
22-01-27 1月21日,反堕胎活动人士在华盛顿特区举行第49届“为生命前进”集会。(Win McNamee/Getty Images)【看中国讯】新泽西州长墨菲日前签署了一项堕胎法案,使得堕胎在新泽西合法化...


21-01-11 , this story of Han Xin’s example of forbearance continues to win the admiration of people who read about...

Signals in the Fog of War

20-11-27 between the two sides. The most important thing for Team Trump now is to win the election, so there are...

Chinese Official: China Headed Back to Planned Economy

19-09-05 become more and more fierce. Who will win out, and take over this mess, it’s all unknown. Therefore, no...

中共付费给5家台媒 买新闻赚人心

19-08-17 ;: China using Taiwan media to win hearts and minds on island–sources)为题,报导中共政府以金钱影响台媒,试图推进其统一目的。大陆国台办设立公司...

温哥华看房 港人首超大陆客

19-06-30 和罪名,抓捕海外异见人士和其他中共看不惯的人,就有了法律幌子。温哥华康荣国际集团(Hong Win International Group)公司数据显示,过去几个月内,即港府讨论《送中条例》修订...

News Analysis: The Rosenstein Memo

18-11-15 meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections at the Justice Department on Feb. 16, 2018. (Win McNamee...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 2)

18-11-02 commodities from others. You only have one product to compete with many other products, so how could you win...

China’s Growing Influence on Hollywood

18-10-17 win the business,” British newspaper The Independent reported in April 2013 in an article titled...

跨党派选人 各族裔力挺艾维乐再争普选

18-10-06 ”(run)的鞋子,高喊“Tony Run Run Run”、“Tony Win Win Win”的口号。支持者逐一发言表示,艾维乐的勤恳为民无人能及,对民众的求助有求必应,从降低地税、拨款学校和老人中心...

贸易战持续升温 国贸顾问先赚一笔

18-08-13 )表示,拥有中国供应链的美国企业,正在研究如何把越南或泰国等国家纳入供应网络中。加拿大进出口顾问公司Win Global Partners共同创办人齐格林(Igor Chigrin)表示,自从贸易紧张加剧...

Feinstein’s Close China Ties Under Scrutiny After Chinese Spy Discovery

18-08-13 visit to China by Feinstein in 1979 helped him win permission to climb Everest.“We had come to build...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 unconventional weapons, designed to launch surprise attacks and rapidly win a war.An Assassin’s Mace attack from...

Three Stories Illustrate How A Sin is Committed With Even One Thought of Lust (Part 2)

18-05-03 ancient saying that, even if you have very good knowledge and are destined to win first place at the...

Three Stories Illustrate How A Sin is Committed With Even One Thought of Lust (Part 1)

18-04-25 a scholar named Zhao Yongzhen. When he was young, he met a fortune-teller who told him, “You will surely win...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 result of this trade war would be that China bears the pain and reluctantly lets the United States win...

The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

18-02-23 compassionate, you win people's hearts." There was a saying in the book of Shang, an ancient official...

Mistress Classes and Mistress Dispellers the Latest Trends in China’s Marriages

17-11-20 a better person and do house chores in order to win back her husband.The high divorce rate can be...

The Chinese Emperors' Edicts of Repentance

17-06-30 who are virtuous. People's loyalty changes and only kindness will win them over. Whether an...

Positives for Trump, Xi After US–China Meeting

17-04-18 “expressed an interest” in reducing the trade surplus with the United States—a win for Trump, if...

A Man of Modesty Will Extend His Good Fortune

17-03-18 that." There are numerous benefits to being modest. A man who treats others with modesty will win...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)

17-01-07 win once we strike." However, Yang Guozhong was jealous of the power Ge Shuhan had, and was...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 9)

16-12-12 such etiquette. 22) Win Over Others with Virtues and Talents Regardless of physical appearances, people...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 ministers, "The way to end a rebellion is to be forgiving, generous, and noble. We can win people'...

The Virtue of Forgiveness and Generosity

16-11-20 himself whenever there is a dispute, he will make enemies. It is almost impossible to win friends if one...


16-11-10 can’t call you a superstar, Reince, unless we win it. Like secretariat. He would not have that bust at...

美大选首场辩论 犀利名句出炉

16-09-27 3000封电邮,我就会不顾我律师意愿,公布我的报税资料。〞共和党总统候选人川普。(Win McNamee/Getty Images) ●对的经验?川普:〝让我告诉你们,希拉里有经验,但那些都是很坏,很坏的经验...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 Shimin said, "We are now launching a righteous war. If we charge forward, we will win every battle....

2015黑色星期五购物清单 最值得期待的十大笔记本折扣

15-11-21 笔记本电脑一直是黑五活动的重头戏,每家店基本都会有几款笔记本电脑打折。现从网络上总结出10款最值得购买的笔记本电脑,以供大家参考。Walmart: 惠普HP 15.6寸 Win 10笔记本电脑 黑...

何时升级至Win 10为好?

15-07-31 题图来源:网络图片微软于7月29日正式发布Windows 10,  拉开新时代的帷幕。如果你有PC,最好还是更新到WIN 10吧,因为好处太多了。那么何时升级比较好呢?最好等到首个服务发布包SR1...

赴美产子变悲剧 女子带老公婆婆等出庭(图)

15-03-10 ,甚至成为起诉对象,就罪后被关入监狱。11位证人被法官逐一询问是否明白需遵守的规则以及违规后果,所有人都给与肯定答复。为另两家涉案月子中心优孕(You Win)及星星(Star Baby)作证的月嫂、孕产妇...


15-02-15 ,死前最后的印象,只有自己的血把学校的课本都染红了。家人调查后,发现真的有萨特南这个人,也找到那本被血染红的书。4. 被烧死的日本兵玛塔(Ma Win Tar)出生于1962年,她从小就和一般缅甸女孩...


15-01-25 ”上。第一场对沙特比赛前,球队在通道集合等候出场时我记得瞥见王大雷手套上似乎有一行字,于是问他写的是什么,他把手抬起来给我看,上面用英文写着:“I lead my team to win”,我笑着说“那你加油...

腦筋急轉彎7… 8… 10? 微軟預覽視窗10

14-09-30 以在不同的機器上操作。無論從尋找,購買,還是更新應用程式都兼容於所有的機器平台。”WIN 8從2012年10月上市起就受到多方用戶的批評,因為它拋棄了人們已長期習慣了的視窗介面而改用了可點觸的Metro...