
19-06-05 的现金流已经很稳定,房屋租户的信用也比较高;第二类是高附加值投资(Value Added Asset),比如:一家购物中心的最大租户——大型超市破产搬出,整个购物中心的现金流出现大的亏空,且购物中心的原...

Five Classic Sayings of Guiguzi That Help Discern a Person’s Character

19-03-28 , and ancestors—was very highly valued. Especially when a person obtains wealth, observing their value...

Reflections on a Classic Saying of Laozi

19-02-07 to the value of mankind, inspires me more than any other. It's easy to understand that the sky...


19-01-01 ,你可以被提供超过你原有保单规定的保险金额来重新建筑新房,换句话说,你会获得额外的理赔来支付你的帐单。 可惜的是,不少经纪人售出的保单中没有RC这一项,而只是ACV(Actual Cash Value,现...

Getting China Right: Enodo chief economist explains her unique perspective on the second largest economy

18-12-24 we value our sovereignty and in developing economies these feelings are much stronger. And during...

Mencius (Part 1)

18-11-21 establish moral supremacy, value righteousness above material gain, and instill virtue in people’s hearts....

A Virtuous Mother From the Three Kingdoms Era

18-11-12 Chang-pu (199-257). Zhang was an upstanding lady who abided by justice and placed a high value on the...

After a Relentless Refining Process, One Finally Becomes Something of Value

18-11-02 After a Relentless Refining Process, One Finally Becomes Something of Value It says in the Three...

China to Offer Tax Break on Cars to Revive Economy

18-11-02 money on big-ticket items due to the uncertainty.Daimler lost more than a quarter of its value since its...


18-08-21 的计算方式是税率乘以房子的评估价值(assessed value)。而不同城镇使用的评估价值不见得一样,有些地方使用的评估价值和房子在市面上销售的价值几乎一样,但其他地方的评估价值会低于房屋市价,因为该地...

Ancients Discuss the Value of Time

18-06-29 Ancients Discuss the Value of Time An old saying about the preciousness of time goes like this...

Former Rolls-Royce Engineer Suspected of Passing Fighter Jet Tech to China

18-06-29 Lockheed Martin, about 15 percent by value of each F-35 aircraft—which the company plans to expand to an...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 forces.”“China is well aware of the military value of DEW—as well as artificial intelligence (AI), armed...

The Wonder of Music Lies in Its Virtue

18-06-04 enlighten to the true value of life. 乐之妙在于德 中国被誉为礼乐之邦,在《礼记》里说:“乐者,天地之和也。”意思是音乐代表了天地间万物最和畅的情态。最好的音乐,应该是给人以祥和...


18-04-18 。欲召回的鸡蛋品牌为:沃尔玛(Walmart)旗下的Great Value、Food Lion连锁超市、Coburn Farms、Country Daybreak、Glenview、Nelms...

Bitcoin Is a Bubble, and It’s Not

18-04-18 five bubbles, crashes, and recoveries, and each time it has gained in value, which actually speaks in...

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 1)

18-04-18 without regret. The ancient Chinese parenting method is of great value to us today. The following are some...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 annual import value of up to $60 billion.China competes with the U.S. in artificial intelligence...

In Landmark Decision, Trump Admin Adds Citizenship Question to 2020 Census

18-03-31 there are only 355,000 citizens in the district. The value of each citizen’s vote in such a district is...

  Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part1)

18-03-11 contact with him, so that others also respect and value ethics and justice. The effectiveness of his...

The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

18-02-23 is because such people are unselfish and reliable. In other words, the greater the moral value, the...

Admiral Who Pushed Hard Against Chinese Regime’s Aggression Chosen by Trump to Be Ambassador to Australia

18-02-19 choice of Harry Harris is a good one from an Australian point of view as Harris understands the value of...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 rules called for all of the princes to respect their teachers and to value the teachings they were...

James O’Keefe: A Truth Seeker in an Age of Media Bias

17-11-20 —there’s no value, there’s no morality, there’s no law, there’s no justice. It’s about a specific...

便宜又能开好车 说一说汽车长期租赁

17-09-29 长租结束之后车子的残值(Residual Value,简称RV)是多少,一般以新车厂方建议零售价的一个百分比来表示(比如2017年,BMW给2017款M4定的残值是:开3年,每年1万英里,三年后这辆...

Tillerson Releases International Religious Freedom Report

17-08-27 , “that upholds religious freedom as a core American value under the Constitution’s First Amendment, as...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 1 of 2)

17-08-05 character. Value Rationality, Not Words On one occasion, Confucius' students were having a discussion....

大华府地区首次购房者 10个价值最优社区

17-06-24 (Best Value Neighborhoods)供参考。特鲁利亚以价格、学区、犯罪率、通勤与附近的设施做为考量。 它也指出,列表中的地区仍有缺陷,例如靠近嘈杂的高速公路,或离市中心较远。大华府地区最佳价值...


17-06-07 。曾任联邦检察官与Monmouth郡警长的瓜迪亚诺强调她代表一般的美国人,即所谓的“缅街价值观”(Main Street Value)与墨菲的“华尔街价值观”抗衡。她声言要让人们能住得起新泽西,并承诺...

A Man of Virtue Treasures Time Like Gold

17-04-12 not value a foot-long piece of jade, but will an inch of time." Tao Yuanming (369 – 427 AD...

Auto Loan Market Fears Mounting Subprime delinquency rates approach peak crisis levels

17-04-12 and used car prices remain depressed. The value of repossessed vehicles on the used car market could...


17-04-04 ,Notice of Property Value (NOPV),上面会列出屋主房产的市场价值,评估价值等用于计算房产税的数据。3月15日前业主可以向纽约市税务委员会提出申诉,或者申请个人减免。在五月份...

Solving the Secret Behind the Chinese Gold Market

17-03-18 2017.“They have promoted gold ownership as a store of value since at least 2002, but more so when they...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 character and virtue. Such ancient wisdom built on experience turned out to be of great value to future...

Zhang Tingyu Inhibits his Son In Order to Achieve Greater Virtue

16-06-13 selfless. He also expected his children to be frugal, be content with what they had and value virtue. Zhang...


16-05-04 Value租赁汽车在合同结束后的剩余价值。剩余价值是决定租赁金高低的要素之一,当汽车剩余价值越高,每月的租金将会越低。汽车剩余价值在签属租赁合同前就已决定出来。●订金 Security Deposit就像...

股东施压 雅虎或被迫出售互联网业务

16-02-26 雅虎(Yahoo)困境雪上加霜。它的股东Canyon Capital敦促雅虎尽速出售核心互联网业务。其实,早在上周另一个股东Starboard Value就已要求雅虎出售互联网业务。据路透社报导...

传雅虎将裁员1600人 关闭部门

16-02-02 部门。《华尔街日报》引述消息人士报导,这项计划料在雅虎2日第4季财报揭晓后宣布。报导中没透露哪些部门将被结束。路透社报导,持有雅虎股权的积极投资机构Starboard Value上月致函雅虎,锁定梅尔...

A Noble Man Has the Same Characteristics as Jade

16-01-14 collected for value appreciation in the way modern people do. The ancient Chinese believed in the existence...