discussion....

大华府地区首次购房者 10个价值最优社区

17-06-24 (Best Value Neighborhoods)供参考。特鲁利亚以价格、学区、犯罪率、通勤与附近的设施做为考量。 它也指出,列表中的地区仍有缺陷,例如靠近嘈杂的高速公路,或离市中心较远。大华府地区最佳价值...


17-06-07 。曾任联邦检察官与Monmouth郡警长的瓜迪亚诺强调她代表一般的美国人,即所谓的“缅街价值观”(Main Street Value)与墨菲的“华尔街价值观”抗衡。她声言要让人们能住得起新泽西,并承诺...

A Man of Virtue Treasures Time Like Gold

17-04-12 not value a foot-long piece of jade, but will an inch of time." Tao Yuanming (369 – 427 AD...

Auto Loan Market Fears Mounting Subprime delinquency rates approach peak crisis levels

17-04-12 and used car prices remain depressed. The value of repossessed vehicles on the used car market could...


17-04-04 ,Notice of Property Value (NOPV),上面会列出屋主房产的市场价值,评估价值等用于计算房产税的数据。3月15日前业主可以向纽约市税务委员会提出申诉,或者申请个人减免。在五月份...

Solving the Secret Behind the Chinese Gold Market

17-03-18 2017.“They have promoted gold ownership as a store of value since at least 2002, but more so when they...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 character and virtue. Such ancient wisdom built on experience turned out to be of great value to future...

Xi Jinping Defends China’s Golden Goose in Davos

17-01-20 most.If we take Xi’s address at face value, however, he will have nothing to worry about by way of...


17-01-16 (%Daily Value)对应着重关注的营养成分含量,它反映了这个营养成分的含量占每日参考摄入量的百分比。如1单位份量食物的总脂肪含量(Total Fat)是8克,它占了每日脂肪参考摄入量的12%。这样一看...


16-12-27 ,中文很难翻译。已经买了的人寿保险也可以转入这种不可撤消的信托,转时也要遵循上述规则,只有转进信托的保险日后才没有遗产税。如果转时保险上的现金值(cash value)太多,可能会有赠与税的问题...

铂金鼎盾基金十亿美元欺诈案 或有华人被骗

16-12-19 对冲基金“铂金鼎盾避险基金”(Platinum Partners Value Arbitrage Fund)和另外一支相关的基金(下统称“铂金基金”)成立于2003年,近来,该基金麻烦不断。先是...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (3 of 3)

16-12-17 the principle "Honor Confucianism and value Daoism." When he assumed the administration of...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 influx of government subsidized goods imported below market value,” states the report.The U.S. argues...

Credit Suisse Expands China Presence as Foreign Banks Retrench

16-11-13 been reviewing the value of their Chinese presence.Shut Out of ChinaThe Chinese communist regime views...

China Capital Outflows Are a Vote of No Confidence in Economy Companies and people are moving money out, the currency under pressure

16-11-08 value of foreign assets. Chinese citizens have also been active buyers of foreign real estate and...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26  The Value of Marriage in Ancient China This is the story of a scholar, Liu Tingshi, courtesy name...

股东施压 雅虎或被迫出售互联网业务

16-02-26 雅虎(Yahoo)困境雪上加霜。它的股东Canyon Capital敦促雅虎尽速出售核心互联网业务。其实,早在上周另一个股东Starboard Value就已要求雅虎出售互联网业务。据路透社报导...

抢攻印度市场 苹果半价出售iPhone 5S

15-12-15 (Customer Lifetime Value, CLV),先让印度的广大智能手机使用者进入苹果智能产品的生态系统,未来或有机会换机购买苹果的高价智能手机或者其它智能装置。根据Counterpoint...

美国年末购物热 平均每人花130美元买礼物犒赏自己

15-11-27 ,承认会自己买礼物犒赏自己的人增加了一倍之多,礼卡设计公司 Stored Value Solutions 的资深副总裁 Jenny Parris 表示,人们现在会想要在年末将存下来的钱拿来买点好东西,确实...


15-11-20 的斗争。雅虎婉言拒绝了对这封信做评说。Starboard是美国投资机构(Starboard Value LP),《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)引述据知情人士的消息,雅虎股份...


15-11-06 和retail的价钱各是多少。一些网址可以看Free Blue Book Value Lookup Websites。trade in就是很便宜的价钱了,你有可能以tradein价格买到车况很好的车,但是这种事...

这英语让人一听 就感觉很地道 你想学吗!

15-09-08 company...I am sure that the culture of this company delivers certain things that agree with my own value and...

【英文对照赏析】 积德改命

15-08-22 something of value to its rightful owner. His bone physiognomy has already changed. It seems that he has...

小秘诀 教你战胜四大居家过敏源(图)

15-05-09 也较好。6.空调宜选用折叠式滤网,且最小效率测试值MERV(minimum efficiency reporting value)应介于8~12之间,并依使用说明定期更换滤网。7.每周至少一次清洗孩子...


15-04-19 。7)HOA的过户费,一般也就50-150美元一次性的。过户的时候,也会提前交几个月买房后日常的花费1)房产税$0.883per hundred assessed value($.751County...


15-04-17 Coverage至少为房屋评估价格 (Appraisal value)的20%。•无论是何种保险,Deductible amount 不得超过Dwelling Coverage的5%。3, 其他需要注意...

雅虎撤离大陆 最后办公室关闭

15-03-19 员工通知这项裁员计划。博谈网记者编译的这则消息显示,这是雅虎CEO玛丽莎·梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)为了遏制雅虎成本的部分举措。由于维权投资者Starboard Value LP去年敦促梅耶尔...

在美国生活 不可不知的人寿保险

15-03-17 life insurance),有时也称为永久寿险(permanent life)。这类保险有延税功能,随着时间的延长,保险内的现金值(cash value)就会增加。如果投保人想提前取消保险,还可以取回...

不要等到别人对我们好 才对别人好

15-02-02 不要等到有了最好的工作,你才开始努力。Don’t wait to be lonely to recognize the value of a friend.不要等到孤单了才意识到朋友的价值。Don’t wait...


14-09-29 eyes, how can it be of lasting value? The sage who created this character must have thought really...